Horoscopes: October 12th thru 19th
For the week of October 12th thru the 19th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
If you have been feeling as if you were between a rock and a hard place, there may be nothing to do but pick and choose either the rock or the hard place. Sometimes just getting things over and done with is the simplest answer. It could feel, however, like you are being forced into a situation when the Sun is square Pluto. And Aries doesn’t like to be forced to do anything. If you can’t wiggle out of an uncomfortable situation and reclaim your space, you might just have to plough right through it Aries style. And if it’s at least for a good cause, that will give you the motivation to do so. Just realize that not everyone is going to be on the same page or have the same motivaton. And don’t make assumptions that they are. It could end up creating something of a pickle. If you want to motivate others, stop to listen to them first, and then speak from the heart. People will then be the better able to hear what you have to say.
This could be something of a social week, where reunions, and meetings with close friends and partners are inevitable, but also riddled with land mines. Many people will be feeling particularly vulnerable right now, and will be needing an ear to listen, and maybe even a shoulder to cry on. Often in such situations, what is most needed is to just be there. So be that ear and be that presence. But play it carefully. And be patient. There is much that can be learned through your inter-relationships with others right now, that can be truly insightful. One of the values of the Venus Retrograde period is that it brings all these lessons not only about the other people in your life, but also about yourself.
The first few days of this week will be really helpful for taking care of business, and tending to any details that need tying up. Practical matters will take your time and energy, and you probably won’t want to be distracted by frivolous concerns or activities. However once we move past the weekend, a softer, more poignant period ensues which is ripe for making meaningful connections with others who matter. And this is despite and maybe even because of the Venus retrograde. It may even bring people back into your life that you once knew, and simply lost touch with. Use the latter part of the week for personal escapes, solitude, dreaming and experiences that stir your soul. These periodic breaks allow us to come back to our routines with a new perspective and a fresh attitude. And we could all use a bit of that.
Mercury meets Venus this coming week, and we’ll still be talking about women and women’s issues; issues surrounding sexuality and the abuse of power. But this week, for Cancer, it is also important for you to reflect on and discuss what makes you special, unique, different. If you were to be a brand, what would that be? What is your own style? What would a more authentic, truer version of yourself look like? The more comfortable you are with being yourself, the more comfortable others will be with you as well. Towards the end of next week, we have the opportunity to escape from the hubbub of the world. A brief hiatus emerges. After Tuesday, these are good days to go somewhere inspirational, to be out in nature, to attend a concert, go to a museum or art show, to transcend the mundane world if only for a bit. These brief interludes are what give us the strength to then carry on. Seek your muse.
This was something of a wicked week for many, and there is a bit of a hangover extending into the weekend. It could feel like so much is being expected of you, that you are feeling drained of all of your energy. It’s the sort of atmosphere in which you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t, and you don’t really know which way to turn. Truth is, you can’t really change others, and often have no control over external situations, but you can change your own mind and perspective. That is one thing that you do have control over. This will be helpful going forward, for you may be finding that people could be a little touchy these days, and it will be all you can do not to react. Especially if they manage to push your buttons. If you must respond, think of something particularly clever and to the point (why waste that awesome Mercury in Scorpio?). But try to avoid burning any bridges in the process.
Use the first few days of this week to organize, sort out, crunch the numbers, put everything in its place and where it belongs. The more organized you are this weekend, the easier the rest of the week will be. And it could be kind of awesome, but not if you don’t get all that business taken care of first. Use that focused and disciplined energy early in the week, because after that distractions will be rampant. On the other hand, those distractions are bound to at least be pleasant. It is a good time to connect with others. Even people you may not have seen for some time. If there was something you meant to say, this is the time to say it, speaking heart to heart. The latter part of the week could be ideal for short trips and mini adventures with partners or friends. Sometimes you just need to get away for a bit. These brief interludes are great for rebooting your mind and your perspective.
The challenge for the recent New Moon was, and still is: how well are you capable of maintaining your cool these days? Can you keep your balance and equilibrium, even when under extraordinary stress and pressure? It takes practice. And lately, it could seem for quite a few Librans that they’ve been getting too much practice. However, that ability to stay in the eye of the storm is an art that few can master, and even though Libra is the true master of equilibrium it still takes practice. And you may have some opportunities to do just that this week. Practice. One more note: Usually Venus retro is not a good time for financial activity, however it can be a good time for purchasing used items and secondhand goods that turn out to be a bargain. It can also be a good time to renegotiate a deal, or pay off debts. May retrograde Venus bring some good mojo your way.
Mercury and Venus are about to cross paths in your sign this week. This will be particularly potent for those born around the 1st of November or who have 8-9º of Scorpio Rising, but all Scorpios can benefit from the inspiring insights, and wonderful connections this conjunction can bring. Greater closeness can be established with people, if nothing else because a natural flow between the mind and the heart allows you to connect more meaningfully. There is however, some touchy weather in the air… so don’t take people’s abrupt behavior too personally. What feels like rejection may just be someone blowing off steam in your direction. Gently side step the hot air, and avoid getting drawn into the drama. The weather is just too good to be sidelined by distractions.
A lot of people have been grouchy and aggravated lately. But that doesn’t mean that you need to follow suit. One thing to pay attention to for everyone this week, is the tendency to say things which could prove to be regrettable later. Sagittarius can often get away with saying just about anything (we can forgive you almost anything), but this is one of the times that an unintended barb could have more lasting effects. It won’t be quite so easy to talk yourself out of this one. Therefore, weigh your words before you blurt out a response, and make sure that what you say passes all the t.h.i.n.k. tests first: is it True? is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? is it Necessary? is it Kind? After all those questions, the moment to speak may have already passed, but at least it will keep you out of trouble.
The early part of the week is something of a mixed bag. On the one hand it should be easier to stay focused on certain activities such as organizing your life and taking care of chores. Even if it is so simple as taking care of the bills, filing papers, or creating a plan. On the other hand, if you are feeling pressured (or forced) to deal with situations that you would rather avoid, this won’t go so well, for you will only exhaust yourself with resistance. It could also feel like you can’t win for losing. So it will come as something of a welcome break when Mercury meets Venus next week, which at the very least allows a meeting of minds and hearts. Even if you can’t agree on everything, you will at least know that ultimately what’s best for everyone is what wins out in the end.
Try to get as much sorted out as you can earlier in the week: tie up loose ends; take care of business; finish up projects. It will be harder to do so later on when distractions and irritations are more likely to crop up. If things get too busy, we all may be a little crankier and defensive than usual. All the more reason to try and seek out some quality down time. But if the aggravations are unavoidable, at least avoid saying or doing things you might later regret. Make sure you have all the facts first. If you want to use the energy positively use it to speak up and speak out on issues you care about. Mars in your sign brings you the courage to say what’s on your mind, just remind yourself to wait a minute and take a deep breath first. It could help to avoid all sorts of problems.
Although Pisces is likely to be out of the line of fire this week, there are some edgy transits to stir things up, right on through the weekend. The prevailing wisdom is to make sure we all have the facts first before making any assumptions, or getting drawn into drama. When all is said and done, there is an excellent window later next week for something of a hiatus, that will especially benefit Pisces. If you can manage it, these are great days for going to places that you find inspirational, beautiful, or make you feel at peace. We all need a bit of a break now and then. And it is precisely because we dare to take some time off to wonder, to imagine, to dream; that we have the energy to come back to our daily grind, and are able to see things from a fresher, and maybe even a whole new, perspective.