Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: May 31st thru June 7th

For the week of May 31st thru June 7th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


As soon as we moved into Gemini season, you might have seen the activity meter increase. The New Moon on Monday will bring an added push to further commit to some of these activities. This can often be a busy time of year for Aries, finding you coming and going. The key here is to stay in the center of the storm, and not allow yourself to become over-committed or scattered in the process. It is easy to become overwhelmed with information. Especially if you are not at your best. Time management and scheduling are key here. Therefore limit extraneous distractions, and focus on one thing at a time. That might help. It is also helpful not to take things too personally. Especially towards the latter part of next week when feelings and patience may be wearing thin. Be clear about what your boundaries and limits are at this point. That clarity will keep you from veering off course. 


At the New Moon in Gemini, Taurus aims to sift through their priorities. What are those things that you would prefer to spend your valuable resources and time on? And what are those things about yourself that you consider to be most valuable and useful? The sign Gemini is a sign of many interests, talents and resources. Being able to use these to your best advantage is a gift. One topic that may come up at this time of year, is whether or not you are feeling valued and appreciated for what you do. There are many ways to be valued. Sometimes that can have to do with money and gifts, but there are also other ways of being valued that cannot be quantified. This can also be a good time to create some sort of financial plan going forward, or figuring out how to make your current situation sustainable. Your ruling planet is currently strong in its own sign of Taurus, and making strong and supportive transits this week, making this an excellent week to revamp or create some sort of financial or pragmatic plan for the future. The sort of plan that you know you can live with. 


The New Moon on Monday is in your sign, marking the official beginning of your personal new year. Although you may have already had your birthday, or the Sun crossed your Ascendant, the New Moon heralds the official new beginning of all things Gemini. Including you. And much like a new year, it offers the opportunity to create resolutions, intentions, goals for the year ahead, and brings a surge of energy. It may be, especially with current transits, that you are not quite sure what those goals or intentions might be. In some way you are being asked to follow your muse. Feel your way forward, trusting that you will eventually arrive just where you need to be. Mercury, your ruling planet, is still in the last degrees of Gemini for the New Moon, but then moves into Cancer on Tuesday, a sign that is more in tune with your inner personal world. This can include family, close friends, and community, as you find yourself becoming more attuned with your inner world, and the world of the imagination. In the mean time, the New Moon in your own sign can bring a renewed sense of self-awareness. Take note.  


If anyone is sensitive to the vagaries of the Moon, it is the sign of Cancer. This Moon marks a time of the year that is like a clearing house: winding things up from the year before in preparation for a new surge of energy later on when we enter Cancer season. Therefore this is always a good Moon for Cancer to set the intention to release those things that you no longer need, and might be preventing you from growing. The eclipses are taking place in your sign this year, and indeed the next New Moon in Cancer is an eclipse! This can indicate that this is something of a banner year for Cancer. But for now, you are being asked to seek silence, rest, and solitude in order to gain greater clarity. You do your best thinking when you are undisturbed by the restless activity of the outer world. And you can notice more when you achieve a peaceful mind. So some things to think about with this Moon might be: learning more abut achieving a more peaceful mind; learning about creating a regular devotional or spiritual practice; or perhaps learning how to cultivate and trust your intuition. 


The Gemini New Moon is normally your wishing Moon, and is a great time to connect with and reaffirm your aspirations and what you wish to accomplish going forward. But because of the ambiguity of this Moon, there’s no telling what sorts of twists and turns may be ahead. Nonetheless, it’s not so much about what you wish for, so much as how connected to your heart center you are. The more connected to that heart center you are, the less likely you will be led astray. Think of a light house in foggy weather, leading you away from the rocky shoals, and onto the path that will bring you where you need to be. Therefore focus on those ideals, hopes and wishes towards which you aspire and might like to see realized this year. One possible intention for this Moon might be: If this dream is meant to be for me, may the best possible circumstances arise to see it fulfilled. 


The New Moon in Gemini is an opportunity for Virgo to reassess their position in the world: what you want to be known for; whether or not you are living up to your own expectations; and what reputation means for you. It may seem at times that so much rests on the vagaries of other’s behaviors and actions, and how that affects your own reputation. But it is also helpful to remember that the only behavior you have control over is your own. Therefore strive to be the best that you can be in any situation, and make the intention to use and develop your gifts, talents and knowledge to pursue the best possible path in only the best way. Your ruling planet Mercury, enters Cancer on Tuesday, one day after the New Moon. This will change the mood, pulling back from the busyness of your life. Allow some down time from your busy life over the next few weeks, for this time of year is much more effective when you are able to look within without being distracted by external events and commotion. 


As soon as we entered Gemini season, you may have already felt the shift: things become busier; you are called back out into the world in some way; things seem to be moving in a certain direction. The New Moon on Monday, just adds this extra push. For Libra, this Moon each year marks a good time to be willing to expand your horizons in some way. That can mean many things, but it does give you this courage to go out and be seen in some way. It can also apply to expanding your mind and your knowledge, which can include beginning a new course of study; or committing to a specific teaching or idea. It’s not so much about what you ‘should’ do, though that might arise, so much as what really catches your interest and curiosity. Gemini is a sign that goes with the flow. That being said, your ruling planet Venus is strong this week, and opens up a good opportunity to create some sort of practical and realistic plan going forward. This includes considering those who are there to help you to achieve your goals and plans. Reaching out to others, and solidifying relationships can go a long way. 


The New Moon on Monday is a good moon for Scorpio to make much needed transitions. It can often feel at this time of year, that something needs to be transformed or changed, or moved to a new space. Gemini is a mutable or changeable sign, and for Scorpio especially you get this feeling of addressing old habits or situations that are no longer serving you well; and looking forward to creating better habits in the future. Honoring this transition period is important. It may require a deal of self-analysis and introspection to be clear about what you need in order to prepare for the months ahead. To ease the transition it might be helpful to seed intentions to release any self-defeating fears or anxiety about change, and welcome any transitions or changes that are in the process of awakening. And don’t be afraid to ask for counsel, or ask for what you need. You might just be pleasantly surprised. 


The New Moon on Monday puts the focus on the other people in your life: whether that be partners, counselors, customers, or even your audience. As a result this is a good time of the year to come to appreciate those people who are there for you and with you. It also makes you more aware of the ways that you are dependent on others in order to navigate the world. We can’t do this alone! So cultivating the right relationships can make all the difference. This can also be a very busy time of year for you: lots of communications, socializing, connecting. All the more so to cultivate those social skills and make those connections! Some good intentions for this New Moon might be: May I skillfully learn the best ways to counsel and reach others with clarity and understanding. May I be open to communicating, listening and sharing with others without judgment. 


This could be a time of year when if feels as if your social calendar, and/or your work calendar, are filling up. There is a lot of busyness at this time of year, some of which can be fun, but also could be distracting and noisy. What the New Moon on Monday could be good for, is (re)establishing helpful routines and schedules, that will keep you on track, and allow you to better juggle all of your responsibilities. Creating some sort of realistic schedule and plan will also help you to set better limits, so that you can then focus on your priorities. Capricorn always does better when they have a plan, with specific goals to achieve. If you wish to set intentions with this New Moon, focus on things like your daily routine; on health and wellness, including diet as well as your mental health and outlook; becoming more knowledgable about health; or focusing on developing useful skills for work or daily life. 


Joy. That’s what this time of year is about for Aquarius: reconnecting with your joy. Even if you put it out there, and aren’t even sure what that all means: think about making more room for those things that make your heart sing. The New Moon on Monday is in the sign of Gemini, a social sign. Therefore when thinking about what your idea of fun is, also consider who you might want to share that with? Who are the people that make what you enjoy, even more fun? Therefore stop and ask yourself: what are the things, and who are the people that make my heart sing? And how can you make them more of a priority in your life? And for Aquarius that can mean almost anything! So that also means feeling comfortable with yourself, and who you are. The more comfortable you are, the more others will come to appreciate you as well. Therefore some good intentions for this Moon might be: May I step out of the way, in order to allow love and joy to enter my life and open my heart.. or: I want to see myself spending more time enjoying those people and things that bring me joy and happiness. 


This time of year often finds Pisces focusing more on your home and/or personal life. Or it may simply be when you choose to take something of a time out. The New Moon is in the sign of Gemini on Monday, and Gemini is a mutable sign of transitions. Like the seasons. The school year comes to an end. The beaches open here in the north, as we look forward to the Summer months. And for Pisces that also turns your mind and heart towards your inner personal world: focusing on home and family; embracing family or social traditions; improving relationships within family and community. There can also be a better appreciation for the patterns and events in your life that have led you to where you are now. These are things that bring you greater comfort and security. It also shows you what you might want to change, or cultivate more of, in order to bring more comfort and security in your life.