Astrology By Lauren

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The Full Moon in Aquarius 2021

July 23rd ~ 30th

My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world. ~ Jack Layton

Depending on where you are in the world, we have a Full Moon on either July 23rd, or the 24th, in the sign of Aquarius. It will be on the night of the 23rd that the Moon will probably appear at its fullest. Full Moons are times of culmination, fruition and illumination. Emotions are on the surface, and certain causes, decisions and actions set in motion in the past are now reaching fruition. What we see, what we learn, what we are reminded of can help us to make better decisions moving forward, or help to redirect us on our journey. 

One thing that we may become acutely aware of with this Full Moon are the ways in which society, including its rules and laws and customs, are changing and shifting. For some this is a welcome sign. For others not so much. With the traditional and modern rulers of Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus, in square to one another all year, everyone has been on a journey to ‘find’ themselves within the context of new and ever evolving paradigms and realities. Both in society and in their own lives. And in the process we are seeing a deep divide, with a seemingly impenetrable and challenging chasm.

Groups are shifting, allegiances are changing. We’re trying on different hats and identities. And in the context of the Full Moon in Aquarius we may be seeing some of the consequences of the choices we have already made, or the sides we have taken. And when it comes to making choices in our own lives, we ask ourselves, should we veer on the side of caution and stick with what we already know and are familiar with? Or should we embrace the challenge of the new and untried, riding the changes that are wending their way through our lives.  

The Moon itself is separating from its conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn, which can seethe of regret, old lingering wounds, skepticism, repression and oppression, which follows us into our new and emerging reality like a wraith which refuses to be laid to rest. Yet that is precisely what we are being asked to do. At the Winter Solstice on December 21st, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 0º of Aquarius, was only 1º from our Full Moon at 1º Aquarius 26’. With its promise of hope and the sort of changes whose time has come, the Great Conjunction brought a surge of energy, along with the responsibility that these sorts of decisions, and life changes bring.

We knew that the growing pains were not going to be easy. That they would be wrought with resistance. But the Great Conjunction of 2020 was also about seeking understanding and trying to find our way through these extraordinary, unpredictable and changeable times. One thing that could come to light in the wake of the Full Moon in Aquarius, is that we cannot go back to what once was, and what we used to be; so why not become something better than we were before? 

And just to ensure that we have all the help we need, Jupiter will retrograde back into Aquarius on Wednesday, July 28th. Following up from the Great Conjunction of 2020, with its promise of progressive ideas, discovery and invention, experimentation and exploration, and honoring the freedom of individuality, as well as inclusiveness. Jupiter will remain in Aquarius until the end of December, when it will once again return to Pisces. 

Here are some things to consider with the Full Moon in Aquarius: 

Enlightened awareness: What would a more enlightened, and more ideal life and lifestyle look like for you? Would you say that you are more aware about certain ideas, people or circumstances in your life as a result of recent experiences? Are any recent changes fulfilling your expectations? Is there something that you can do differently that might bring better results? 

Discovery and Invention: In what ways have you perhaps developed a stronger appreciation for science and technology? How are these impacting your life? 

Freedom and Individuality: How have your concerns about your own, or other’s, freedom, civil rights, and/or equality impacted you or others? As we move through this new and evolving Aquarian paradigm since the Great Conjunction of 2020, we are bound to develop a deeper understanding of the importance of inclusiveness; as well as an appreciation for each individual in their own right, and their contribution to the larger whole. 

Experimentation and exploration: Through the Aquarius paradigm we dare to go off road, and even into outer space and beyond. We are coming to recognize that we don’t have to keep doing things the way we always have in the past, and that there might be better alternatives that can make our lives a lot easier, freeing us up for even better things. 

For next week’s horoscopes, click below: