Astrology By Lauren

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The New Moon in Taurus 2021

May 7th ~ 14th

“The Bull” by Ferdinand Hodler

I am the one whose praise echoes on high. I adorn all the earth. I am the breeze that nurtures all things green. I encourage blossoms to flourish with ripening fruits. I am led by the spirit to feed the purest streams. I am the rain coming from the dew that causes the grasses to laugh with the joy of life. I am the yearning for good. ~ Hildegard of Bingen

The New Moon falls in the gentle earth sign of Taurus, a sign of peace, of beauty, the senses, and all that we value and hold dear. For those who have made recent changes, or who are still in the throes of change, (coming after the Full Moon at the end of April), you may be thinking about how you can make those changes more sustainable. At the New Moon in Taurus we are all seeking greater security and stability, digging into the verdant earth, planting seeds of new life, new growth, ballast and surety. It is in Taurus season that we seek to ground ourselves. Even in the midst of, or despite any recent or impending change. 

The New Moon in Taurus falls this year on May 11th, at 21º Taurus 18’, 3 pm Eastern Time, 12 noon Pacific Time and 7 pm Universal time. It is closely sextile mystical Neptune, and trine powerful and transformative Pluto. It is a gentle and beneficent New Moon, yet also compellingly effective for seeding new intentions, and promoting new initiatives. Do not underestimate this Moon that gracefully ushers us into Eclipse season. The month of May this year is deceptively calm at its beguiling near shore, but potentially tempestuous as we dive deeper into the latter part of the month. 

The Sabian Symbol for this degree of Taurus is: A white dove flying over troubled waters. Like a message from on high, we are being advised to listen to Spirit and Conscience, take the higher perspective, the higher road, and raise ourselves above the turmoil and division in the world, and in our own lives, to a place of peace. And if we were to fully invest in this higher perspective, we would even be able to see the beginning, the middle and end of all things, and at last make sense of the insensible. 

But in order to get to that place of clarity and understanding, we will need to first travel a path invested with many twists and turns in the next few months. We are now entering Eclipse Season, and Mercury will station on the 29th of May. So enjoy this time of peace, tranquility and contentment while you still can. Plant seeds of intention with the New Moon in Taurus, visualizing the hope for the future that you would like to see fulfilled. Some questions we can ask ourselves with the New Moon in Taurus:

  • How can I gain greater security in my life?

  • What can I do to become more financially stable?

  • What are my true priorities? What are those people, experiences or things that I most value?

  • What are my greatest strengths and talents, and how can I use these most effectively?

  • Where do I want to channel my precious time, resources and energy?

And if you are so inclined, sing a song to Mother Earth this week in celebration of the Taurus New Moon. Stephanie Kaza, practicing Zen Buddhist, Ecologist and ‘long time lover of trees’ will start us off: 

Please dear mother Earth, Help me to stand firm on my own two feet, Drawing on the solid earth below me, Help me to know the constancy of your strength, the power that is you, oh dear mother earth, Help me to walk with the blood of rivers in my veins, and the dark crumbling soil of earth in my flesh, Let my muscles be strong as the tree trunks that rise up out of your belly, To dance in the sky and sing praises to the life all around, Beating, pulsing, rich and full, with your sweet sure energy. Oh dear mother earth, Live in this body today. 

For next week’s horoscopes, click below: