Astrology By Lauren

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After Shocks

May 18th ~ 25th the chaos of difficulty at the beginning, order is already implicit. So too the superior man has to arrange the inchoate profusion of such times of beginning, just as one sorts out silk threads from a knotted tangle and binds them into skeins. In order to find one’s pace in the infinity of being, one must be able both to separate and to unite. ~ The I Ching

We are still receiving a few after shocks of the Mars/Uranus square from last week. In and around the New Moon and the Mars/Uranus square: 2 new explosive fissures opened up on the Big Island at the Kilauea Volcano spewing lava and rock; Kim Jong Un said he will not meet with Trump if North Korea is required to relinquish their nuclear weapons; after the US moved its Embassy to Jerusalem, 60 people were killed when Israeli forces opened fire on demonstrators (with over a thousand more injured); and a series of powerful and volatile storms moved towards the Eastern Coast of the US, causing the first ever tsunami to occur in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Welcome to the craziness of the world, New Jersey.

This is only the 1st of 3 Mars/Uranus squares this year, the next one being August 1st (right after a Lunar Eclipse); with the final square on September 18th. Leave it to Uranus to enter the sign of Taurus with such drama and fury. What these squares guarantee is this feeling of unrest, impatience, and a series of changeable and unexpected twists and turns. What we worry about, is that Mars/Uranus is combustible and potentially explosive. 

So it is with a sigh of relief that we also have as a backdrop this Summer the idealistic and inspirational Jupiter/Neptune trine. The first perfection of this trine was back in December. It will be exact again on May 25th, just before the Full Moon on the 29th, in the Jupiterian sign of Sagittarius. Just to add a little icing on the cake, Venus, which is entering Cancer this weekend, will create a Grand Trine with both Jupiter and Neptune the first week of June. This is the sort of weather we look forward to. Trines don’t usually convey specific events, but they can help to buoy us over and through the hills and valleys of our lives. And as we go through this week, we may just find ourselves moving from the crazy energy of the Mars/Uranus square and gradually approaching the dream-like sublimity of the Jupiter/Neptune trine. 

But even before we get to the Jupiter/Neptune trine, we have an exact sesquiquadrate between Jupiter and Chiron on the 22nd of May. These not so minor, minor aspects can at best be irritating, but they can also tune us into issues that we have otherwise been ignoring. When Jupiter meets the wounded healer, Chiron, in this way, we begin to question some of our fundamental and traditional beliefs. This can be brought about due to a recent realization, or a feeling of disenchantment either with a particular person, a teacher or teaching that you previously held in high esteem. Pay attention to this sense of disenchantment, for it may be reflecting deeper truths that are trying to emerge. In some way, by relying on who or what we think we should believe, we can lose touch with our own spiritual destiny and path. 

So the question for the upcoming week might be: What are your true ideals? Where does your true path lie? and What does it mean to you to live a more meaningful life? These are questions that we can only answer for ourselves. But it is definitely worth pondering as we approach the perfection of these Jupiter transits. And since we are still in the waxing moon phase, this also continues to be a good time to work on and create a vision board. Jupiter/Neptune weather is excellent for visualization, and connecting to what you would consider to be your highest ideals. Jupiter/Chiron is about restoring your faith and finding healing through a spiritual vision: 

  • If you do decide to do a vision board, pick images that resonate with your heart and soul.
  • This means creating a quiet space in which to connect with your soul’s yearnings. Look for pictures, words, poems that resonate with your vision or aspiration.  
  • If you feel at all conflicted with an image, put it aside for now. Pick only those images that truly make your heart sing. 
  • Don’t think in terms of how these images, visions, ideals will or will not manifest. All you are doing is putting them out there, in order to create a positive center of attraction for the best conditions to ripen in the future. 

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