For the week of October 18th thru the 25th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Do not be dismayed if you encounter obstacles and delays this week. This does not mean that you won’t ultimately manifest your hopes and dreams. It just merely means that there are still a few hurdles to be overcome over the next few weeks. Unfortunately much of that will depend on the actions and decisions of others, or due to circumstances over which you have little control. And that can be frustrating. Especially for Aries who rarely has the patience to sit on their haunches and wait. Even more so when there are things that need to get done. Out of fear, people can act irrationally, especially if they feel threatened in any way. One way to navigate these apparent obstacles or difficult people is frustratingly through patience, tact and diplomacy. But also keep your vision for the future clear in your mind. Let it serve as your lodestar. These current obstacles are merely roadblocks. And if anyone can work their way around them, it’s Aries.
Traditionally Venus is said to be weakened when in the sign of Scorpio. But in my opinion Venus in Scorpio can be powerful. Venus in Scorpio feels and wants deeply and passionately, which brings this remarkable capacity to manifest. Combined with the current weather this week, this increases the capacity to visualize and manifest our desires. The one caution of course, is to be careful what you wish for. And be clear that this is truly what you want and/or need. The more clearly you can see your hopes and aspirations, the more clearly will you be able to find a practical way to approach them. In some way you are being asked to listen to your heart, in order to find the right path. Then when you are clear about the direction that you wish to go, make that your lodestar. Your destiny awaits.
This past week a vision for the future was beginning to unfold. It may even have seemed insignificant. But in retrospect the importance of that vision will ultimately make itself known. Even if it was merely an inspiration, it will eventually lead you where you need to go. Through Monday, pay attention to those things that fascinate you or absorb your mind. If you already have a plan, these are good days to do research, focus, concentrate and uncover the information that you will need to proceed. We are entering Scorpio season next week. This is a time of year in which it behooves us to prepare, plan, invest, and make ourselves ready for the months to come. It will soon be time to take an inventory, and plan out your schedule and everyday lives. Ask yourself, what are you going to need in the foreseeable future?
The Sun will be moving into your fellow water sign of Scorpio next week, a sign that dares us to plumb to the depths of our soul in order to connect with our true desires. And in some way, as the inner planets are connecting with the current planetary trends, there is a stronger ability to be able to manifest our dreams and our desires. But before you do so, you first want to be clear about what are the foremost dreams that you might want to work towards. This is why it is so important to align yourself with those things and those people that feed your soul, and bring you a sense of purpose and destiny. Ask yourself, what are those things that make your heart sing? What are those things and people that bring you joy? And how can you have more of that in your life? Then ask yourself, what are the things that are standing in the way?
As the Sun shifts into Scorpio this coming week, you will gradually find your focus turning within. This is a time of year in which Leo prefers to focus on matters related to home, family, community: those people and things that support you and make you feel secure and grounded and belong. This time is well used if you can step back and explore your relationship with the world and the part that you want to have in it. This will require moments alone to meditate and concentrate. And part of that process will also bring you insights into your own past and how that has impacted the person you are now. Now you may ask yourself, which are the things that feed your soul, and you might want to cultivate more of in your life? And which are those that you no longer need? Doing this important work will set the tone for months to come.
If you could visualize a clearer, more reliable, more sustainable vision for the future, what would that look like? You were being asked to do exactly that over the past week. And now it is time to think in terms of what you do, or do not, want to commit to. There are still some threads that need unraveling, in order to be able to put the puzzle together again, and see the full picture. Doing this important work, will help you to navigate the next few months, in order to allow yourself to be able to make that vision a closer reality. The Sun enters Scorpio season this coming week, which brings a time when we are better able to see with clear discrimination what needs to stay and what needs to go. Scorpio is a sign associated with clear perception that wipes away all of the unnecessary distractions, and gets directly to the heart of the matter. This clear perception will serve you well, and also serve as a lamp to guide you along your path.
Your skills in patience and diplomacy are going to be sorely tested over the next few weeks. It is not easy to maintain balance and equilibrium. You just make it look easy. It takes tremendous skill and discipline. Maintaining your balance, even in the face of tremendous obstacles is much more than just making sure you get enough sleep and play time. Life is filled with forces that dare to throw you off course. However, with effort, you can resist being controlled by these outside influences. It starts with taking control of yourself and placing your hands on the wheel of your own destiny. And in order to navigate these treacherous waters, you also need a lodestar to guide you. And that lodestar are your own aspirations and vision for the future. Whether that means creating the circumstances that will allow you to lead a more ideal, healthier lifestyle; or to pursue the path that you know is best for you. Keep that vision in your mind. For that is the road map that will keep you on course.
We officially enter your season, as the Sun moves into your sign next week. Venus and the asteroid Pallas are already here. And Mercury promises to stay for an extended period of time, straight through to early December. One of the gifts of Scorpio, is the capacity to visualize and manifest your desires. Engaging the current Saturn/Neptune sextile, this raises this ability to the level of being able to create a roadmap to manifest your dreams and aspirations. The first thing is to align yourself with those ideals and aspirations, and that begins with reacquainting yourself with yourself. In your heart of hearts, what are those things that bring you a sense of purpose and direction? What are those things that feed your soul and make you feel whole? What are those things that heal you? These will bring hints as to the direction that you will want to go.
Jupiter will remain in your sign for a few months more. It’s aim has been to expand your world and your aims and life in significant ways. But right now, as we move into Scorpio season this coming week, you are first being asked to align yourself with an inner vision and purpose. This is nothing less than giving form to some ideal or aspiration that has been sitting on the back burner. Now it is just a matter of tying up some loose ends, and taking care of business behind the scenes in order to make your plans a closer reality. In order to make sure that these plans are truly your own, you may want to retreat from the noise of the world for a bit, in order to not be influenced by the clamoring hordes. Spending time to reflect and recuperate your energy is important now, for you are going to be needing that extra surge of energy later on.
Your hopes and wishes for the future are beginning to truly coalesce. So do not be dismayed if you are running into some serious road blocks. What you are being shown are what needs to be removed, what might need to be addressed or even ended, in order for you to make room for new and better things that are needing to unfold. This may take some hard choices and a lot of hard work on your part. And there may even be some outside circumstances or individuals that will try to block you, just when you are needing most to move ahead. Do not allow self-doubt to settle in, due to these obstacles. Rather, keep your focus on the ultimate goals that you would like to achieve. And remind yourself again: What sorts of things would bring greater meaning into your life? And what practical steps can you take in order to bring yourself and your life more in alignment with that ideal?
Sometimes, as obstacles arise, it can bring feelings of frustration. It can even feel as if delays cause you to keep kicking that can down the road, with no end in sight. This requires patience just when you most want to be pushing ahead. What will become most evident during this time, are those things that you know need to end in order for you to make a newer and better beginning. Tying up these loose ends are essential, however, and cannot be ignored. However, what can serve you as a road map and guide, is keeping your goals clear and foremost in your mind. It is also about reminding yourself, that ultimately what you are trying to achieve is more about quality of life, rather than quantity. And what are the sacrifices that you might be willing to make, in order to achieve these goals?
The Sun enters your fellow water sign this week, as we enter Scorpio season on the 23rd of October. Combined with the current Saturn/Neptune transit, this is bringing everyone this remarkable capacity to make our dreams and our ideals a closer reality. All the more so, if you can channel Neptune currently traveling in your sign. Neptune has been urging Pisces to reach for their highest aspirations, or at the very least identify what those are. These are often so ideal as to not be realistically achievable. However, even if we cannot fully achieve these high ideals, they can serve as an inspiration and a road map, towards which we can improve our lives and make them more meaningful. In some way we are being shown practical ways to make that possible. And sometimes all that takes is merely shifting your perspective.