Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: April 19th thru 26th

For the week of April 19th thru the 26th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


It is really difficult for an Aries to sit still, and to not want to reach beyond your limits. But that’s precisely what you are going to need to do this coming week. Especially after the weekend. Pace yourself, or you will find yourself completely exhausted and defeated. This kind of weather can leave one feeling doubtful, or even disappointed. Don’t listen to it. Ultimately what you are needing to cultivate, is your own belief in yourself. If regret arises and there is something you can do about it, then do it. If not, then let it go. You’ve got this. In the mean time, if you are exhausted, seek out meaningful (or perhaps not so meaningful) activities that don’t tax yourself beyond what you are capable of doing. Go to the movies. Dare to dream and wonder. And just let some things go. Your world is going to be changing in some remarkable way. And you won’t want to fritter away your energy on things you can’t do anything about. 


We enter your season this weekend. But not until the Full Moon has brought some circumstances in your life into full relief. The Sun is shining a light on those things that are gradually changing and transforming. For those of you in the early degrees of Taurus (April Taureans), you may already be feeling the transformation in your world. More important are the internal changes. There may be some external changes as well. And those may take some getting used to. But it’s the internal changes that really, really matter. And events over the course of the next few days may be shining a light on just what those changes may be.  It could be quite remarkable, to the point that the way you used to perceive the world is almost becoming irrelevant. A new order is arising. 


When all seems lost, and it seems as if there is not much to do about it, remember it is in this one present moment that you can be most effective. This will be one of those weeks, when the urge is to be proactive, and try to make something happen, only to see it all fade or fritter away; or even finding yourself spinning on a hamster wheel going nowhere. The truth is, if your heart really isn’t in it; you will not be truly motivated. And if it doesn’t feed your energy, you’re getting a message that you might be headed in the wrong direction any way. Change is imminent this year in some significant way. But it must be meaningful. It must make you feel as if you are doing something worth your while. Otherwise you will just be spinning your wheels. 


This Full Moon stands as a critical turning point. With the planet Uranus brought to the foreground things can change suddenly and inexplicably. An experience, a confrontation can shake you to the core. But it can also just be your own awareness that lets you know that things are not what you once thought they were. Or that something needs to change. Other people may be playing a large role here as Pluto stations retrograde this week. People can and will act as a catalyst in our life, allowing you to gain greater insight and become more in touch with your emotions. Even things like buried wounds surrounding shame, abandonment or fear. It is time to go back and review events from the past, so that you can learn from them. What is being revealed to you is showing you what needs healing. 


On Saturday, the Sun, your divine orb, will enter Taurus. Just before it does so we have a Full Moon. This could be a Moon of final reckoning. But also give yourself permission to be able to change your mind, or even your direction. Your willingness to be flexible will allow all sorts of new revelations to arise about your life, and the direction it is taking. You just may surprise yourself. Taurus is a sign of the earth, of green growing things and beauty. It is also a sign of peace and stability. In some way we are all being asked to step up and explore the ways that we can restore greater peace and stability, not only in our own lives, but in the world at large. We can all be a catalyst for progressive change, even in small ways in our everyday lives. But Leo is at the vanguard, able to stand as an example for others. And it is because of this influence, that you can make all the difference in the world. 


Your willingness to discuss or speak about painful subjects that you might otherwise wish to avoid, can bring insight not only to yourself, but to others as well. What does it mean to you to give a voice to the voiceless, to stand up for those who are marginalized or silenced? If it seems that there is so much to be fixed in the world, and it feels overwhelming, just remember the parable of the starfish. On a day when thousands of starfish washed up on the shore, no one knew what to do. But one small child came along and picked up one of the starfish and threw it back in the sea. Then the child threw the next one back, and the next. So it is with life. We may not be able to fix everything all at once, but we can start with this one starfish, right here.


As your ruling planet, Venus, enters Aries this weekend, you are being dared to take on the mantle of the warrior, in your own diplomatically charged way. And even if you are feeling like you need to fight for your right to have space and air time; realize most of this struggle is within. If you are becoming more aware of your own personal wounds, or woundedness, embrace it. Things are being dredged up, and this could prove to be rather challenging, emotionally and physically. Find kindred spirits. This is one of those times that misery loves company. And you can actually root each other on! Build bridges. Join forces. And gather the throngs. You can annoy one another to tears, or you can join forces and accomplish much more together than you possibly could on your own. 


You just may find your energy and motivation lagging this week. Especially after the weekend. Best advice is to not push yourself beyond your limits. You may also feel bereft with regret. Like you took a wrong turn some place. Stay present. There’s nothing to be done about the past, and the future is still unknown. Focus in the present, filling your free time with meaningful activity. Provided it doesn’t exhaust you. Pace yourself and your time. This will give you the opportunity to look within. Some consider Pluto to be a co-ruling planet of your sign, and as it stations retrograde this week, you will find the energy turning within, and exploring some deep questions, not only about your own life, but the meaning of life in general. The scary part, is that you just might get some answers. Just remember the ultimate goal is to find truth. 


If regrets arise this week, don’t focus or feed it too much. It may be normal to have some doubts about what you want to do, and where you want to go. But if you are not moved by your conscience or a higher power, it just won’t feel right to you. And pushing yourself to do what others expect of you, rather than what is right for you, will only leave you exhausted and drained. Your sense of self-worth and self-esteem is going through a major transformation these days, and finding those things that truly matter to you, and focusing on them are imperative. This is why it is so important to get your priorities straight. It’s not about how much you have, or do not have, it’s about how you feel about your own self-worth inside. That’s what will carry you far into the future. 


The planet Pluto has been in your sign for some years now. Each year that it stations for its retrograde phase, it brings some hard truths about reality to bear. But there seems to be something more critical about this station of Pluto this year and how it impacts on your own sense of self. For some Capricorns this could coincide with some sort of ending that is necessary in order for you to embark on a new path, and a new beginning. If you’ve been feeling the urge to reinvent yourself, pay attention to where this is leading you. Pluto’s station is digging in, and letting you know which path is the right one for you. It’s almost as if you have some kind of calling. And if you don’t pay attention to what that calling is, you may be forced to pay attention due to outside forces. It’s time for you to grow in some significant way. And the internal changes that are happening are even more important than whatever external changes are occurring. 


The Full Moon this weekend not only brings things in relief, it also shines a light on the things that are about to change in some significant way. Allow yourself to be flexible, as there may be a few twists and turns before the weekend is out. Changes could be annoying, but they could also be enlightening, opening you up to impending possibilities in the most personal areas of your life. Pluto is stationing this week for its retrograde phase, and with that you may find all things coming to the surface. These could be memories from the past. Secrets long forgotten. The consequences of past actions may come to haunt you now. But they can also be learning moments. And a recognition that there’s one phase of your life that is fading, which is then making room for a new life to come. It’s time to purge and remove and release. It’s important to do this work, in order to move forward freer and less encumbered by the past. 


If you find that you are pushing yourself beyond your limits, or you are feeling disenchanted, pull yourself back. Pushing yourself when your heart is simply not in it will only exhaust you and leave you feeling like an old dish rag. It’s not that you don’t have ideas and dreams. There are those. But perhaps right now the best idea is to keep some ideas to yourself for the mean time. Especially if you are still in the wondering or preparatory stage. It may be that you are feeling a little like an outsider these days, and wonder why you are not more ambitious. But you will not be happy hitching your wagon to the wrong stage coach. Especially if it means compromising who and what you are. Put regrets aside. And remind yourself that you are answering to a higher power.