Astrology By Lauren

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The New Moon in Gemini

June 8th ~ 15th

Mind is thus neither the source of light, like a shining sun, nor the reflected light of something greater, like the moon, but a shimmering pool of contingent potential, capable of reflecting sun, moon and any other objects that happens to dance upon its surface. Its function is more important than its essence, and is influenced significantly by the nature of what gets stirred into its pristine waters. ~ Andrew Olendzki

The New Moon on June 13th is the first of 3 super new moons in a row. These super moons are not as spectacular as a super full moon may be, as we cannot see it, but its effects on the tides of the oceans and the affairs of humanity, have a bit of an extra edge. Those people living along the ocean shorelines may even notice the difference in the spring tides the few days following the New Moon. The term ‘super moon’ was first coined by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979, but has since become a common term among all stargazers, and is defined as a new or full moon that occurs when the moon is “at or very near its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit.” All hail this Super Moon this week. 

The Sabian Symbol for the degree of this Moon (23º Gemini) is: Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree. It is said that birds represent spiritual forces, and seated high in their nest, the symbolism is one of “creative spiritual integration.” However, these are young birds, who have not yet taken flight, and so there is an innocence and hesitance to take that first step towards the realization of your potential. A minor aspect to Mars dares us to have the courage to do so. As with the innocence of youth, we are being asked to leap out into the unknown, on a wing and a prayer. Uranus is forming a semi square with Neptune this week as well, filling us with a sense of longing for what could have, what should have been, or a longing for dreams that seem too idealistic to be achieved. All we are being asked to do with this Moon, is take that first step. It will soon become evident as to what is or is not possible, now or in the future.

The ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury, which enters Cancer the day before the New Moon, the sign of the nest. However with a sextile to Uranus on Wednesday and a square to Chiron, you may be brought to choose between the comfort and familiarity of the nest, and the daring exhilaration that comes when we dare to step outside of our comfort zone. There’s no telling what sort of creative ideas and opportunities become evident when we try something new. There is a little fear with the square to Chiron: will I offend? will I be ostracized for taking the path less traveled? will I be scorned for being so honest with my feelings? will I lose my sense of self? will I be embarrassed? But there is also healing that can come, especially when we use our words skillfully. 

Another reason to slow down is that Mars is still on the Dragon’s Tail, the South Node of the Moon. The South Node has a depleting and mitigating effect on Mars that drains our energy and stifles our motivation. Pushing too hard could therefore lead to problems. 

However, Gemini is a social sign, and with the ingress into Cancer, we have visions of picnics, get-togethers, coffee klatsches, and dinners with close friends or family at home or in the backyard. Cancer prefers the safety of familiarity, and the support of those they trust and know. We are being asked to take some down time from any busyness in our lives, if and when we can. For we are more likely to access that creative aspect of ourselves when we are less distracted by the commotion and distractions within our daily lives. We are indeed being asked to slow down, but not so much that we miss the opportunities that are being brought to us with the New Moon. Have the gall to learn something new, take a walk down a new path, or satisfy our curiosity. Can we be both safe and inquisitive, and maybe even a little daring, at the same time? 

If you wish to make intentions or affirmations with the New Moon (for the month ahead), the best time to do so would be after the New Moon on June 13th (3:43 PM EDT; 12:43 PM PDT; 8:43 PM BST; or 5:43 AM AEST June 14th), and up until the Crescent Moon on Saturday. Here are some possible intentions for this New Moon: 

  • May I find joy in fulfilling my curiosity and satisfying my need to know.
  • With effortless dexterity I adapt to the changing tides.
  • May I be able to see humor in even (or especially in) the most trying and challenging of circumstances.
  • May I use my words skillfully in order to share my ideas clearly with others. 
  • My mind is vast and has incredible potential. 
  • I want to see my mind filled with only the most inspiring and positive of influences and ideas.

For this week’s horoscopes, please click below: