Astrology By Lauren

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Getting Back on Track

March 5th ~ 12th

“Adrift at Sea” by Andrew Wyeth

It glitters. It is extraordinarily appealing. Unbelievably beautiful. It possesses all the ingredients of reality, Except the reality itself. It is falsehood. A passing phase. A false pool of water On a desert road, On a sunny, dry day. It’s an aberration. It’s a mirage. ~ Abiodun Fijabi 

Between the Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th, and the Pisces New Moon on March 13th, we have the 3rd quarter waning Moon on March 5th in Sagittarius. With the quarter Moon exactly conjunct the South Node of the Moon, this places the Pisces Sun at what we call the ‘bending of the Nodes’. The Nodes of the Moon are not actual bodies like the Sun or the Moon or the planets. They are the places where the apparent paths of the Sun and Moon intersect. And where the North Node is currently in Gemini, and the South Node is in Sagittarius, these are the signs where the Eclipses occur this year. 

The Gemini and Sagittarius Nodes create this mutable axis, where the South Node in Sagittarius represents where we tend to go ‘south’ and the ways we might delay our growth. While the North Node shows us what will currently most benefit us. When planets are on the cross quarter mutable axis, the Virgo/Pisces axis, it creates something of a crossroad. With the Sun and Moon illuminating this Mutable Cross, it’s as if we, ourselves, are standing at this crossroad and trying to regain our perspective and whereabouts. 

This is important, because for the past year, Neptune, the divine deceiver, this bastion of uncertainty, has been at this crossroads. And just like there is a North Node and a South Node, there is a North bending and a South bending. Neptune has been as the south bending of the nodes for the past year. We can look at these South bendings and South Nodes as where we come undone.  It is where we are being led astray. Unraveled and drained.

This past year Neptune has been casting a confabulating veil over the proceedings. The Gemini/Sagittarius axis has to do with what we know. It also represents our path and journey. With Neptune in the picture, the truth was being obfuscated, confused, and often misinterpreted. And in this weather we are left unsure as to which way to turn, who to believe, or even whether we can trust our own judgment. We have been living in a year with uncertain outcomes, and unanswered questions. And when we are set adrift in a world of uncertainty, it is common for people to want to fill in the answers, to seek explanations in unusual and sometimes unreliable ways. 

When we are adrift with Neptune it can feel as if we are lost at sea without a sail, a compass or even an oar to guide us. Neptune has domain over fogs, and fugues and mists, so that we cannot even rely on our usual ways to navigate. It fools us with mirages and visions that seem larger than life, and more real than reality itself. And we are disturbed that our boat seems to be passing these by, although we are utterly convinced that that is the direction in which we need to go. We are being asked to trust that the boat will bring us where we need to go, even if it appears to be taking us away from our intended goals. 

With Neptune square the Nodes we were being asked to live with uncertainty, trusting that the answers will come, and the truth will be revealed when the veil is finally lifted, in its own time, in its own way. It means releasing the need to have all the answers (South Node in Sagittarius), and to try to control all of the outcomes.  It means being willing to slow down, and allow ourselves to be present, in order to be able to find ourselves again. In order to be able to connect with our own inner guidance system. 

Neptune has domain over fantasies, delusions, false hope, false lights and mirages. And as we approach the 3rd quarter Moon we may begin to see some of these false lights begin to unravel and fade like the waning moon. Others will remain, and become deeper and more meaningful. We are becoming reoriented. We are getting ourselves back on track. 

The New Moon in Pisces on March 13th will be conjunct Neptune. This will give us the opportunity to reconnect with our own inner Neptune. This is important! For if we can get ourselves in alignment with our own inner gps system, instead of feeling like we are lost at sea, we will regain that inner assurance of knowing where we need to be. 

For next week’s horoscopes, click below: