Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: June 21st thru the 28th

For the Full Moon at 1º Capricorn for your Sign or natal house (if you know it):


(10th House) It is not unusual at this time of year for Aries to either be in the spotlight, or be recognized for something unique about them. All the more so with the North Node currently in your sign. This could be because of your work, something that you do, or it could be for some other role you play. Or it just may be that more attention is being paid to you. Attention is not always great, so this could be for the good or the ill, but if you are happy with the sort of attention you are receiving and getting positive feedback, you will be feeling confirmed. On the other hand, if you are feeling as if you are coming up short, or seeing the consequences of choices made in the past, the Full Moon on June 21st also affords you the opportunity to reassess your priorities and choices going forward. What are those things that will better allow you to grow? And what are those obligations you have taken on, that are feeling more like a distraction, and leaving you feeling unfulfilled? Things might feel a little murky right now, so you don’t want to make any major decisions just yet. There will be time for that later. But perhaps one of the most important lessons to be learned with this, the first of two Capricorn Full Moons this year, is to be really clear with yourself about what those things are that are feeding your soul, and which are those that are merely draining or distracting you from your true purpose? 


(9th House) The Full Moon in Capricorn is usually a time of year in which Taurus feels as if they are able to finally see things clearly. However with a square to Neptune things may not be as clear as you might like. And with your ruling planet, Venus, at the bending of the Nodes this week, it could also feel like you are standing between two phases of your life: one which defines your past, and another which is giving you a glimpse into your future. But due to the uncertainty that Neptune brings, what you might want to focus on are those things that are coming to light within the ambit of the Full Moon on Friday. Are there some truths that you had been avoiding, or things that you were trying to ignore, and cannot ignore any longer. Know that nothing stays hidden for long when we are compelled to look through the pragmatic lens of a Capricorn Full Moon. In which case it may be time for a bit of a reality check. Sometimes we color our awareness with what we want to see, and what we believe to be true. But if the dream you are pursuing is leading you astray, this could be when that becomes more evident. Just know that if this dream is meant to be, and is capable of standing up against even the most challenging of real life circumstances, then you know you are on the right track. Also know that the Full Moon in Capricorn can also help you to make any adjustments that are needed to bring you back on track. 


(8th House) When the Full Moon falls in Capricorn as this one does (and the next Full Moon will as well) those things that were previously hidden from view are now being disclosed. These could have been things that you were ignoring and not paying all that much attention to. Or they may have been things hidden from view. But now you can no longer ignore them, as little remains hidden for long when the Moon is full. Full Moons can bring us the results of efforts made, and bring a long cherished project to a final completion. But it can also objectively show you the disparities between your need and the needs of others. The Full Moon allows you to make adjustments as needed in order to restore the balance, which can also include any financial inequities. Ask yourself: what are those things that are squandering my precious time, money and resources, and what are those things that I would much rather be investing in? But also ask yourself within this context: what are those things, people or circumstances that are undermining my self-confidence in myself, and making me feel less worthy of receiving? Adjustments made at this Full Moon, are capable of bringing their own rewards (or consequences!) with the second Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st. Therefore invest in those things that you truly want to see grow, and make these more of a priority going forward.


(7th House) The Full Moon in Capricorn each year affords Cancer people an opportunity to stand back and reassess their lives through a more objective lens. This year you will get two Full Moons in Capricorn. The Full Moon on the 21st, and another on July 21st. These Moons could even feel like a culmination in which you will either see all of your efforts coming to some sort of fruition or to some sort of conclusion. If you are happy with the results that you are seeing, then you will receive confirmation for this. If not, the Full Moon also presents opportunities to make new choices going forward. If your birthday falls on or around the 21st of June, you will especially feel this Solstice Full Moon, but all Cancers are going to be aware of all the feelings that are coming to the surface with the Full Moon. And part of that is recognizing all those people and things that have contributed to bringing you to this place in time and are traveling along this path with you. For those whose birthdays fall on or around the 21st of June, it could feel as if the beginnings implied by your birthday is predicated on needing to tie up some loose ends, perhaps bring some closure to a situation. This can be a good thing! For instance ending a particularly dry spell in your life, that can subsequently open up all sort of new opportunities. Just know that in some way you are needing to tie up those loose ends in order to be able to live a truer and healthier life and lifestyle. 


(6th House) There can be times in which we find ourselves getting stuck. Stuck in the same routines, stuck in the same patterns of our lives. Stuck in the same toxic environment. We may even occasionally take a break, go on vacation, and come back feeling totally energized and ready to dive into our lives again, only to find ourselves swimming in the same toxic waters yet again. And it starts all over again. So, rather than avoiding, running away from or ignoring it, use the Full Moon in Capricorn to objectively see which of these patterns and habits in your life are supporting you and your well-being, and which are making you feel stuck and tired and drained? What might be the best way for you to be using your precious time each day? What are those things that energize you in a healthy way? And what are those things that just drain and exhaust you? Is there anything that you can do about these? And if not, what can you change in your perspective that will make you feel less stuck and/or drained? In some way the Full Moon in Capricorn is trying to show you what you need more of in order to live your own best life. 


(5th House) What important things have you been neglecting or missing out on in your life? What have you been denying yourself, perhaps out of duty or a sense of responsibility? The Full Moon in Capricorn is shining a light on those things that can truly bring you joy and happiness. But it can also show you the things that are standing in the way of you achieving that happiness. With Neptune in Pisces these many long years, many a Virgo has been wearing their heart on their sleeves, and this Full Moon can further illuminate all those feelings, the good, the bad and the ugly ones as well. Full Moons can show you things that you may not have previously even known or realized. Nothing is hidden long in the light of a Full Moon, including and sometimes especially your feelings. Therefore be willing to enter this week with your eyes as well as your heart wide open, fully observant and aware of your own and other’s feelings. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is likely to be hidden long in the light of this Full Moon in Capricorn, where truths are revealed, and events brought to some sort of culmination or conclusion. Once that culmination is achieved, then focus on those things that are sorely needed to restore the happiness and joy in your life. 


(4th House) All sorts of things can come to the surface when the Full Moon is in Capricorn, laying bare all your feelings and memories which are emerging out of the murky past. You are being shown something about your past, your childhood, your inner needs and yearnings, as if to say: Look at this thing that once was so important, and then look also at this. The Full Moon is trying to show you something important about the past, within the context of who you are now, and the person that you are also becoming. Is there something that you forgot about that once invested your life with so much meaning? Is that something that you might want more of now? Or less of?  Have you been ignoring your emotional needs by concerning yourself with obligations and responsibility? or perhaps by trying to make a good impression on others? It could also be, that many a Libra is feeling like they are standing betwixt and between one phase of life and another. And in some ways these two worlds are colliding. Some of the old remnants may bring greater meaning and depth to the present, but others may seem to conflict, undermine and work against the person that you are becoming. What are you needing to let go of in order to move into the future with a much lighter load, and what might you want to remember in order to invest what you do with greater meaning and purpose.


(3rd House) In the light of the Full Moon you may find you questioning yourself. All sorts of things can come to light when the moon is full in Capricorn. Things that you had not previously realized, and which could even change your mind and perspective are rising to the surface. When the Moon is Full we often find ourselves attempting to arrive at some sort of balance: between I and thou, between my needs and the needs of others, or what I believe to be true and the way others see things. But what the Full Moon can also show us, as this one can, are the ways that we are capable of evolving and growing when we are willing to look at things from another’s point of view. Discussions and conversations can be fraught when we refuse to do so, but they are also opportunities to become aware of things that you hadn’t before. But more importantly you might want to ask yourself: What ideas am I still holding on to, even if they may no longer be valid or true for who I am, and where others are? We all continue to evolve and grow internally, even when our external lives don’t necessarily reflect this. But Full Moons can have this way of bringing all that up to the surface where it comes face to face with reality. And as a result, you may find yourself seeing things in a whole new light. 


(2nd House) The Full Moon in Capricorn is shining a light on your resources, those things that you have been making your priorities, perhaps even at the expense of the needs and priorities of others, and perhaps even the more meaningful things in your life. You might want to take an inventory of where and how and what you have been spending your valuable time, money and resources on, and whether or not it has been worth it. Another thing that may become apparent, is how much time and energy you are investing in having enough. That could be due to feelings of necessity. But when you more fully explore your own priorities, you may just surprise yourself. Ask yourself: are the sacrifices I am making worth all of the effort? And what of those things in your life that you simply cannot put a price tag on? In that context, the Full Moon can be a reminder of all of the good things that you already have, and how you can make these a higher priority in your life. Then, with the utmost gratitude, send a wish out to the world at large that they too can benefit from the abundance that you have experienced and amassed in your life, understanding that you could not have what you have, without all the goodness and potential that the world has to offer. 


(1st House) The Full Moon at 1º Capricorn will most affect those who have their Sun, Moon or Ascendant at or around this degree (or are born between the 19th and 24th of December). However, all Capricorns are likely to take notice of this first of two Full Moons, which falls on June 21st (or the 22nd, depending on where you are in the world). Perhaps all the more so, for many a Capricorn could be feeling at something of a crossroads in their lives, perhaps betwixt and between one phase of life and the next. Perhaps some changes have already been made that you are now adjusting to. Or maybe you are planning changes in the future that will help to free you up in some way. Either way, you are probably thinking about making some adjustments in your life that will help to establish greater balance in your life. That can be about certain commitments you have made to your goals in the outer world vs. your personal needs and relationships. Or perhaps the ways in which one of these is being overlooked for the sake of the other. Be clear about what sacrifices you are or are not willing to make for the other, and recognize that trying to be all things to everyone will leave you utterly exhausted and drained. Objectively making the sorts of adjustments that will create greater balance in your life will be key for maintaining your own health and well-being going forward.  


(12th House) The Capricorn Full Moon can often bring unexpected realizations for Aquarius. The 12th House, or the sign of Capricorn represent the things that are hidden from view, and that you can’t see all that well. However few things remain hidden for long when the Full Moon is in Capricorn. Perhaps something is revealed about the past that you had not previously known or realized. Memories come to the surface. You become aware of a problem that were not aware of. All of which can be fascinating, or strange, depending on what it is, but can also have the capacity to then see things in a different light. But also know that the Full Moon in Capricorn is when Aquarius is being given permission to let go of some things that have been lingering in your life, but that are no longer relevant for who you are now. Like ghosts and wraiths from the past they had been insinuating themselves in your life and getting in the way. If that is the case, the Full Moon is here to remind you that you are now free of a past that no longer has a hold over you. Use the Full Moon in Capricorn to release any old tendrils of a former identity that is no longer relevant for the life that you have now. Doing this sort of clearing with the Full Moons in Capricorn can ultimately help pave the way to live a healthier and happier life.  


(11th House) The Full Moon in Capricorn is often a time of year in which Pisces will receive some sort of accolades or rewards. It can even bring the fulfillment of a cherished hope or dream. So these are the sorts of Full Moon you want to look forward to. And this year we have two Capricorn Full Moons: the Moon this week on the 21st/22nd, and another on July 21st. And although it can indeed bring the fulfillment of your hopes and dreams, the Full Moon in Capricorn can also show you the stuff that is getting in the way of you fulfilling your dreams. Full Moons can be helpful this way, but they can also be illuminating! Secrets are revealed, we see things and people in a whole new light. The sorts of things that used to bring happiness and joy no longer suffices. As a result your dreams and aspirations for the future are needing an upgrade. Pay attention to those things that do bring a sense of purpose, those things that do serve as a lodestar and inspire you each day. But also pay attention to those things that are draining you, or may serve as a distraction from those things that fill your heart, your soul, your hopes for the future with greater meaning. This is what the Full Moons in Capricorn are trying to show you.