For the week of May 18th thru the 25th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
After the crisis, then comes the healing. With Mars now in Aquarius you are being asked to realign yourself with a truer, more authentic, vision of the future. Do realize though that there are going to be a few more twists and turns over the months ahead before all is said and done. So despite the current feeling of urgency to do something immediately, if not sooner, the key for this period, is to remain flexible. It may also be that through a series of events, you are finally realizing the necessity for change. Another key lesson for Aries, not only this week but for the foreseeable future, is how important self-care is. And that starts with recognizing what your own limits are, and accepting what your own needs are for your own health and well-being.
On Saturday Venus moves into the sensitive sign of Cancer, a sign that seeks security, safety and emotional ties. The heart becomes more centered, seeking familiarity and comfort. With this, in addition to a nice grounded and earthy trine from Mercury to Saturn, you are being given the tools to set your life in order and create a plan, even in the midst of extraordinary instability. If painful memories arise this week, and they may, step aside and take the time to see clearly what your true priorities, needs and wants are. It is good to set the tone for the week: create a plan, be clear about your goals. This is because you could get a little over-committed as the week wears on. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Part of the reason for this is a sense of enthusiasm, inspired through others, that is helping to bring you more in alignment with your aspirations and hopes for the future.
This weekend lends itself to creating some kind of order, not only in your outer environment, but within as well, in your own mind and heart. This order and clarity will serve you well as we move into the week ahead. It can keep you from becoming too overwhelmed, especially if you find yourself needing to juggle more than a few things at once. When the Sun enters your sign on Sunday, it brings Gemini front and center. It is that time of year in which you come to reacquaint yourself with yourself. This also brings the opportunity to bring your life and your goals more in alignment with your true nature. Another key here is about acceptance. Acceptance not only of yourself, but also in recognizing the human experience for what it is, knowing that it is imperfect. And even embracing that.
The first quarter Moon is on Monday, which continues to be a waxing, growing Moon. Therefore, all the more reason to think in terms of what you wish to seed, nourish and cultivate those things that you would like to see brought to fruition. If you were to create a Vision Board, what images would you want to be there? If not a vision board, what about your environment? What colors make you happy? What words do you resonate with right now? Venus entering Cancer this weekend is aiming to bring you in contact with those things people and images that do resonate with you. Your desire for harmony, beauty and gracious surroundings will be stronger than ever. See if you can connect with those people and things that make your heart sign. Home, family, women’s circles, familiarity, quiet reflection, happy meals, nostalgia and comfort, all resonate with us when Venus is in the sign of Cancer.
The Sun moves into Gemini on Sunday, which can add a little adventurousness and energy to our lives. It is time to engage the world, do things, go places, share ideas. This could set off a bit of a whirlwind of activity and busyness. But that’s okay. Use the spurt of energy, courage and initiative that the week brings, to get yourself up and moving. You will find that physical activity, and just doing stuff, will bring a sense of healing, and get rid of a lot of negative stuff that you’ve been carrying around with you. Taking a walk with a friend could work wonders. So, be inspired, get out those track shoes, go for that walk, shake your stuff.. you’ve got a whole lot needing to be shook off any way, and get your groove on.
Use the very productive earthy trine between Mercury and Saturn this weekend to create a plan and set your life in order. With all the chaos and changeability in the world, having a sense of knowing where you need to go, and when, can help you to set the tone for the week. And you will want to do that. Because as we head further into the week, things could get a little busy, and less focused. So having a road map will be useful. It will keep things from getting messy. The truth is, your mind is just going to be on bigger things this coming week, and more long-range, larger than life plans are compelling. There could be a lot of enthusiasm for the vision that is unfolding, just make sure that you remember to be a Virgo, keep at least one foot on the ground, and continue to dot your i’s and cross your t’s.
When Venus moves into Cancer, as it does on Saturday, we are drawn back to familiar and more comfortable surroundings. The heart becomes more centered on the things that bring greater security. For Libra there is a little twist here, for the areas that you find that familiarity also has something to do with realigning yourself with your goals and aspirations, and recognizing your true calling. It can also mean schmoozing and networking and hooking up with people who are in the same line of work. If you are wanting to make connections, or make a good impression, this is a good few weeks to do so. Even if that means having to overcome inner fears of rejection. It’s time to toss the cards in the air and try something new and different this weekend. There’s no telling what can arise: a new love, a new friend, a new direction. Chance encounters could prove to be compelling.
There’s no telling how many more twists and turns there will be before October. The key for this whole period is to be flexible, roll with the changes, and avoid the overwhelming urge to just toss everyone and everything out the window. That feeling of impatience, now being aggravated by an aura of disenchantment, can leave you agitated and confused. However, the general tenor of the week, which is one of energy and initiative, if channeled correctly can leave you feeling productive and invigorated by week’s end. One way this works is by learning to accept your current circumstances for what they are, and by attempting to heal over any rifts that may have occurred recently, with strength, courage and initiative. It helps to dare to make the first move.
Despite any irritating feelings of disenchantment and impatience, the general tenor and tone of the week is aiming to turn you in a more positive and hopeful direction. In some way we are all aligning ourselves with our true purpose, adding greater meaning in our lives. The key is in finding what that true purpose, what your true path looks like for you, for it can be quite different for everyone. And part of that path for Sagittarius, involves reflecting about and reconnecting with the past in some way: your roots, your history, your culture; and finding greater meaning there. In the mean time, this week could be filled with a lot of enthusiasm and activity, and things could be moving quickly. All the more reason to make sure you have all the facts and information you need so that you don’t miss any important details. Even in the midst of all this activity, dare to find some time for yourself and loved ones, remembering the people and things that really matter.
Use the very practical and earthy trine over the weekend to focus and stay on point. These are good days to organize, study, focus, and take care of details and work that requires patience and concentration. On Saturday, Venus will enter Cancer, bringing partners and close friends even closer to you. If you are single, this could be a good time to meet someone new, or to make positive contacts. Dare to step outside of your accustomed routine early this week, put down that compelling project you are working on, and make the most of these days. Try something different, meet new people. What you don’t want to do is go back over old territory. It could be way too easy to reach out for what you already know. If it was treacherous before, it most likely still will be. You don’t need to be reopening any old wounds.
If there are any more twists and turns and changes in your life, you are going to be on your last nerve. However do pay attention to what any new changes might be bringing you now, for that will be a focus for quite some time to come. Be open to new possibilities and new ideas. Chance encounters could prove to be enlightening. This weekend could also bring some opportunities to get your life in order, not only externally, but internally as well. Organize, plan, take care of details. But also take some time out for yourself, in order to set your own mind in order, and achieve an inner sense of direction and stability. Getting that grounding will serve you well later on.
In some way we are all being urged to become more aligned with our true purpose. All the more so for Pisces, as your co-ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune are forming an exact trine next week. Through a conversation, through something you are learning, reading about or studying; or even through a chance encounter in your neighborhood; you could find yourself tuning in to what this sense of purpose may be all about. It just may be that your mind is going to be on bigger issues, or more long-range plans. And the sense of excitement that it brings could be quite compelling. Things could be a little distracting, so it might make sense to create some quiet space in order to connect with your true aspirations and ideals. Some sort of vision for the future is emerging.