For the week of September 20th thru the 27th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Communications and meetings may not go quite as hoped this weekend. People seem to mean well, but everyone is sort of absorbed in their own agendas, making it difficult to arrive at an agreement. It would probably be wise to come prepared, in order to be very clear about your own position. Otherwise you will just be awash in frustration due to delays and obstructions being thrown in your way. Lucky for your side, through Aries courage and sheer will, you may just get people to realize how serious you really are. You also have an agenda. And that agenda is reminding you of where and what your boundaries are, and where they need to be reestablished. Organization, clarity and determination will get you where you want to go. Try to tune in to all of that well organized Mars in Virgo energy. It will serve you well.
There is this generalized feeling of needing to get back to work this week, and restore some sort of balance in your life. Things that had been allowed to lounge on the back burner will have to be taken care of. And those things that have become unraveled will need to be taken in hand once again. Address the too-muches and pay attention to the areas of your life that have recently been ignored, or where you have become over-extended. Certain things can no longer be avoided. And a lot of things can be remedied simply by creating some sort of workable routine, schedule or plan. Ask yourself: what do I no longer need? And what sort of superfluous stuff can I cut out of my life in order to make my life that much simpler?
This weekend could prove to be frustrating and exasperating if trying to arrive at some sort of agreement or compromise with others. This kind of weather is best used to tackle a problem, or focus on a project that requires a great deal of organization or concentration. Communications, travel and commerce will vastly improve after the weekend. But even then you will find that you have this one-pointed focus on a particular subject or idea to the exclusion of all else, and will not be easily dissuaded. But generally speaking, once we get past the weekend, you will see that positive attitudes and outlooks will help to reap positive results. Things will soon be looking up as you begin to see things from a higher, much broader and positive perspective.
As we enter Libra season on Monday, we stand in the balance between the season that just passed, and the new season that is about to unfold. This is traditionally seen as a time of harvesting and reflection. It is also a time when Cancer usually turns inward in order to connect with the basic foundations of their personal lives: your home, family, your roots and reacquainting yourself with traditions and those things and people that bring comfort and support to your life. And rather than focusing on what you do not have, or what you have not accomplished, focus on those things and people that do support you and have brought meaning to you in your life. It is time to release those things from the past that you have outgrown, so that you can sow newer and better seeds that will serve you well into the future.
The Sun moves into Libra on Monday, the Equinox. Libra is a sign of balance, equanimity and harmony. Whenever the Sun changes signs, it brings Leo along for the ride. The Equinox can and should be used to sow peace and gratitude. Any and all positive energy sent out at this time will help to ameliorate any discordant energy, both in your personal life and in the outer world at large. This is generally a more social period, one that Leo will fully appreciate, as we ultimately will strive to connect and bond with others. This may not be quite so easy to do at first, but as we move through the weeks ahead, it will soon be obvious who will be there for the long term, and who are just here today, gone tomorrow, fair-weather friends.
As the inner planets leave Virgo and gradually move into Libra this week, you are needing to consider whether the initiatives and promises you may have set for yourself last month are going to be sustainable. It’s a matter of sifting out and sorting out your priorities. What might become most apparent at first are those things that you know you do not want, or where you are being frustrated or thwarted by obstacles and delays. If you get too caught up in all of the details, you won’t be able to see the forest for the trees. However, a much broader and higher perspective can be more easily reached after the weekend, which will allow you to then see the bigger picture. This sort of perspective will be much more helpful in making any plans and decisions moving forward.
This week, as the inner planets gradually enter your sign, it is time to take the reins of your life once again, creating initiatives and creating new beginnings. It is also time in which to reset any boundaries that may have become eroded especially over the past year. This will be especially so if you have over-committed or over-extended yourself in any way. It’s time to come back down to reality, and regain your perspective and your priorities. Recognizing and honoring your limits will ultimately bring you greater freedom, and greater peace of mind and well-being. But it will require a certain amount of raw honesty and a willingness to be objective to do so. As we enter Libra season, there is a reminder here that today is the first day of the rest of your life. And you are the one at the helm.
If you want to initiate new outdoor projects, you might want to do so this weekend. For once we enter Libra season on Monday, this is your time of the year to go within. There will still be plenty of energy to finish what you have already started, but the lure of the inner world will already be beckoning you to cocoon up somewhere and begin to take inventory. However, what will become apparent as you sift through the closets and the places where things accumulate, are those things that are just taking up space and that you no longer need. At the same time that you are filling up the bags for Goodwill, there are also opportunities here for you to pause and reflect, in order to honor all of the events that have brought you to this place where you are now. Doing this inner work, clearing out the cobwebs in your life and your mind, is essential for the real inner work you will be doing later on.
Last week and this were something of a culmination for all of the plans and dreams that you have been working on all year. At this point some of you may be wondering if all the fuss was worth it. Even if there is still a lot to be sorted out, and even if you are not quite so sure whether you are coming or going, or where you will end up in the end. The truth is, this was your year to grow and expand your life and your vision. And you are just beginning to see the ramifications of all this. If you are still overwhelmed with endless tasks, as many of you are, recognize that if you just take care of one task at a time, before you know it, all those millions of things that needed to get done, will be done. And then once we enter Libra season on Monday, you can start to look boldly towards your future. That’s when you begin to ask yourself, okay, where do I want to go from here?
This is usually a pretty critical and busy time of the year for Capricorn. However, this week may require a certain amount of patience as you find yourself confronted with one obstacle after another. Communications could be off, you may feel as if you aren’t being heard, especially this weekend. What this weather is good for is taking all of that energy and focusing it on a long-term project that you’ve been meaning to tackle: this is great for organizing, focus and concentration. Another way to use this weather, is to recognize what you do or do not want, and where you need to set better limits. There are times when you just need to say No, and let the chips fall where they may. We often go along with things for fear of rejection, or of not being accepted. That won’t work this week. It will become more evident what and where your boundaries are.
There is an element of busyness that seems to permeate the week. It might seem as if there are a number of loose ends that need tying up. All the more so, thanks to the Jupiter/Neptune square which is exact this weekend. Once we are past the square on Saturday, you will gradually be closer to making sense of your current prospects and circumstances. Do not be discouraged if the initial responses you receive are not positive. Communications in general could be a bit fraught, and people are inclined to veer towards the negative, looking out for their own interests. It just may be that you are going to have to work a little harder than you had anticipated. So you might want to ask yourself, is it worth it? And how much do I really want this thing? Then look for a way to transform any problems, by turning those lemons into lemonade. Sometimes the harder you have to work for something, the more rewarding it is in the end.
Your ruling planets have been vying with each other all year. The final square between your traditional ruler Jupiter, and your modern ruler Neptune, perfects for the last time this weekend. This came to a head last week with the Full Moon, but it will continue to permeate everyone’s lives for the next few weeks. Thankfully with the Saturn station last week, we will begin to be able to reset any boundaries that had become eroded over the past year. You might want to ask yourself: where have you become over-extended? Where have you been woefully distracted? And what might you have learned from the experience? Some of the positive attributes of this square is coming to see where and how you need to bring yourself and your life more in alignment with your highest ideals, beliefs and hopes for the future. So you might also want to ask yourself, what changes need to be made in order to fulfill my dreams and vision for the future?