Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes May 11th thru 18th

For the week of May 11th thru the 18th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Not only does Uranus changes signs this week for the first time in 7 years, but it does so the same day as your ruling planet Mars. If you feel all that electric energy amping up, it is preparing you for some sort of inevitable change. Just be aware that things could seem to be shifting quite quickly in the foreseeable months. Just be cautious, and make sure that you have all your ducks lined up in a row, so that you don’t take any financial risks you will later regret. On the other hand, the Uranus shift is pushing towards some sort of financial freedom or independence. There can also be sudden bursts of clarity and inspiration this week. Be open to new ideas. Just don’t jump on the first one that comes along. Uranus is leaving your sign for now, but will be back later this year. And when it comes back to those last degrees of Aries once again, it will be hard to resist that clarion call for freedom, once and for all. Be inspired. But don’t leap in till you’re ready to do so. 


I have a feeling that more than one Taurus is going to be raising a few eyebrows in the foreseeable future. Now that Uranus is entering your sign, you will not allow anyone or anything prevent you from embracing a more authentic path and lifestyle. You might already be feeling the shift what with the excitable squares moving things around. Taurus has the capacity to put up with a lot. They rarely make changes, unless they are thoroughly prepared. However, the time has come for Taurus to break out, and be free to follow their true calling. This could be disorienting at first. Even if it feels like certain changes are being forced upon you, there is something urging you to embrace the new you that is emerging. 


Before even Uranus enters Taurus on Tuesday, your ruling planet, Mercury, will move into Taurus this weekend. Normally this heralds a more peaceful time of year, when Gemini is normally inclined to withdraw from their usual maddening pace. However, due to the current line up of planets, radical departures from the norm will be occurring. Sudden shifts, sudden changes in plans, sudden events, could even catch you off guard. However, they can also offer opportunities to make sudden realizations. Things are moving very quickly here, and events could escalate quickly. Breath and pause first, before speaking or acting. It will be very easy to get caught up in all of the excitement, and you will want to avoid saying or doing things that you’ll later regret. 


The New Moon in Taurus is the wishing moon for Cancer, as it aims to align you with your aspirations, hopes and wishes for the future. There is a certain practicality to the sign of Taurus that is now being agitated by the entrance of Uranus into Taurus on the same day. This should not negate your need to create some sort of priority list. However, the urge to want to make changes and do so quickly, may make everything seem all the more pressing than it usually would. There’s a lot of courage and illumination here, which can inspire many to want to take the first steps towards fulfilling a cherished wish. Just make sure that you have all of your financial ducks in a row, before committing to anything impulsively. Do be inspired. Do take the first steps. Just avoid jumping on the band wagon too soon, or without forethought. 


Every year that the New Moon falls in Taurus, Leo is given an opportunity to reassess their goals, their career, and whether or not you want to recommit to the same goals you already have. However, with the entrance of Uranus into Taurus on the same day as the New Moon this year, you may have a taste for a more radical shift in your goals. This may seem rather sudden, and indeed you could have a sudden change in plans, however it is likely that you’ve been mulling this over for a while. And after a series of illuminating surprises, it has now become apparent that a new reality is emerging. There may even be a few Leo’s considering the audacious possibility of going off in a whole new direction. It will be a bit of a challenge to repress this crazy Uranian energy. It’s like tossing a deck of cards in the air, and seeing where they will all land.


When the planet Mercury moves into Taurus, it usually does so quietly and with little fanfare. However, this year it steps into a cauldron of sudden and inexplicable events that could catch you unawares, and wondering in the aftermath where that all came from! The problem is, when you are caught off guard like that, it is easy to say and do things that could prove to be regrettable. Things are moving very quickly this week. This same speed can be treacherous, but it can also prove to be enlightening, especially if you are willing to be open to new ideas. Just realize that it’s that impatient desire to do things immediately and right now, that can undermine you, and actually set you back a few steps. A willingness to be flexible will be key this week. Add seatbelts for good measure.


When Uranus enters the 8th House it can feel like one phase of life is ending, while giving birth to a whole new phase of life yet to come. Over the course of the 7 years that Uranus is in this sign there could even be huge, sweeping changes. This could involve an ending, a move, a transfer, or just a shift of priorities. It is time to begin anew. At first, and especially over the ensuing months with Mars also in the sign of Aquarius, any restrictions or burdens (even those that you willingly took on) that you have been bearing with, will no longer be tolerable, sending you the signal, that it is time to take the necessary steps to free up your life, and move on. The challenge? Figuring out a way to also make this new phase sustainable and practical. The Key: allowing yourself to be a priority. 


When your ruling planet Mars enters Aquarius, as it does this week, it usually accompanies a desire to break free of any oppressive circumstances or conditions. All the more so with Uranus entering Taurus the same day! That rising impatience however will not bode well if you don’t pace yourself. This is because this is going to be very unpredictable weather this week, and there’s no telling which direction things are going to be moving. On the other hand, if you’ve been ready to make changes, events could give you the courage and motivation to do so. With Uranus entering Taurus and the New Moon in Taurus the same day, you are being given the opportunity this week to look at a particular relationship, or relationships in general, in a whole new light. 


Wherever Uranus moves in our charts, there is an urge to want to break free, to get out of a rut, and change up the routine. This can come about as the result of a sudden and illuminating incident that lets you know that things cannot continue to go on as they have in the past. There are two areas where this can manifest for Sagittarius. One is in the area of work. The other is in the area of health, and the ways that you maintain that health: such as through routines, diet, and exercise. Uranus can lift you out of a rut, or toss you out on your butt. Either way, you’re probably going to see a few changes in your daily life or through work. One consolation: the freedom that Uranus brings in any department of life can almost be exhilarating. 


It’s certainly good to know that you have some sort of sense of direction. However, with the current weather, there’s no telling what tomorrow will bring. One day you think you’ve got it all figured out, you have a plan, you feel all in charge, and the next day has you all in a tizzy. The key is to manage both: have a generalized plan that has enough flexibility for the occasional detour. Capricorns don’t usually like surprises. All the more reason to be forewarned. One side effect of these changeable times, is that they present opportunities to break down old rigid patterns and habits, whether that’s in relationships, spending, work or otherwise… it’s time to take a step forward on a different foot. And it just may be you, who is surprising the rest of us. 


Motivating Mars moves into Aquarius this week the same day that Uranus moves into Taurus. This could find you all disconcerted, going this way and that, trying to either adjust to changes that are already made, or having the courage to finally initiate changes that are well nigh due. With Mars hanging out in your sign for an extended period of time this year, whatever things that you’ve been putting up with, will no longer be tolerable, and it could be the motivator to make any changes that are needed. What you do want to watch, however, is the tendency to react, or make sudden changes in plans, without thinking it through. It may be that you are ready for a change, but you want to make sure it’s the right change at the right time. 


The changes Pisces is going to experience as a result of the Uranus transit to Taurus, has more to do with perspective, rather than anything else. That doesn’t mean there won’t be changes, in fact there definitely could be. But these serve more as a catalyst that allows you to look at things in a different way than you are accustomed to doing. And this could be quite sudden and unexpected. If you are looking for things to be secure, routine and expected, then this is not that time. But if you are willing to be flexible, no matter how surprising things may be at first, there is also a great deal to be learned, that will ultimately benefit you in the future.