Astrology By Lauren

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The New Moon in Cancer 2021

July 9th ~ 16th

“The Brook” by Myles Birket Foster

The mother says: be gentle with yourself, be kind, life can be hard, but there is so much beauty. no need to push. let the harshness melt out of you. return home to your heart so you can return home to yourself. ~ Jessica Besser

The New Moon in Cancer falls at 18º Cancer 02’, on July 9th at 9:17 pm (EDT) here in New York, 1:17 am Universal Time on July 10th. Cancer is a sign of safety and security, with a yearning for familiarity, roots and protection. We circle the wagons, and gather the clan. We seek out those whom we are most comfortable with. Those who nourish our souls and feed our hearts. This will be all the more so after the contentious fixed t-squares of the previous 2 weeks. Where and who do you go to when your heart needs mending? Who do you go to for consolation and support? What are your go-to’s when you seek comfort?

We need to periodically replenish ourselves in the healing waters of the Cancer New Moon. Doing so gives us the strength to then go out and meet the world on its own terms. Cancer has domain over such things as home, family, our roots and family traditions, our community, our clan, our tribe. These are the things that support us and feed us, and give us a sense of belonging. Maya Angelou defined home as the safe place where we can go as we are, and not be questioned. And if you were to define home for you, would it be about the space? The people? That place of comfort and safety? These foundations are like our roots. When they are well watered, and our emotional and personal foundation is strong and well supported, then we will be prepared and capable of withstanding even the most difficult of storms. 

Vivian Malone Jones, the first black student to graduate from the University of Alabama, asserted that there will come a day in our own lives when we must act for others, maybe our family, perhaps our community. Ms. Jones, a Cancer, recognized that the sacrifice and struggle she made to pursue her education, was not just for her own benefit, but for her community as a whole. Cancer recognizes the need to hold up the whole community. 

Written on the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, are the words of Emma Lazarus, also a Cancer: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free… To cultivate the values of Cancer, are to value empathy and concern for the welfare of others, to support one another through shared experiences and understanding; to feed, nurture and care for each other as we do our own. This is perhaps one of the most exalted expressions of the sign of Cancer. 

Last Wednesday, during the intense Mars/Saturn/Uranus t-square a small village in Canada, burned to the ground. This was just a day after Lytton broke the record for the highest temperature ever recorded in Canada. The Pacific Northwest. Iraq. Northern India. Moscow. Siberia. Even the Arctic Circle, have been experiencing intense heat waves and unprecedented temperatures over the past few weeks, devastating our planet. We have some brilliant minds working on this existential climate emergency right now. But they cannot do this without global cooperation. It literally takes a global village to enable our planet to continue to support life. 

Become informed, write your legislatures, vote like your life depends on it. Learn and share. With the New Moon in Cancer we are all being asked to tend to and take care of our Home. And that includes our most precious Home; our Great Mother Earth. 

When a society comes together and makes decisions in harmony, when it respects its most noble traditions, cares for its most vulnerable members, treats its forests and lands with respect, then it will prosper and not decline. ~ unknown

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