Astrology By Lauren

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The Spring Cleaning Full Moon

February 26th ~ March 5th

Distant Thoughts by Wilhelm Amberg

March is a wild young thing, The play child of the seasons, the tomboy of the year. Other months march in stately procession, On white snow, And soft grass, And russet fields; but March, clothed in an old gale, Whistles through bare limbs, And leaps over rustling hedges. She yields no flower children. She is too busy laughing… Winter’s mocking laugh at Spring. ~ Mary Cathlin Casey

The Full Moon at 9º of Virgo is our Spring Cleaning Full Moon. It falls in the pre-dawn hours on Saturday, February 27th (Eastern Time in the US); or late at night on the 26th further West. This Full Moon is a time of celebration in much of the East, with the Spring Festival in China, and the Day of Miracles in Tibet. Lanterns are lit, and fireworks displays usually light the skies. It is also a day to do a thorough Spring cleaning, sweeping out the remnants of the year that was, in preparation for the year to come. It is the last Full Moon in Winter, when the worms and snakes begin to slither up from the underground, like Persephone reemerging from the Dark Lord’s lair. 

Sweeping away the cobwebs of the year that was, the fears, the uncertainty, the dust and remnants of our lives, we are making ready to greet the Spring with a sense of hope and renewal. Now that Mercury is direct again, all the planets will be direct until April 27th, when Pluto stations for its retrograde phase. This means that we are being given the green light to move forward, full steam ahead, in order to fulfill our goals and dreams. 

The Full Moon is trine Uranus, the lord of freedom and innovative solutions. We are being urged to look forward. And in doing so, be willing to consider creative and alternative approaches to solving our problems. Uranus is bedeviled by Saturn this year and we have a tendency to think that the answers to our quandaries are either/or, this or that, you or me, when actually the truth lies somewhere in between. This is more of a challenge, because it requires us to think outside the box, or forge our own path, a path that may not yet exist. However it also gives us the opportunity to create a path which is a more authentic expression of who we now are, and what we are becoming. 

The Virgo Moon opposes the Pisces Sun at the Full Moon, creating a window of culmination along the Virgo/Pisces axis. We see the results of causes that were already set in motion, coming to fruition; and see the impact of changes made manifest. But Full Moons can also open a door, and make things more evident. In this case that can include finding a better way to resolve any conflicting circumstances in our lives. 

In Pisces season we are asked to get in touch with our own inner vision. To find deeper meaning in whichever way is most relevant to us personally. Whether that means to have a creative outlet, make some sort of difference in the lives of others or in yourself, or to fulfill a spiritual journey: whatever it is that invests our lives with heartfelt meaning. The Virgo Moon is asking us, whether or not we are making room in our everyday lives for the opportunity to do so; and is also asking us whether or not we we are so focused on our work and everyday tasks, that we have totally neglected the very things that bring us meaning and purpose. You don’t want to ignore one for the other. The key is to find ways to make your dreams and vision a closer reality, without neglecting or sacrificing your work or obligations. 

This Full Moon is asking us: 

To create a schedule, or make a plan, that allows more room for, or includes: making art, music, poetry; doing good works; a spiritual practice, divination, prayer or ritual; investing in your dreams; investing in your health and well-being.

Are you feeling overworked, overextended, overwhelmed with this Full Moon? This is a message for you to slow down, turn down the noise, the busyness, and the distractions, in order to 1) use your time more efficiently; but also 2) to create the sort of environment that will cultivate things like your imagination, inspiration, and to notice the small but meaningful things in life. 

Learn or try something new about those things that make your life meaningful, interesting and maybe even a little more glamorous: take an art class; follow through with that dream workshop; attend a virtual retreat; buy that new tarot deck or item for your altar; join that on-line yoga class; or purchase that makeup you’ve been daring to try; or do up your hair with that fabulous new color or style. What sort of changes will make your life just that much more meaningful? 

For next week’s horoscopes, click below: