Astrology By Lauren

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The Aries Ingress 2021

March 19th ~ 26th

“The Joys of Spring” by René Lelong

i thank You God for most this amazing day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky: and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today, and this is the sun’s birthday: this is the birth day of life and love and wings and of the gay great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing breathing any-lifted from the no of all nothing-human merely being unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

~ e e cummings

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th in most places of the world this year. The first degree of the first sign of the western tropical zodiac, which is aligned with our seasons. The first day of Aries ushers in Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn in the Southern. Many of the qualities of the first sign is a reflection of the qualities of Spring Time in the North: its newness, the way it rushes in on the wings of renewed life and a resurgence of energy. The crocuses emerge from their Winter sleep, the birds are marking their nesting territories and the weather rages and blusters. Much like our Aries brethren. 

We all have Aries somewhere in our natal charts. But 0º Aries, along with the other Cardinal signs, marks the axis of the Earth’s chart. And so the Aries Ingress is like the Earth’s birthday. Each year the Aries Ingress sets the tone for the year ahead. There is a very different energy from last year’s Ingress chart, laden with Saturnian and Plutonian elements, karmically dark, heavy and foreboding. This year, although we are going to be tackling those Saturn/Uranus transitional growing pains and conflicts, our chart for the year is Airy and filled with light. It will not be without its struggles. But there is a wind at our back, and a determined deliberation to rebuild our lives, not to what once was, but to something even better than before. 

Chiron, our wounded healer, stands as a sentinel, at the midpoint of Mars and Saturn, so closely trine, they are like a stalwart army of ingenuity. These air sign workers are telling us, that if those who know (or should know) don’t have all the answers now, they will go back and figure them out. This is like an army of scientists, healers and engineers, working in an assembly line of collaborative genius. May they do their good work. 

Saturn/Uranus is an indicator of change and transition. Some of the changes will be welcomed. Others will feel threatening. Much will depend on the sorts of changes that are occurring in the world, as well as in our own personal lives. These could even create conflict and divisiveness. But in some way we are being asked to adapt to the currently changing conditions, and look for alternative ways to do so. 

This year also, Venus is approaching the Sun for its Superior Conjunction, waltzing in tune together through the Full Moon at the end of March. The Superior Conjunction of the Sun and Venus is similar to the Full Moon phase of Venus. Venus is never very far from the Sun due to where it is situated in the Solar System. However there are two times when she dances within the flames of the Sun, invisible to our eye, and missing from the heavenly realms. These are at her Inferior and Superior conjunctions to the Sun. The Inferior conjunction occurs when Venus is retrograde, and when she is close to the Earth on the same side of the Sun. The Superior conjunction occurs when Venus is direct and on the far side of the Sun. This is when Venus is Apogee, or at its furthest point away from the Earth in her cycle. 

This is a time for objectivity. For fruition and consequence. This is a culmination of what began with the Inferior Conjunction in early June of 2020. It is now, and over the next few weeks, when we can see the rewards or the consequences in our lives made manifest. But more importantly are what we have learned and gathered within our own personal spheres: those people, things, experiences, possessions, skills, attributes that we feel most worthy and valued in our lives. We may not recall the heartfelt intentions and seeds being planted in the dark time of the retrograde Venus last year. These are not usually done consciously. But there is a connection. 

The House of the chart in which this conjunction will fall on the 26th, at 5º Aries 50’ will determine the area of your life through which the results and consequences will be most likely brought to fruition. 

It is a time of objectivity. So we can explore where we came from, and where we would like to go from here. But it is also considered to be a time of conciliation. Compromises, agreements, adjustments in our minds and hearts when it comes to our partners, our alliances, and even our adversaries. We are organizing ourselves in reference to those things, those people that we most value. That which we hold most dear to our hearts. 

The Vernal Equinox is the time of Ostara, the natural Easter, when seeds of intention and resolution begin to sprout, and we approach them with renewed conviction and youthful enthusiasm. The Aries Equinox is one of the most powerful days of the year. A time of conception and renewal, procreation and initiation. The Astrological New Year. 

Spring has returned. 

The Earth is like a child that knows poems.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke

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