A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini
November 27th ~ December 4th
But I suppose the most revolutionary act one can engage in is… to tell the truth. ~ Howard Zinn
We have a subtle Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (8º Gemini 45’), which will be at its maximum at 4:43 AM (EST) (9:42 AM Universal time). If the Eclipse occurs in your time zone while the Moon is still elevated and above the horizon (night time) where you live, you may get to see the eclipse. But then again, you just may miss it. A Penumbral Eclipse can easily go unnoticed, where the penumbra of the Earth casts only a temporary dim shadow on the Full Moon. That being said, it is an eclipse, right in the heart of the current Gemini/Sagittarius series, where we are being urged to cultivate the positive attributes of Gemini:
Finding ways for our voices to be heard. Sometimes loudly. Other times, more subtly. The people have important things to be said that need to be heard.
Being informed. That means listening to the people. Hearing them out. Listening to the experts, the ones who were there, those who have a story to tell. Understanding their perspectives. Gemini wants us to explore all aspects of an issue in order to discern what is valid and what is true.
Changing your mind. If we were not capable of changing our minds we would not be able to grow and evolve. This is how we improve ourselves, and our society. This also means not assuming that you already know everything. Being able to sit with uncertainty, and change your mind allows you to learn.
Community. Listening to hear what the people have to say is part of the process. Grass roots activism, being involved in local community groups, your neighborhood, local politics will be the foundation for leading as an example and inspiring larger initiatives.
Gemini has domain over: Writers, intellectuals, students, youth, the media, the press, teachers, schools, books, new ideas. Dare to question old out-worn beliefs and paradigms that are no longer valid for the society we are becoming. Learn to discriminate between propaganda and the truth.
Learn something new. Our assignment for the coming year is to make it a point to learn something: learn a new subject, take up a new hobby, attend a workshop, talk to your neighbors, ask questions, explore your environment, be curious about others. It can take you places you’ve never been before. Take a class. Attend a workshop (when it’s safe to do so!). Go to a library. Open yourself up to your environment and the world of ideas.
This is a North Node attending eclipse, meaning that what we learn in the light of the eclipse can change our understanding and perspective in order to allow us to make better, more conscious choices. As a result of what is illuminated or learned in the light of the Full Moon Eclipse, it could even change the course of our lives. Those who are going to be most sensitive to these eclipses are those who have the mutable signs strong in their charts: Gemini, Sagittarius, even Pisces and Virgo. Especially those people with their Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Midheaven at or near 8-9º of Gemini or Sagittarius. Yet we will all feel these upcoming eclipses in our own lives in our own way.
Although a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is not a dramatic total eclipse like some, it is still a powerful Full Moon, as well as a turning point in the year. Lunar Eclipses bring us the results of actions and choices made in the past. They are illuminating in their own right. In the sign of Gemini we are being shown the power of our Word, and the consequences of our declarations. The Sabian Symbol for this degree of Gemini is; “A quiver filled with arrows.” Words can wound; but they can also heal. It all depends on how we use them and what we say, and when. It can often feel as if we are overloaded with information in eclipse seasons any way, all the more so in a Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse. It may be best to sit back and allow it all to wash over us, in order to avoid being overwhelmed. Be still.
With the North Node in Gemini we are being encouraged to wait and make sure that we are fully informed before jumping to conclusions. And so we are reminded of the skillful means of communication, and the ways that we use our words. We also have to be mindful of the Neptune station on November 28-29th, and its square to the Nodes over the next few months. We are battling the demons of illusion and delusion, made all the worse due to our own distorted psychological wounds. Even more reason to skillfully parse out the truth, while releasing: deception, self-deception, prejudice, propaganda, self-righteousness and zealotry.
The heart lies and the head plays tricks with us, but the eyes see true. Look with your eyes. Hear with your ears. Taste with your mouth. Smell with your nose. Feel with your skin. Then comes the thinking afterward, and in that way knowing the truth. ~ George R. R. Martin
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: