For the week of April 12th thru the 19th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
There is something edgy and aggravating gathering storm this week. It doesn’t necessarily mean that things are going to combust. But it probably shouldn’t be ignored either. The problem is the difficulties are not necessarily overt. It’s not concealed either. It’s just really aggravating. The key here is to focus on those things that you know you have control over. And taking the energy away from those over which you don’t have any control for now. Putting all of your energy into something over which you have no control will ultimately just exhaust you and leave you bedraggled. The truth is, many an Aries is attempting to rebuild their lives. And doing so will not be regrettable. Even if it is a bit fraught right now. Be clear about your choices, and place one foot in front of the other. The rest will all fall in place as it will.
Hopefully you managed to stop and smell the flowers last week. With your ruling planet in Pisces you are being asked to make some space. This is what dreams are made of, and will buoy you over even the most difficult of challenges and circumstances. There is also something to be said for transcendence and being willing to take the higher road. That willingness can go a long way to defusing what could otherwise be a pretty hairy situation. Also do not underestimate the power of friendship, and how much more can be accomplished when you are willing to work with others to accomplish your aims. Shared experiences can also help to create deeper bonds. One thing to watch out for this week: one’s eyes tend to be a little larger than your wallet… enjoy, and even indulge a little, just don’t get too carried away.
When inundated with too much information (but not necessarily the information you need), it might make sense to take stock of where you are, and what you are doing. Focus, analyze, sort things through, and you will soon be able to regain your bearings. Sometimes all you really need to do is slow down and stop for a minute to smell the flowers. If you just keep on going and going, you’ll just exhaust yourself, and get nothing accomplished. The energy will begin to shift after mid-week. What will become apparent is how important it is to communicate clearly with others in order to make yourself understood. This will help to eliminate a myriad of problems. Clarity, patience and kindness will go a long way this week.
It seems every time you think you’ve overcome one hurdle, another just pops up in its place. Is there no respite? Whatever dark forces may be brought to the surface this week need to be addressed and settled once and for all before they get all blown out of proportion. If it’s already too late, see what you can do to defuse any uncomfortable situations, and restore the equilibrium that is being disturbed. One thing this all can do is bring emotions to the surface, where you can see them more clearly. This will help you to prioritize and recognize those people and things that are truly important to you, and also worth fighting for. Some things are just too important to be ignored.
We are all being faced with important decisions, choices, dilemmas in our lives these days. And in some circumstances it could feel as if we are being set up against insurmountable odds. This will be especially difficult if you are also exhausted and stretched beyond your means. Good to know that you can pace yourself. Do not try to force anything beyond its limits. That’s how things get broken. Rebuilding, reinventing yourself, rebirthing, can all be metaphors for what is going on. And there may even be an event that lets you know that things cannot go on as they have in the past. In the mean time, focus on the things that you do have control over for now. And avoid exhausting yourself trying to do things that are proving to be impossible. It will all sort itself out in its own time.
Things could feel a little over-extended as we end out the week. Luckily your fabulous powers of discrimination and organization will help to save the day. Even when people seem evasive and difficult to fathom. In fact, it may finally begin to feel like you are able to translate what you are hearing. Even so, as we move through the week, there is a reminder here that words can be quite powerful. And the way we use words and language, and what we say, can have an impact. Therefore think about what you say before you say it, and recognize that when wanting to have the greatest influence, kindness can make all the difference. It is especially true now that a drop of honey catches more flies that a gallon of gall.
Measured determination can go a long way this week. That, and a little kindness. There are a few tense areas that could continue to require some expert navigation going forward. Using your expertise in diplomatic affairs will help to ease over some of the most taut situations. However, this will also require a good amount of patience, self-control and personal insight. But there are other skills here at your disposal. And experience can go a long way in helping you to work through some of the more challenging moments. It is a good week to let off a little steam, and enjoy good company with friends. Shared experiences can lead to deeper connections. However, try not to eat the whole pie, no matter how tempting. One slice will do for now.
You know when things don’t feel quite right? You might not even be able to identify what the problem actually is, but you know you just feel edgy. You might even be a little pissed off. Scorpio is on the edge. Especially the really early Scorpio people, in the early degrees. But all Scorpios are feeling the tension, like something is due. So what are you going to do about it? Maybe nothing. Maybe some retail therapy. Maybe some chocolate cake. Just realize that this is one of those weeks where things seem to be revving up for some kind of crescendo around the Full Moon. If there is something you can do about it, then do it. But if there isn’t, sometimes it’s better to hand the victory over to others, and wait for a better time. In the mean time, if you are needing an escape plan, there’s this great flying saucer I know of willing to take on passengers.
You are probably considering some important decisions having to do with money and finances, and perhaps some sort of investment. There may even be some hard choices to make. But when Jupiter stations retrograde, as it did last week, it is soon followed by a trine to the Sun. Within that trine is a promise of better things to come. And although that promise may not be fully appreciated until Jupiter is direct again later on in August, there can still be a great deal of anticipation. In some way Jupiter wants you ultimately to expand your world, both outwardly and inwardly. And right now, by bringing yourself in alignment with your priorities, your core values and ideals, this will help you to make the right choices and decisions that will bring you exactly where you need to be going forward.
Many a Capricorn is going through serious life changes these days. It will be hard to avoid. And it may even feel as if a whole phase of life is coming to an end, in order to allow something better and more lasting to take root. And it may indeed feel as if you cannot go on any further. Your ruling planet, Saturn, is about to station retrograde the end of April, and you should already be feeling it now. Like some sort of karmic inevitability, you are just being drawn along for the ride, and there’s no getting off until you get there. You may as well get your road map out. The bus is about to leave the station, and you might want to get an idea of where you are heading.
It could feel like you are going through some sort of karmic purification process in which you have to first go through some elaborate trial by fire. Or lock yourself in a cave somewhere until you reach some sort of enlightened state. Or go mad trying. It could feel like some sort of reckoning, as all of your past actions come back to pay a visit. If that is so, it is really about you needing to wipe the slate clean and start all over again. Don’t be afraid of what you might find as you peel all the layers back. Doing this crucial work is actually a blessing. It’s nothing less than giving you a chance for renewal. Therefore aim to make this a beginning that is meaningful to you. You’ve got some healing in your future.
There is a lot of crazy edginess in the air. But there is also a great deal of promise in the foreseeable future. Whenever Jupiter stations retrograde, as it did last week, it is soon followed by a trine to the Sun. Invested in this trine is a promise of better things to come. That promise may not be fulfilled right away, but it does open up a world of possibilities. In the mean time, Jupiter in its retrograde phase is trying to bring you into alignment with your core values and ideals, so that you do not forget those things that matter most to you. This will help you to make critical choices going forward.