Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: July 5th thru the 12th

For your Sign (or house location if you know it) for the New Moon in Cancer (14º23’): 


(4th House) The New Moon in Cancer each year, is when Aries is focusing more closely on home and the personal foundations of your life. Those people and things that support you: Home, Family, those people who feel like family, and those things that bring a sense of belonging. Things that you might want to cultivate or seed with this New Moon might be: establishing new roots, or deepening your connection to your roots and ancestors. That can include deepening your ties to family members, and improving your relationships with them. Perhaps the focus can be on improving your home environment, looking for ways to make it more comfortable, or even, when appropriate, looking for a new home. This is when you are being asked to attune yourself to your inner needs. To retreat into the healing waters of the Cancer New Moon, perhaps by creating a sanctuary within your own home, where you can find peace, safety and security. This will then give you the strength to march back out into the world later on, and meet it on its own terms. New Moons are about new beginnings and for Aries that can include: New beginnings concerning home and family; Nesting; Making your home environment more personable or comfortable; improving relationships with family and/or parents; and finding ways to celebrate the significant events in your life that have led you to where you are now.


(3rd House) Use the New Moon in Cancer on Friday to turn your focus within, in order to find inner refuge and sanctuary. You will be grateful for the opportunity to do so. For by purging your mind of extraneous demands, you will see more, notice more, and feel more. Your ruling planet, Venus, also in Cancer, will make a gentle, but creative, aspect to Uranus which is currently in your sign, as well as a supportive trine to transcendent Neptune, which is now in its retrograde phase. The sign of Cancer craves familiarity, but the transit of Venus to Uranus will open you up to possibility outside of your usual realms. Sometimes all that is required is to look at things from another perspective, which in turn can open you up to all sorts of creative and innovative ideas. New Moons are about new beginnings, and with the New Moon in Cancer, that can include doing things like: beginning a new class, or wanting to learn more about a particular subject; perhaps learning more effective ways to communicate with others. It can also point to becoming more involved in your community or neighborhood, and wanting to get in touch with siblings or old mates. This is a great time to start a journal, or make a commitment to cultivate the sort of environment that will allow your mind and your imagination to grow and thrive. A good intention for this Moon might be: May I create a sanctuary of peace, safety and security within my own mind.


(2nd House) This is not a week to hide away. Go out and be inspired. Say yes to invitations. Connect with others. Connections with others of all sorts are favored this week. However you will not want to ignore the behests of the New Moon on July 5th. The New Moon in Cancer each year, is usually a time for Gemini to explore all of their priorities. This definitely includes all of those practical priorities, such as coming up with a realistic budget, but it can also be about connecting to those personal priorities that are most meaningful to you. And that can include cultivating certain important relationships. New Moons are about new beginnings, therefore you might want to ask yourself: What steps can I take to be more financially secure? What are the things I need, and what are the things I can do without? It is also a time in which we are being asked to build confidence, self-esteem and self-worthiness, asking: how well do I value what I have to offer to others? And how well do I feel valued and appreciated by others? Things you might want to focus on with this Moon might be: creating a budget or financial plan that you know you can live with; figuring out how to make your current budget more sustainable; making yourself more financially sound; and looking for ways to create greater security in your life. A good intention for this Moon might be: I am worthy of all the bounty that nature has to offer. Or perhaps: Knowing what my true priorities are is the key to understanding who I am. 


(1st House) The New Moon in Cancer on Friday, July 5th (or the 6th in some areas of the world), is your annual New Moon.This is when the focus is being placed on you: your feelings, your interests, your body, your health, and your sense of identity. This is not just your usual monthly New Moon, but your New Moon for the year ahead in which you are asked to plant seeds of intention that you wish to see flourish in the foreseeable future. However, this month in particular is about focusing in on yourself, your needs, what will make you happy, more secure, and achieve a sense of belonging. Those Cancers that are born between July 2nd and the 8th, or who have 11-17º of Cancer Rising, will be especially sensitive to this new Moon, but all Cancers are going to resonate with the New Moon in Cancer this week, which is asking all of you to take this next step into the new year to come. In order to get there you are being asked to reacquaint yourself with yourself, as well as all things Cancer, which includes getting in touch with your own emotions and feelings. This is important because it will increase your personal self-awareness of what you are needing to focus on going forward, and help you to make the right sorts of decisions. A good intention for this Moon might be: May I find myself gravitating towards those people, things and experiences that will bring me emotional support and a deeper sense of belonging and acceptance.


(12th House) The New Moon in Cancer this Friday could find many a Leo temporarily withdrawing from the limelight. This is necessary each year, for it provides an opportunity to more fully connect with yourself, so that you can restore your vital energy and reevaluate all that has brought you to this place and time. It is also an opportunity to bring certain elements of the past to some sort of conclusion. Doing so can bring a great sense of freedom and release. Cancer, for you, is a sign associated with cultivating inner peace and security, so that no matter what happens in the outer world, you will remain firm and resilient. Therefore, this is a good Moon to: explore your past; Reminisce; Assimilate or process the events of the previous year. Spend more time in reflection. Go on a retreat or enter a sacred space. Go to places that bring inspiration. Pay attention to your dreams, or keep a dream diary for now. Or dare to explore the boundaries of your imagination, and nurture your capacity to wonder. A good intention for this Moon might be: May I be led to cultivate deeper peace and security within my heart and mind. Or: I want to make more time to be inspired and nurture my imagination.


(11th House) You could find yourself inexorably drawn in a certain direction. This could be towards a particular person, or perhaps a certain group, an ideal, or even a teaching. With your ruling planet in Leo this week, you may feel more inclined to orchestrate things from behind the scenes. Just know that whatever connections you make this week, whatever you learn, could prove to be significant over the months ahead, and even beyond that. On Friday we have the New Moon in Cancer, which for Virgo is your annual wishing Moon. Therefore dare to toss your intentions and dreams into space, so that when the time is right, you will attract and recognize the conditions that are capable of making these a closer reality. The New Moon in Cancer is asking you to think in terms of possibility and potential. And if you can’s make your wishes a reality right now, make the intention to have the conditions arise to make it possible in the not too distant future. For Virgo, the New Moon in Cancer is about: Networking with others in common cause towards the fulfillment of your ideals; working with or joining a group that shares the same goals as you do; initiating friendships or alliances, or deepening the commitments to the ones you have. But just as important is connecting with the hopes and wishes that you would like to see realized this coming year. A good intention for this Moon might be: If this wish is meant for me, may I see the conditions arise to make it so.


(10th House) It is when we are in Cancer season that Libra is looking towards the future, and sorting out your goals. As a result this is a good time to: make plans, figure out a business strategy, or promote what you do in some personable way. What is it that you want to achieve in either your career or personal life? How do you wish to be seen in the world? How can you do what you do even better? Use the New Moon in Cancer on July 5th to be the person that you aspire to be. It may require you to rethink things a bit, perhaps cut back a little here, reorganize there, but ultimately there are several things you might want to focus on with the New Moon on Friday, such as: Creating greater security for the future; making your goals more achievable; Using your imagination to visualize what you would like your future to look like; or to find new and creative ways to do what you do even better. And then finally, use the New Moon in Cancer to  orchestrate a Plan that will get you there. A good intention for this Moon might be: May I find the best ways and means to use my gifts and talents in service to others. And: I see myself as a guide to others, that they may also achieve their dreams..


(9th House) Each year, the New Moon in Cancer can be something of a call to adventure for Scorpio. If you are not ready or able to fly off to the edges of the world, or to explore regions yet unexplored, use the New Moon to broaden your horizons in other ways: Learn another language; Learn about another culture; learn about their recipes; Enroll in a school program or course. Find a spiritual mentor or path, or make a spiritual connection with another being. Learning, teaching, guiding, or spread broadcasting a message are all ways to learn about or impact the world at large. This is the time of year in which you find ways to expand your knowledge, increase your understanding and explore the world of possibility. As a result there is no telling where this Moon can bring you, if you are willing to go to the edges of the world or explore regions yet unexplored. A good intention for this Moon might be: May I be willing to go where I need to be in order to fulfill my destiny.


(8th House) New Moons are times of new beginnings, in which we sow the seeds that we would like to see ripen in the future. And the New Moon in Cancer on Friday is no less. For Sagittarius, the New Moon in Cancer is a time to deepen commitments to others, or take your commitments one step further. It is also when you are given permission to just say No, and to release yourself from commitments and obligations that no longer suit you, or have become burdensome. This is when you are asked to balance the books, pay off your debts, and call in those that are owed to you. It can also be an opportunity to rebuild, rehabilitate, prepare for the future, and mend what had previously become broken. And if you were to ask yourself how you would want to live this precious life of yours going forward, what would your answer be? What are the things and who are the people that you know are worth investing in, in order to support your vision for the future? A good intention for the Moon might be: May I get only the best value and return on my property, my investments, my services and my commitments going forward.


(7th House) Cancer season is a good time of the year to explore your relationships and commitments to others. That can include sorting out your mutual expectations of each others, but can also help you to gain insight as to why you do relationships the way you do, and what  you might want to do to improve the ones you have. As well as any new ones you intend to make in the future. Therefore use the New Moon in Cancer on July 5th to make commitments to others, to enlist helpers, seek advice from experts and counselors, become a mentor for others and receive confirmation and guidance from those that matter. This can also include things like: renewing your vows; starting a new partnership or renewing one you are already in; make yourself more available to others; and allow yourself to share your feelings with others. A good intention for this Moon might be: I want to attract the best possible person or people who will support, complement and honor me and what I wish to accomplish. Or perhaps: I want to attract the support system or people who are best for me and my situation.


(6th House) Each year the New Moon in Cancer is an opportunity to reorganize your life, and explore those things that help to support your health and well-being. That reorganization can be literal, as in looking at ways that you can use your time and your daily routines more efficiently, or create new routines that help you to achieve your goals, or support any new health initiatives. It could also mean learning a new skill that will allow you to do what you do more efficiently. Along with your vocation and daily activities this is a good tie to think about: further developing or perfecting whatever useful skills you have; using your skills to be of service to others; organizing your work space; focusing on those things that support your health and well-being; making a commitment to a healthier diet or lifestyle; and recognizing the importance of also supporting your emotional and psychological well-being. If you are looking for a new job or position,, this is often when Aquarius might consider expanding their options. Therefore some good intentions to make with the New Moon in Cancer on Friday might be: May I find the best healer and/or healing method that will fully restore my well-being. Or: May I find the best ways to sue my skills to their best advantage. 


(5th House) Use the New Moon in Cancer on Friday to make those people, activities and experiences that make you happy, more of a priority. Make time for the people you love, and who love you back. And do the things that you love with them. Rediscover what it feels like to wonder, and to look at the world through the eyes of a child. Like everything is brand new. Both Pisces and Cancer are water signs, so look for ways to connect with your element in order to heal your mind and heart. The New Moon in Cancer can also bring the motivation to grease a creative past time, or at the very least, find an outlet through you you can more fully express your feelings and heart-felt yearnings. Then make the intention with the New Moon to connect with your heart center. For this is what will support you in even the most difficult and trying times ahead. Therefore this is a good moon to: further develop a creative skill or hobby; spend more time with children; socialize with others who share the same interests; go to places of fun and recreation; and rediscover what it feels like to wonder. In addition to making the intention to connect with your heart center, another good intention for this Moon might be: I honor the vast field of experience known as the imagination, where all things are possible.