Astrology By Lauren

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Jupiter enters Pisces

May 14th ~ 21st

“Monk by the Sea” by Caspar David Friedrich

Sink down, sink down, sink deeper and deep, Into eternal and primordial sleep. Sink down, forget, be still and draw apart, Into the inner earth’s most secret heart. ~ Dion Fortune

On May 13th/14th Jupiter enters tropical Pisces. It will merely dip its toes into the primordial depths of Pisces this time around, just reaching 2º of pisces when it stations for its retrograde phase on June 20th. It will then return to Aquarius for some unfinished business at the end of July, and finish off its tenure in Aquarius through to the end of this year. Getting this taste of Jupiter in Pisces is like a brief peek ahead into what we can more fully expect in 2022. But whenever major planets change signs, it feels like a bellwether moment, a shift in the winds, a change in the barometer. 

Jupiter is the traditional planetary ruler of Pisces, whereas Neptune is the modern ruler. Both will be swimming in the watery depths of Pisces, finally coming together in April of 2022. Having both rulers strong and therefore unbounded in their own sign, will feel like a tremendous wave of Piscean weather rolling in with the tides and affairs of humanity. Deep, wistful, drifting, misty and enveloping, Jupiter can exaggerate and make larger, all things Pisces.

It can also bring advantages and abundance to those who have important placements in Pisces in their nativities. For this brief sojourn, it will mostly be those who have points in the first few degrees of this sign who will feel it most strongly. Especially so, as Jupiter will visit these degrees 3 times, from now and into 2022. As a result it will feel as if the promise being implied by the passage of Jupiter into Pisces may not be fully realized until Jupiter returns once again to these degrees at the end of December and into January. 

For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumbering upon the bed. ~ Book of Job

Pisces has domain over: the waters, the seas, and the oceans. Gases, oil, poisons, and pestilence. Those things that cannot be seen, or obscure our senses and perception, such as fogs, mists, deception, delusion, mirages and intoxicants. Those things that are Universal and Transcend the Material world such as Higher Mind. Conscience. Intuition. Divinity. The Imagination. The world of Enchantment, Dreams and Ideals. A world of Music, Poetry and Romantic Ideals. Because Pisces is a sign of dissolution, assimilation, and release, it can often feel as if we are not of this world, or like we are drifting in space, when Pisces abounds. Boundaries fall away, and we feel the sorrows of the world all that much more acutely. 

The last time Jupiter was in Pisces (2010) we experienced the worst oil spill disaster in history, when an explosion on a BP oil drilling rig off the coast of Louisiana leaked 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf Coast. Floods, tsunamis and excessive rain can all be anticipated when Jupiter enters Pisces. And we had a bit of that as well. But it was the oil spill that set off a flurry of environmental red flags. 

Jupiter wants us to learn about things like interdependence, like Compassion Absolute, our interconnectedness with one another. When Jupiter is in Pisces we are being asked to recognize that we are all drinking from the same well, breathing the same air, and swimming in the same Ocean of Life together. 

The deepest lie we tell ourselves is the myth of separation, believing that we are separate selves defending ourselves (and what we own) from countless other competing separate selves. The writer, Charles Eisenstein speaks to this through his lectures and writings on interdependence and our ecological reality. He writes: “Anything that you do that disrupts this story of separation, anything that gives other people the experience of connection, the experience of generosity, the experience of kindness ~ changes the conditions that generate ecocide on every level.” This applies to just about anything that divides us along economic, ideological, racial and political lines. Jupiter in Pisces is here to tell us that these are merely illusions that mask our true reality. And that true reality can be realized through compassion, through kindness, empathy and sharing. 

Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, is at our disposal as it swims in the boundless waters of Pisces. Much can be learned, if we are willing to pause, turn down the noise and the distractions, and look within. The lore  and wisdom of the ancient past is calling to us. Jupiter in Pisces shows us that there is one Eternal Truth. But that like a diamond it has many facets, and that there are many paths to arrive there. In order to realize our own path, we will need to search within, to the still small voice of Self, and Spirit. Therefore we will all benefit from practices and experiences that will promote a deeper connection with our own center of Being during the months that Jupiter transits Pisces. 

Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal. ~ Pamela Vaull Starr

It may seem a little counter-intuitive to slow down just as we are approaching Gemini season this week. By May 20th, Sun, Venus and Mercury will all be in Gemini. But Mercury is slowing for its retrograde station on the 29th of May, and so is Saturn for its station on May 23rd. And even now we will be feeling the lingering Mercury/Neptune square which will set the tone from now all the way through the first 10 days of June. All that Gemini is social, entertaining, engaging, and chatty. But in some way we are being asked to look beneath the surface. Beneath the noise. Beyond the external distractions and illusions. 

The truth is, we might find it somewhat challenging to get things done in an efficient and well-ordered manner with this dynamic permeating our lives. This is a transit that lends itself to wistful daydreaming, to wonder, and in some cases worrying. This could be like Mercury retrograde on steroids, where facts are distorted, misinformation prevails, propaganda is rampant, and we can’t seem to know if we are coming or going.

From May 17th thru June 10th: 


  • Confusion and deception can be rampant: communications can be off especially if taken out of context.

  • Beware of saying things that you may later regret; or believing everything you hear. It could feel like facts and information are getting lost in translation.

  • Self-doubt and worry can arise; self-confidence can suffer. Don’t believe it. Avoid vipers, trolls and toxic vampires who deliberately push your buttons.

  • Wait until you have all the information you need in order to make fully informed decisions.

What this weather is good for: 

  • Daydreaming, wondering and wandering. Reading a good book. Seeing a great movie.

  • Increased sympathy and compassion.

  • Going for long walks in nature.

  • Seeking inspirational venues: musical concerts, museums, out of the way places, cloisters, and places of worship, and silent reverie.

  • Finding your muse, a creative vision, or a creative medium.

  • Going on a road trip to nowhere. Taking time out from our busy lives.

  • Activities that enhance the intuition.

  • Mindful based stress reduction practices: Yoga, Meditation, Quiet Walks, Being Present and in the Moment.

For next week’s horoscopes, click below: