A Force to be Reckoned With
October 25th ~ November 1st
Priestess of Delphi by John Collier
For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction. ~ Cynthia Occelli
Without Scorpio there would be no Sagittarius. Without the ability to reveal corruption, purge the foul and the putrid, confront our addictions, habits and unhealthy tendencies, we would not learn how to fly in the land of Sagittarius. We would not be able to grow and expand our horizons. It is in Scorpio that we do all the hard work, diving deep down to the very roots, confronting our fears, dealing with all of the wraiths and demons of our lives. Because if we don’t do so, we will not grow. We will not reach the next level. Scorpio is truly a time of Initiation. In order to make the most of this radical Scorpio weather, we need to be totally honest with ourselves, we need courage, and the willingness to come completely undone. And then the transformation begins.
This week, not only do we have our New Moon in Scorpio on the 27/28th, but we also have Mercury slowing for its retrograde station on October 31st. Also in the sign of Scorpio.
Ever since the planet Uranus entered Taurus in 2018 last year we’ve all been grappling with our priorities. Uranus is direct and to the point. And rogue. And like a lightbulb suddenly coming on in a dark room, once something is seen and becomes apparent, it can no longer be unseen. Uranus shines this light in some area of our lives, allowing us to see the cobwebs gathering in the corners, the stains and cracks that had been hidden by the shadows. And they can no longer be ignored. Those things that we had become inured to, or so accustomed to, that we did not see them clearly, can no longer be denied once they are illuminated. Uranus often brings sudden surprises and unexpected consequences. But often these have been there all along. We just couldn’t see them.
The New Moon is making an exact opposition to the planet Uranus this week, bringing sudden and swift surprises and unexpected changes. And with those changes come the opportunity to readdress our priorities. New Moons bring opportunities for new beginnings. But due to the retrograde phase of Mercury in Scorpio, which lasts through November 20th this could be an extended process. Stationing on October 31st, Mercury escorts us on this internal descent into the underworld, that purges, undoes, purifies and transforms us on these deep and significant levels. The most profound, the most significant changes occur on these internal levels. Do be aware though, that change can also be perceived as threatening.
The Sabian Symbol for this degree of Scorpio is: A massive rocky shore resists the pounding of the sea. This is the symbol of things that remain steadfast, even in the face of extraordinary pressures and upsets. In this case Uranus may be seen as threatening the order of things. There will be those who see this time as an opportunity to transform their lives, by breaking down structures that they perceive as limiting. And then there are those that are going to cling to what they see as worth preserving. You can use this Moon as a catalyst to become the change that you would like to see; or use it as an opportunity to further fortify yourself, in order to withstand even the most formidable of challenges.
If you like to set intentions with the New Moon, doing so shortly after the New Moon will seed them with the growing Moon. I like to do so within the New Moon phase, but some prefer to wait until they can see a sliver of the Moon reappear in the night sky. The New Moon phase begins on Sunday, October 27th (here in Eastern US) night at 11:38 pm (Eastern Daylight Time; 3:38 AM October 28th, Universal Time); and lasts till the Crescent Moon on October 31st. Those Scorpios born between October 24th thru the 30th, or who have 0-7º of Scorpio Rising will feel this Moon quite strongly, but anyone who has sensitive points in their natal chart near 4º of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) will find this Moon significant. And even those who don’t, are also likely to find this an interesting ride. For wherever Uranus is transiting your natal chart, it is being highlighted by the New Moon this week.
Some possible intentions/positive affirmations for this Moon might be:
Out of the ashes of the past, I have the ability to create a better and more meaningful future.
I want to see myself cleansing, purifying and releasing those things that I no longer need, and may in fact be holding me back
I accept my path and destiny, knowing that this is precisely where I need to be.
I am profound and have depths of potential as yet unrealized.
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: