Crossing a Threshold
January 22nd ~ 29th
We will rebuild, reconcile and recover; and every known nook of our nation and every corner called our country, our people diverse and beautiful will emerge, battered and beautiful; When day comes we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid; The new dawn blooms as we free it; For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it; If only we’re brave enough to be it. ~ Amanda Gorman
Jupiter/Uranus can open up doors of opportunity. The sorts of opportunities that can free us up, and allow us to aspire to a much broader vision of who we are and what we can accomplish. It is also very unpredictable. Mars came to visit and served as a catalyst. It looked like things were crashing and burning here for a few swift but unsettling days in the US. And even in the aftermath of the chaos, the capitol was littered with martial elements: the overwhelming presence of the military forces, the wire fences, the green and red zones, the bullet proof shields and protective gear. We held our breath as the newly inaugurated President left the safety of his armored car, and walked openly in the street on January 20th. And then let out a sigh of relief when all was said and done. We crossed a threshold.
Mars/Uranus can be incredibly explosive and bring things to a head. But it can also serve as a catalyst for this huge potential for progressive and innovative change, not only here but throughout the world. As a result some significant glass ceilings were shattered last week. On January 20th the first woman was sworn in as Vice President of the United States. She also happens to be the first black vice president, and the first vice president of asian descent. She was sworn into office by the first Latina Supreme Court Justice. And later that same day she personally swore in the first black Senator from Georgia, the first Jewish Senator from Georgia, and the first Hispanic Senator from California. We are crossing a threshold into a new era. Pushing beyond our own previously imposed limitations.
Mars is now separating from its conjunction to Uranus, but we are not quite finished. A Full Moon in Leo on the 28th, exactly opposite Jupiter and square Mars/Uranus, brings this all to a grand crescendo. A crescendo for all of the changeable weather that’s been brewing and stirring on the back burner of our lives. All of these planets are in fixed signs. These are signs that are resistant to change. However, the time comes when we reach a tipping point. A time when we can no longer resist the changes that are necessary and inevitable. And like a hermit crab that has outgrown its own shell, it’s time to move on and find better accommodations.
It is precisely in these times of instability that we are also given the courage and the opportunity to create a truer, more authentic, and more representative expression of who we are as a whole. The great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn square Uranus could feel like a roller coaster of change. And it can feel at times like we are jumping out into the unknown, or venturing into new territory. And that can be exhilarating and scary at the same time. But if we play our cards right, know that the end result can bring incredible growth, opportunity and unexpected breakthroughs. Even the inevitable smashing of a few glass ceilings. It just requires a little radical courage in order to make that happen.
The United States is experiencing its Pluto Return, which has been reflected in the recent events that have tested its government, its laws, its leadership and its infrastructures for stability. It is reflected in the slogans being used to “build back better” or in the words of the young poet laureate Amanda Gorman to “rebuild, reconcile and recover”. We are entering a new Aquarian era. An era that dares to be representative, to be inclusive and radically innovative. And the young people who will be at the forefront: the Neptune in Aquarius generation (from 1998 thru 2011); and the Uranus in Aquarius generation (from 1996 thru 2003) of which Ms. Gorman is a part; are only now gradually coming of age and helping to lead the way.
Not everyone will be happy with the changes in the world. There will be times when we all will feel the need to resist certain changes, while celebrating others. To wish that things would just slow down, while wanting other things to speed up. There will be times when we may feel as if we are even living in an alternate universe. Humanity is experiencing its growing pains. It is crossing a threshold this year. And we are being carried along for the ride.
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: