Astrology By Lauren

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Jupiter conjunct Pluto: the Moral Arc of the Universe

November 6th ~ 13th

Phoenix Rising from its Ashes

The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter. ~ Paulo Coelho

Wait. Be patient. Breathe. Mercury is mercifully direct, yet continues to be hobbled by Saturn through Tuesday. Mars is also finally slowing for its direct station on the 13th. If you’ve been feeling exhausted, or as if every effort to pick yourself up and crawl across the room takes extraordinary effort, you are not alone. Some ways that we may be better able to navigate this weather: 

  • Delays: Things will continue to take a little longer than anticipated. Lots of red tape and paperwork to be sorted out. Trying to force things will prove to be fruitless and exhausting. Best to sit back, relax and exercise patience. All will be disclosed in its own time, as it will.

  • Feeling censored: Feeling unheard, or ignored. Feeling like we do not have a voice. Feeling censored or criticized. Best not to take it personally. It is difficult to find points of agreement when people are so strongly set in their own ideas about what is (totally) right and wrong.

  • Rejection: Once again, don’t take it personally. But do recognize the importance of setting appropriate and healthy limits and boundaries where needed. Sometimes you just don’t need to deal with all of that nonsense.

  • What it’s good for: Any sort of work or decision that requires organization, research, focus and concentration. Mercury is still in Libra until Tuesday, and Libra can be a sign of indecision. The square to Saturn will have us making especially sure that all the details are sorted out before a decision is finally cast.

What we don’t want to do is give in to the generalized fear and anxiety that may be floating around. It will just flummox us. Release any lingering anger. Unpeel resentment. They’ll just make it worse. Know that things may not be as awful as it appears. You don’t want to bring any of that with us as Mercury re-enters Scorpio on Tuesday. We’ll have enough to contend with, with all the self-righteousness that will be flailing about. Therefore try to avoid reopening old scars and putrid, decaying wounds. Let it go. You will see the wisdom of it in the end. 

We are standing at the edge of something, perhaps even something awe-inspiring and tremendous. It may not be apparent as to what exactly that will be, but in the end, even if it doesn’t appear to do so at first, the good prevails.

Look at the facts of the world. You see a continual and progressive triumph of the right. I do not pretend to understand the moral universe, the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways. I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight; I can divine it by conscience. But from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice. ~ Theodore Parker

Next week, on November 12th,  we have the last of the Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions of 2020. Righteous, persuasive, powerful and extreme, this transit has been weaving through our lives all year, dispensing of this and that and unraveling our lives. We are now wrapping up all of the Plutonic grandiosity in one last hurrah. The sorts of things that get bandied about when Jupiter’s largesse magnifies the more nefarious aspects of Pluto: 

Grandiosity; Acts of vengeance; Suing; Libel cases; Extremism, fanaticism; Plutocracy and Autocracy; Attempts to undermine the power and authority of others; using one’s power, privilege or wealth to influence the law or the government; or to gain influence thru corrupt or illegal means. 

Motive is everything with Jupiter/Pluto cycles. It can wreak of corruption, and the abuse of power, but it can also do quite the opposite. Jupiter/Pluto years can make or break you. In this weather it can feel very difficult to arrive at agreements or to make compromises without feeling like we are sacrificing our integrity or beliefs, and losing everything that we have worked so hard to build in the process. It can also bring the sorts of challenges that are required to bring us to the next level. This can be difficult though, because in order to do so, sometimes we need to leave a part of ourselves behind. 

 Jupiter/Pluto cycles bring us the capacity to rebuild something magnificent. Something that will not only make a difference in one’s own life but in the lives of others. When we come to understand that at the heart of the Universe is this vast reservoir of goodness and light, and that we can tap into that, and bring ourselves in alignment with this Greater Good… then we come to realize that we have the power of the whole universe at our back. And we can accomplish almost anything. In this way, Jupiter/Pluto cycles can also be tremendously transformative. 

You can still grab power through nefarious means, and may even be successful for a time. But if the underlying motives are for personal greed or power, it will inevitably fail. However if the motive is for the greater good, for the betterment of self or society; then the outcome is that much more powerful. And so in this process, we are also compelled to get back to our own core ideals, beliefs and principles. When we ask ourselves: What are those principles that we are willing to put ourselves on the line for? What are we willing to take risks for? 

This requires us to be very clear about what our core beliefs are, who we are, what we believe in, so that even in the face of extraordinary odds, even in the face of darkness, corruption and even evil, we will stand up for what we know is right and true. We do this not for acclaim, or for any reward, but simply because we know that it is the right thing to do. 

For next week’s horoscopes, click below: