For the week of September 6th thru the 13th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Never one to be dissuaded, Aries certainly begins this week with all good intentions to have a schedule, create a plan, and follow through. However, even the best laid plans can go awry in this weather. Knowing that things could lean towards an unraveling as the week progresses, plan out your week in advance, before all the distraction and disenchantment sets in. Otherwise it could feel a bit like you are shoveling snow in a blizzard. One thing to remember: There are times in life when it feels like we have so much to do, with very little time to do it. That sort of busyness only creates anxiety. However, instead of allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by all that is going on, and trying to do everything at once, if you are able to focus on the one task in front of you, one at a time, one day at a time, before you know it, you will have made it through all the tasks on your table. That’s the beauty of using Mars in Virgo, and using it well.
With so many planets currently traveling in Virgo, you may find that you don’t have time for the things that you most enjoy. Yet these are probably the very things that you need the most right now. This is that time of year for Taurus to connect with those things that bring you joy, and distract you from the worries of the world. It is meant to be a time to recharge your batteries, not deplete them. However, there is only so much you can do to tune out the world this week. What you can do is find opportunities to deepen meaningful relationships through shared experiences that you both enjoy doing together. Through honesty and authenticity, trust can grow and further develop.
There is often a lot of busyness during Virgo season. All the more so this year. But it will be all you can do to focus on the tasks at hand this week, what with all the distractions and feelings of disenchantment with the world and the current state of affairs. It is so easy to have your attention drawn away as it is. The way to stay focused is to concentrate on the task that is right in front of you. One task at a time. Anything beyond that will just lead you down the garden path and away from what you are trying to accomplish. This is probably not the best week from making major decisions: communications are confusing, and it will be hard to get the facts straight. You might have to wait until the end of the week to get to the bottom of a situation. One thing to remember, is that when you speak from the heart, and you tell the truth, you will win hearts and minds.
Back in the day we managed to meet up with people, get directions, and navigate our lives without the assistance of electronic devices. At times one wonders how we possibly managed! Truth was, getting lost, or missing appointments were a regular part of our days. On the other hand, there also seemed to be less urgency, less distraction, less busyness. If at all possible, see if you can schedule in breaks from your devices this coming week: unplug if you dare. Doing so will benefit your mind tremendously: decreasing distractions and increasing your productivity, focus and concentration. It will also benefit in other ways, such as allowing your mind to simply wonder without the distraction of random messages and alerts. Your brain and your mind will appreciate it.
If you’ve been feeling on edge, you’re not the only one. That feeling of angst and aggravation continues straight through the weekend unfortunately. And this will only be aggravated if you are feeling that your boundaries have been breached in any way, or you are feeling like you are being taken advantage of. You will begin to feel like you have a better handle on things later on in the week as we approach the Full Moon, however in the mean time it will be all you can do to sift through the mixed message and misinformation that you are receiving. You may just need to let some things go. Because things seem to be in a state of flux, and you don’t have all the facts yet, it will be difficult to make plans. In sifting through all this, think of it as a week of information gathering: what are some of the details that you might have previously overlooked?
The world is feeling a little chaotic right now. And it will be easy to find yourself drawn into the melee. Your natural impulse is to want to sort out the confusing threads, to organize and take control. All the missing information, dropped connections, and mixed messages will have you all in a tizzy. In order to survive this weekend it is essential to rein in any need to micromanage everything in your path, otherwise you will be feeling sorely over-extended, leading to all sorts of stress and anxiety on top of all of your other stress and anxiety. Things should ease up after the weekend. So any best laid plans, and urges to organize the inchoate threads will be better managed then. One big plus for the week: this could prove to be a wonderful period for creative inspiration and gatherings: writing, crafts, cooking, picnics and engaging discussions are on the menu, and is just the sort of distraction you need!
If it feels as if you can’t quite get a handle on your daily routines and schedules, you might want to gather your forces and focus on what is directly in front of you, taking care of one task at a time, one day at a time. Trying to do too many things at once will only amp up the anxiety and aggravation meter. What you may become aware of is where and how you are overextended, or allowed boundaries to erode. It is almost essential therefore to schedule in mental health breaks this week, whether that means meditations, walks in silent reverie, journaling or a tai chi class… whatever works for you to reconnect, slow down, and refocus. Then come back, and place that focus and concentration on one thing at a time. And only then move on to the next thing. This will not only allow you to be more productive, but will also open up space for creative ideas and inspiration as well.
Collaborating with others this week can prove to be both exasperating as well as productive. At times it will feel as if you are herding cats, trying to get everyone all on the same page, or figuring out where everyone is coming from. It is all you can do to sort out all the misinformation and mixed messages being bandied about. The key to navigating this week, and keeping your cool, is by tuning out and tuning in. What you want to do is focus and stay on point. If in doubt, don’t. And it probably would not be a good idea to make major decisions this week, until you have all the information and clarity you will need in order to do so. Set goals for yourself, and commit to them. If nothing but through sheer persistence and fortitude, and being mindful of setting boundaries, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish despite any distractions.
When we strive to grow, expand and improve our lives, there are so many ramifications in the process. A lot of which you may not have even considered. There are also a lot of details that need to be taken into consideration. This is the sort of week when all that will feel like it’s coming to a head. It could feel like a lot of commotion (and aggravation) in the process. And it could also feel overwhelming. Even if you didn’t have anything planned, chances are things are going to feel like they are getting kind of busy. The general advice for the week for everyone, is especially true for you. If you are feeling overwhelmed or over-extended, stop and pace yourself. Instead of trying to do everything all at once, handle each task as it comes, one at a time, one day at a time. Before you know it, all those millions of things that needed to get done, will get done. It will still at times feel like you are shoveling snow in a snowstorm, but focusing on one thing at a time will serve you well, if you can hold to it.
If anyone can stay on track this week, it will be Capricorn. But you may be the only one. You have been working hard at reinventing yourself, and your life. And you don’t want to digress from the goals that you have set for yourself. That will still be challenging this week, even for you. Part of that is due to distraction. But there is also a lot of misinformation and mixed messages that are making it difficult to make fully informed decisions about things. If you are in doubt, wait until clarity resumes before making important decisions. In the mean time step back and reorient yourself. Focus on those goals you are clear about. Cultivate patience, determination, and discipline, and you will be able to weather any potential storms with ease. We’re all counting on you to lead the way. No one else knows what the h*ll is going on.
It could feel like there are a lot of loose ends to be tied up here. And it might seem as if this is probably not the best time to be doing so, but sometimes you simply don’t have any choice. One key to focus on this week, is keeping your priorities in sight. You may feel drawn and quartered and distracted by events. But it will be essential to make sure that you have all the information you will need before making any important commitments or decisions. It may even feel as if what you previously believed to be true is no longer valid. And the plans may need to shift here. Keep your focus on the long term goals, and your most important priorities. The means to get there may be shifting, but the ultimate goals are the same.
This is the sort of week that could tax anyone’s serenity, even yours. All the more reason to try and remain in the eye of the storm, using all of the skills you have at your disposal in order to do so. The week starts out especially antsy, but should end up on a better note. One way to navigate this week is to sit back, as if you were in a theater, observing the ensuing commotion on stage, like a spectator. This may be a little difficult at times, especially as this is the sort of play in which the actors keep trying to include and engage the audience. If you quietly hide behind a pole, or the person in front of you, you may go unnoticed. Just realize that the actors could be a little insistent. Do engage in the parts that you want to engage in, but know your boundaries and limits, and recognize which ones you will need to sit out. You’ll be grateful you did.