For the week of May 24th thru the 31st, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Whatever wounds or pain that you are holding on to, will only create more wells of resentment and inflammation. Saying or doing something impulsively or out of anger is only going to open up a whole new can of worms that you didn’t even know existed. Rather seek alternative methods for healing wounds, whether these be physical, mental or emotional wounds. And recognize that there may be better and easier ways of handling all this angst that has been accumulating. What this week is good for: looking for opportunities to be out of doors, perhaps near the water. If you are so inclined: look for a positive cause that you can sink your teeth into, and use that angst to your advantage. It is also a good week to get things done around the house: focus on opening and freeing up your environment in some way.
Your ruling planet, Venus, is strong in its own sign this week, and further strengthened by the ability to be able to discriminate between what you aspire and wish for; and what you know is practically achievable. In an imperfect world, you may not be able to achieve perfection; but you may be able to achieve some sort of approximation of what you might hope for. And that is where you would wisely place your attention. It may even seem this week that things are easily falling into place, bringing you exactly where you need to be. You are also being given a clear perspective that will allow you to make sober and realistic decisions about your future; both practically speaking as well as knowing who your allies are going to be.
Ultimately this could prove to be a confusing week. You may not even know if you are coming or going. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is strong, however, therefore you will make it through the chaos, but probably not without changing your mind more than once. Although this is probably a time requiring a certain amount of discretion and tact, it’s not a good idea to misrepresent the facts in any way. That will only make things even more complicated. Keep your focus on what is in front of you. Perhaps keep some things to yourself if need be. And wait through any periods of confusion before making any important decisions. (I would wait until after the 31st). What this week is good for: allowing yourself to take time out; dream work; meditation. Avoid saying everything that is on your mind. Make sure you are fully informed. And don’t ignore the details.
Sunday marks the 3rd quarter Moon. When the Moon wanes in this way it is time to tie up loose ends, make sense of what you have learned, and process information. It is probably best not to make important decisions if it can at all be helped. There may be too much conflicting information to make a fully informed decision. And it could also feel like the opposite: like you are having to process too much information. If you find yourself overwhelmed by responsibilities or things that need to be done, remember to focus on things one at a time. It is simply impossible for the brain to process too many things at once. Therefore if you wish to gain emotional equipoise, take each chore, each responsibility, each event, one at a time, one moment at a time. Before you know it you will have made it through the chaos at hand, without even knowing that you have done so.
There are times in life when it makes sense to step back and accept the human experience for what it is, which at best is imperfect. If you cannot have perfection, look for the next best alternative. Being realistic about what your boundaries and limitations are, helps you to see where you can make practical and achievable goals. Do not lose heart, no matter how dismal things may seem at times. You can actually make headway this weekend, in healing over old problems and mending bridges within your group. Knowing that you are all on the same page, and share the same ideals, helps. Just keep reminding yourself, that you are all working towards the same end.
If something seems too good to be true it probably isn’t. This is a good week for you to have your antenna up, and allow skepticism to seep in. Being able to see through appearances will be very helpful, for it is one of those weeks in which things may not be all that they seem. It may not be that people are deliberately trying to deceive you (or perhaps they are), so much as things seem to get lost in translation. Therefore carefully comb through all information you are receiving before accepting it as gospel. Another way this weather can manifest is through distraction, which can make it very difficult to concentrate. At times like these, it could feel as if you are receiving too much information, some of which could be conflicting. Therefore step back and check with your own powers of discrimination. If anyone can make sense of the insensible, it’s Virgo.
One thing that may become apparent this week, are those people that you know you can depend on to be there when you really need them. If you are needing any help, this is the time to approach those who can benefit you. This will also help to strengthen ties and alliances that may have previously been feeling strained. Because you are able to look at alliances more objectively you can also make more sober and realistic decisions about others, as well as any business decisions you might need to make. People and situations may not be perfect, but at least you can see where you can practically make progress. Focus on those things that you know are realistically achievable right now. You may be pleasantly surprised at the way that things are then going to fall into place.
This weekend is a mixed bag of feelings and emotions. If you are feeling emotionally guarded, there may be a reason for that. But you also will not want to miss any opportunities to break out of your shell, or do something differently. Being willing to take a few risks can bring a whole new perspective. Rather than going into default, and retiring from the world, dare to meet new people this weekend, go somewhere different, or try something new. The key to healing comes from this willingness to open up, rather than to hold on or shut down, or hide out in your lair. The courage to meet the world, and look at situations through the eyes of others, could prove to be enlightening and encouraging.
It is important to be able to discriminate between what you wish to be true and what is actually true. Sometimes the line between these can get very blurred, as it may seem to be this week. Be open to the possibility that others may not share the same perspective, or may have different beliefs. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they are wrong or deluded. Some situations are just too ambiguous or complicated to make clear judgments about things right now. There could also be some disappointment or disenchantment with others. Realize that there may be some extenuating circumstances. It will be all we can do to sift through all of the misinformation and false lights that are clouding our sense of reality this week. Best plan is to simply take things one day at a time, as things are bound to be changing from day to day.
As your ruling planet, Saturn, moves back once again to sextile Neptune over the next several weeks, look for practical ways to make a dream or an ideal a closer reality. It won’t be handed to you on a silver platter. You are going to have to make it happen. But just recognize that there is this window of opportunity here that will allow things to fall into place, if you are willing to do the hard work. This may even involve a certain amount of sacrifice in order to make it happen. If you were to visualize a perfect ideal, what would that look like? And what practical steps can you take in order to bring your life ore in alignment with that ideal?
It may seem that from day to day it is difficult to make important decisions. For many an Aquarius, it may seem as if you are needing to plan for a future that at this time is unseeable. Some things are coming to an end, some sort of closure, in preparation for a new phase that is emerging. You just can’t quite see what that new phase is. So it feels as if you are feeling your way blindly forward. If it is of any help, ask yourself what sorts of things would bring greater meaning into your life? What sacrifices are you willing to make in order to fulfill your goals? In some way you are being asked to overcome doubt and transcend your limitations. It may seem like a daunting task right now, but the end result may be better than you might hope.
Both the traditional and modern rulers of your sign, Jupiter and Neptune, are approaching a perfect square in June. Meanwhile, this week, Mercury is making it feel a little bit more personal, perhaps bringing some chickens home to roost. You are being asked to bring yourself more in alignment with your highest ideals, but also with your core principles. One thing you will not want to compromise are your principles. But at the same time, it will become evident where the slippery slope of rationalizing situations can lead you to wonder: what is right, and what is wrong? Sometimes these decisions don’t need to be made. Sometimes all that is helpful at these times, is to sift through all the information, and allow yourself to sit with ambiguity. Sometimes there are no right answers. At times like these we dare to ask questions. And those questions may test your faith, but they also need to deeper understanding.