The Sagittarius Full Moon 2023
June 2nd ~ 9th
If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere. ~ Frank A. Clark
For the past 18 months that the North Node has been in Taurus we’ve been learning about things like security, learning how to trust again, how to focus on our true priorities and our most important values. Taurus is a sign that asks us to keep it real. To veer towards safety and security. And that includes setting financial goals that are within reach, it’s about building equity not squandering it. But the South Node in Scorpio has had us doubting and looking under rocks and behind closed doors, looking for all the hidden traps that we know must be lying in wait. It’s hard to have faith if we are convinced the world is out to get us. But that’s precisely what we are being asked to do with the Full Moon in Sagittarius. To have faith, rebuild trust, and to hold fast to the truth.
Sagittarius ruler Jupiter, is now conjunct the North Node trying to show us the wisdom and value of cultivating the potential of the North Node in Taurus. The Full Moon in Sagittarius offers us to take a higher perspective, see the bigger picture, and the possibilities if we do. We often have big expectations with the Full Moon in Sagittarius. But Jupiter in Taurus and a square from Saturn in Pisces want us to keep it real. This is a Moon of cautious optimism, which allows us to step back and take a realistic assessment of the past 18 months of our lives.
Mercury is conjunct Uranus in the Full Moon chart, and becomes exact on June 5th. When Mercury stationed retrograde on April 21st, it was almost (but not quite) conjunct Uranus. The conjunction was not to be completed until now. Whatever changes, shifts in the wind, whatever digression was simmering on the back burner then, is now being brought to culmination within the rays of the Full Moon. Mercury/Uranus, much like the full Moon, can be illuminating. And what we learn under the auspices of this Full Moon can even change our minds and perspective.
The Full Moon at 13º Sagittarius 18’ culminates at 11:41 pm on June 3rd, here on the East Coast of the United States (that is 8:41 pm Pacific Time and 4:41 am on June 4th in England). The Full Strawberry Moon is strongest just before it culminates, but we will feel the energy growing a few days before and continue to do so after the Full Moon. Full Moons are emotional. Things come to the surface. Everything is out in the open. Sagittarius is a moveable emotive sign. A traveling sign. And Mercury/Uranus gives us the momentum to try something new, or go in a new direction. Be prepared for changes in plans, or a shift in perspective. You just never know what to expect when Uranus is in the picture. This could even be when that other shoe will finally drop that you’ve been waiting for.
The Nodes have to do with our destiny. So it could also be, with Jupiter conjunct the North Node, that we can see the ramifications and the results of changes made in the past now coming to fruition within the light of the Full Moon in Sagittarius. This is when we will either receive confirmation that we are on the right road, or receive guidance and/or advice about how to get there. Look for sign posts along the way. What messages are you receiving in the light of the Moon? What events are culminating for you? What realizations are coming to light? And what importance and meaning do they have for you and your path going forward?
On June 5th, Venus will enter the sign of Leo while simultaneously opposing Pluto. Due to the retrograde phase of Venus which will last from July 23rd thru September 4th, Venus will be in Leo for an extraordinarily long period of time, from June 5th thru October 8th. Whenever Venus is retrograde, which only occurs every 19 months, we find ourselves reassessing and reconsidering relationships and finances. The Venus opposition to transformational Pluto can be something of a portent of any impending changes to come. Tensions come to a head. Things that were previously hidden behind the scenes are being revealed. Nothing stays hidden in this weather.
That being said, what’s not to love when Venus is in Leo, the sign of joy, love and creativity? Venus is asking us all to come out and play. She’s going to be taunting us all Summer! When are you coming out? Let’s do something fun!
Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence. ~ Henry David Thoreau
For the Full Moon in Sagittarius this weekend:
Look at the Big Picture, and take a higher perspective. When you allow yourself to step back from a situation, you can see things in a whole new light.
Pay attention to any sign posts along the way. These are directional cues to affirm whether or not you are on the right path.
What comes to light in the Full Moon can be illuminating. Allow for flexibility, and be willing to change your mind.
Sow abundance, by creating a gratitude list, and then casting it out into the world, so that all beings may benefit.
The Sagittarius Moon can be illuminating and mind blowing. Toss the coins, read the tea leaves, dance in the moonlight. There’s no telling what can emerge out into the light with the Strawberry June Moon!
For this week’s horoscopes, click below: