Astrology By Lauren

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The New Moon in Cancer 2024

July 5th ~ 12th 

“Cancer” by Johfra Bosschart

Jupiter sextile the True Node

Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another. ~ Thomas Merton

There are two ways to calculate the Nodes of the Moon. The Mean Nodes, are sort of an average of the calculated motion of the Nodes. A lot easier to figure out in pre-computer days. However, now that all that computing can be instantly calculated the True Node takes into consideration all the retrograde and forward motions of the Nodes. These are not actual bodies. They must be calculated. And according to our calculations, on July 9th, Jupiter will make an exact sextile to the True Node. 

As many of the Nodal transits are, this is a transit of connection. And as can often happen with the Nodes of the Moon, you get this feeling of the fates stepping in and orchestrating things from behind the scenes. And it is often in the Jupiter/Nodal junctures that the right people seem to find one another. These can be connections between particular people, or with a group, or perhaps a teaching, a belief system, or something that inspires you. What you might want to pay attention to with this sextile, is where you are finding yourself inexorably drawn. 

The True Nodes of the Moon are now at 10º of Aries and Libra. This is important because there are two Solar Eclipses coming up, one on October 2nd at 10º of Libra, and another on March 29th at 9º of Aries. Astrology is made up of a series of cycles and patterns, and it will be between now, when the Nodes have reached this degree of Aries/Libra, and the Solar Eclipses in October and March, that will lead us to the new beginnings implied by these Eclipses. The fates have their looms at hand, and are proceeding to weave their webs.

Simultaneously, Mercury in Leo will also trine the North Node and sextile Jupiter on Monday, July 8th, can help to facilitate this meeting with destiny, in whichever way that is most meaningful to each and every one of us. It may be subtle, as sextiles often are, or it may be something more than that. But also know that the whole Nodal Aries/Libra dynamic has us all rethinking our relationships and alliances to others. And Jupiter, with a little help from Mercury is the master of ceremonies. 

Jupiter/Nodal transits present opportunities for some sort of growth and expansion in our lives. We learn something new. We see things in a whole new light. Often through or in the company of others. People we meet, groups, places, or ideas we are drawn to have a greater capacity to impact our life and destiny. So any groups formed at this time for the purpose of exchanging ideas with others, or towards achieving a common goal, are that more likely to meet with success. All the more so coming right after a New Moon. In this case, the New Moon in Cancer. It’s like having the wind in our sails, as we happily go out to greet our destiny. 

The New Moon in Cancer

The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are, and not be questioned. ~ Maya Angelou

On Friday, July 5th, we have a New Moon at 14º Cancer 23’. This is a deeply emotional Moon, in which it would not be unusual to find ourselves nostalgically longing for connection and belonging. To yearn for safety, community and familiarity. And so at this time of year we are inclined to circle the wagons, gather the tribe and seek out our places of comfort. 

  • What are your go-to’s when you are seeking comfort and familiarity?

  • Where do you go, or who do you get in touch with, when your heart needs mending? 

  • Who do you go to for consolation and emotional support? 

At this time of year we come back to immerse ourselves in the replenishing waters of the Cancer New Moon. Doing so brings us the strength to meet the world on its own terms. Therefore feed your body, your heart and your soul within her protective embrace. Surround yourself with your much loved community. Seek out those things that bring you emotional security. Pay attention to the important foundations of your life: those things and people that support you. When your roots are well supported, and the foundations are strong, then you will be able to withstand even the most difficult of challenges later on. 

The New Moon in Cancer is really good for: 

  • Nourishing yourself and others. Bake a cake. Feed your friends, and loved ones. 

  • Nourishing your mind, your soul, and your imagination. 

  • Honoring the caregivers in your life. Call your parents. Send a care package. Make a surprise visit. 

  • Women or women’s issues. The divine feminine. Women’s circles. 

  • Gathering the family, the tribe, your community. 

  • Intentionally nurturing a sense of belonging, for yourself, for your loved ones, for strangers. 

  • Cultivating greater emotional security and stability within the home, family and property. 

  • Revisiting the homeland, getting in touch with your roots, your family traditions, your heritage, your culture

What we are really needing this time of year is to focus on those things that bring greater comfort, and make us feel safe and taken care of. What might you want to change in order to bring greater emotional safety and security and a sense of belonging? Which foundations of your life need a little shoring up right now? 

If you wish to make intentions or positive affirmations with the New Moon in Cancer, do so after the time of the New Moon in your area, but while it is still new and filled with potential (from the New Moon on Friday/Saturday thru the Crescent Moon on Tuesday, July 9th). Make your intentions and affirmations positive and make them your own. 

Some general intentions and/or affirmations for the New Moon in Cancer might be: 

  • May I come to appreciate that empathy and sensitivity are strengths, not weakness. 

  • May I find that safe place that I can go to and belong without being questioned. 

  • I embrace and appreciate the patterns and events in my life that have led to to where I am now.

  • I am aligned with the tides of the Moon, trusting that it will take me where I need to go.

  • May I create a sanctuary of safety and security within my own home.

  • I honor the vast field of experience known as the imagination, where all things are possible.

  • May I reacquaint myself with my past in order to dig deeper roots. 

  • With the heart of the Lunar Goddess I support and sustain all of life’s children as if they were my own. 

  • No matter how difficult and painful it might be, may I never lose the capacity to care.

For the New Moon in your natal sign or house, check out this week’s horoscopes: