Sweet joy befall thee as in your own
Bosom you bear your heaven and
Earth and all you behold; Tho
it appears without, it is within,
In your Imagination, of which
this world of mortality is but a shadow.
~ Wm. Blake
There are two events of note this coming week: the technologically clever Saturn/Uranus trine which is exact this weekend; and Venus, all in her glory, canoodling with Jupiter in the early morning sky. It is not unusual for Venus and Jupiter to meet, however, every once in a while they do so in a spectacular fashion. This is because they are in alignment in such a way that they combine to be one bright shining star in the heavens. Another reason, is that they are just far enough from the Sun, not to be lost in the light of the Sun. Venus rises as a morning star this Fall, but it does so just before the Sun rises, giving us a brief glimpse of this spectacular show on Monday morning, the day of the conjunction.
Venus is the planet of love, money, art, beauty and aesthetics. When she is happy in our charts, we are happy. Through Venus we discover what and who we like and are attracted to, what we like, want and/or need. Jupiter expands, exaggerates, and makes things large. Together they can signify celebrations, bounty and largesse, but they can also indicate extravagance and ostentation. But it should not be overlooked, even at their worst, that these are our benefic planets, and together they signify luck and prosperity. Even in the complicated and incendiary sign of Scorpio, relationships thrive, and resources grow in the aura of this generous duo.
Scorpio rules sexuality, shared resources, taxes, birth, death, and the occult. This is an eclectic mix of subjects, most of which we rarely choose to discuss over the dinner table. Yet since Jupiter entered Scorpio, among other things, we have seen a spate of predatory sexual behaviors revealed. Nothing stays hidden for long when Jupiter travels in Scorpio. Secrets are revealed, and the dirty linen is tossed in the street. We shall see what effect Venus, the planet of love and money, brings to the picture this week.
And then there’s the Saturn/Uranus trine. This is the last time these two will be exactly trine for some time. They will be in orb of a trine in 2018, but at that time both Saturn and Uranus will be in different signs. This is because Saturn moves into its own sign of Capricorn at the Winter Solstice, and Uranus will move into Taurus next May. Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius, whereas Uranus is the modern ruler of that sign. Together these two set the stage for innovation, invention, and technological breakthroughs. But they can also be associated with evolutionary breakthroughs in society.
This is in stark contrast to the Saturn/Chiron square which is thankfully slowly separating. That is a transit of isolation; divisiveness; and scapegoating. By contrast, Saturn/Uranus is a transit that fosters an atmosphere of civil and human rights. Saturn/Uranus is about bringing our laws, our governments, as well as our personal goals, more in alignment with our ideals. But especially those ideals that benefit a higher or greater cause, whether that be humanity, civil rights, the environment, or equality, may we all strive to make of these a goal in our personal lives, our families, our neighborhoods, and our society.