For the week of January 10th thru the 17th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Power struggles had been looming last year, even when they were totally unnecessary. Who needs to deal with all that? You may wonder how you got yourself into all that mess, in the first place? If you are still in a situation that is no longer tenable, and you can get out of it, then recognize the necessity to get out of Dodge, if you haven’t done so already. But even if you did already get out of Dodge, and you’re still feeling certain pressures; recognize that it is also okay to ask for help, and gather the tribe as needed. Who are your go-to people? Who and what are your support systems? Things could be feeling overwhelming over here with these eclipses and such. The remedy? To go rest in the Mother’s arms again. Even if she is no longer here with us on this side of the veil. Find that person, those people, that place, that helps to recharge your batteries and brings you that chicken soup for the soul you so desperately need. Even if you don’t think you need it, find your chicken-soup-soul-people-tribe. You’ll be glad that you did.
Friday is a big day. Not only is there a Lunar Eclipse, but Uranus is stationing in your sign. For the 5 months that Uranus has been retrograde its experience has been turned within. You’ve been processing and familiarizing yourself with your own unique brand. This includes bringing yourself more in alignment with your ideals, as well as embracing your most authentic self. The more comfortable you are with yourself, the more comfortable you will be expressing that to the world. Something has been marinating on the back burner, and now it is getting ready for its full expression. Uranus has been asking you to be a more honest, and more authentic expression of yourself, so go with it. You may even surprise yourself. Be confident knowing that this is less about you having to change, so much as being a truer, more authentic version of yourself. And anything (or anyone) that tries to restrict that, will not be tolerated right now. You need air and space in order to fully evolve.
If you were to look back at the past few years, it may seem as if there have been some tremendous changes, that remind you that your life is not quite the same as it once was. However, no matter what the external changes may have been, the most important changes are those that have been occurring internally and psychologically. As a result, a tremendous amount of growth has been occurring. And perhaps the most important lesson to be learned, if there is one to learn, is about acknowledging and recognizing your own self-worth. This not only includes self-esteem, but also coming to see yourself as someone who has something valuable to offer to others. Whether that be a skill, or a resource, or a pledge; the greatest of these is the support and assurance that you offer to others when they need it the most. This is the glue that’s been holding it all together these past few years. And that is simply priceless.
Who or what are you needing to protect you and yours from? Even if that simply means showing up with that casserole, or some baked goods, you’re ready to dispense help where it is needed as it is needed. But you’re not ready to get wounded in the process. When you sense danger, your first reaction is to go into circle-the-wagons protection mode. There have likely been those situations and people that have drained the heck out of you. Cancer has had their fill of toxic people and toxic situations. If you were to identify a situation that has overwhelmed you this past year (or now!), what might that be? And when you analyze everything involved are you really so enmeshed and obligated that you can’t escape? This year is about cultivating positive, healthy, and dependable connections that you know you can rely on for the long haul. The Lunar Eclipse on Friday is a reminder that instead of looking longingly at the door that has closed behind you; acknowledge the door that is opening right in front of you.
If you haven’t been doing so already, you will feel compelled to pay attention to your current routines, lifestyle and habits. Anyone who has tried to change a habit knows that it isn’t easy. They hang in there for dear life and don’t want to let go. And we become so dependent on them, we think we cannot survive without them! But we can. It’s all in the psychology. And although it is essentially up to you, it doesn’t mean that you can’t ask for help if you need it. Knowing that you are supported can make all the difference. It may be hard. And it may even feel like you are not making any progress. Rome was not built in a day! Saturn conjunct Pluto will feel like an insurmountable obstacle, and will try to lead you to believe that success is impossible. Focus on the positive and keep it simple. If you were to ask yourself what an ideal day would look like for you? What would that be? Focus on just one goal, just one simple daily activity that would set a positive tone for your day… then make that your lodestar.
The Eclipse on Friday and the Saturn/Pluto conjunct on Sunday seem to mark the end of an old order and the beginning of a new one. But this is not necessarily something that you weren’t aware of. The Uranus Station can bring a few new surprises this month. But for most, this is something that has been in the works for some time now. And chances are, changes have already been made. But even so, the changes that we dared to make in 2019, and are looking forward to in 2020 require a certain amount of serious consideration and reflection. For it should at least by now be more obvious as to what the ramifications of any real life changes have brought. And instead of longfully yearning for what might have been, or what could have been, pay attention to what is right there in front of you. Put all fears and regrets aside. For the plans and decisions you are going to be making for the year ahead are meant to bring you closer to your heart-felt purpose. And that’s nothing to be afraid of.
If you’ve been trying to tackle an old habit, then using Saturn/Pluto to your advantage is key. It’s never easy to change a habit. Habits will fight desperately to survive. You’ve been relying on them for so long! But the relentlessness of Saturn has the upper hand over here. Patience, hard-core deliberate patience is key. Another key ingredient is the willingness to release those things, those habits, old dependencies, that are no longer serving you! It’s more about a whole lifestyle and attitude change than anything else. This can also be reflected in your outer life: what are those things that you’ve always relied on, and made you feel secure in the past, but are now preventing you from growing? Bon soir! This is about cultivating and honoring those things in your life that make You feel a sense of security, support and belonging. 2020 is about rebuilding reliable structures in your life that you know you can depend on for years to come. Out with the old ways and in with the new!
There is a whole world out there that is just waiting to be explored. When you are ready. But even as you are reaching and looking forward towards the future, you are also needing to let go of those things that are no longer relevant to where you are going, and what you want to achieve. The Lunar Eclipse in Cancer is asking you to look at the bigger picture. But in order to do so, you are going to have to come up for air first. You can get so bogged down in the details of your daily life and your to-do list, that you find it difficult to step back and get that larger perspective. This will be especially necessary if you find the negative Nancy’s repeating their mantra: “I can’t because…” Uranus is stationing direct on Friday which could bring some sort of reminder that in some way you are being asked to embrace a new dimension to your life: One that is a more truthful, authentic expression of yourself. And one thing Uranus doesn’t want to hear about is “I can’t…”
Can you feel the energy rising yet? Mars in your sign at the very least should get some of the motivational juices stirring. Anything that you’ve been thinking about doing (but were unable, weren’t ready) is now being given the green light. Just be aware, that although you are anxious to get things moving, you may regret it later if you come out of the gate too fast. Meanwhile, the trend leading up to the Lunar Eclipse continues though the week: understanding that when other’s needs are taken care of, then you can rest assured your own will be taken care of as well. Release any fears about not having enough. And don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Being able to receive is just as important as being able to give, and reinforces the value of what you have to offer. This is the divine cycle of reciprocity which keeps the wheels turning.
Something is telling you to move on. Even while a part of you is determined to see yourself through to the very, very end. Even if it exhausts you. Even if it drains you of everything you have. But sometimes change is inevitable. And there’s nothing gained from trying to hold on to something that is no longer relevant, and bang your head against that wall doing so. Truthfully, there is not much you can do about changes when they are simply due. You are only going to make it harder by resisting the inevitable. If you are feeling overwhelmed, there is help to be found. With Saturn/Pluto looming in your sign there can be this feeling that you’ve got to do this all on your own, and you can’t ask for help. Not true. One thing that we often forget, is that it takes a village, and having that community support (and a sense of belonging) can help you to overcome even the most difficult of challenges.
You may find yourself released from a burdensome situation. Although it is not fun to be released from anything, recognizing that what you are releasing was burdensome could also come as something of a relief. After all, what it ultimately means is that you will be able to rebuild your life, your hopes, your dreams, according to your own vision, you own plan. Ask yourself once again: what is no longer supporting your spiritual needs; what is undermining your very health and well-being? And when we talk about well-being that includes Emotional and psychological well-being. What are the things that you need to further cultivate in order to lead a healthier, more emotionally balanced lifestyle? In addition to the Eclipse on Friday, Uranus will station as well, asking you to pay particular attention to your personal life: your home environment and where you are currently living, who you are living with and whether or not this is supporting your own personal self-expression. You need freedom in order to thrive.
In some way, through these series of eclipses, you are coming to realize who are those who are truly benefitting you and your well-being, and those that require a lot more work. It could be about that time to separate the chaff from the wheat. You will know who needs to stay and who needs to go by that feeling of support, comfort and familiarity you feel with certain people and associates. Friendships and associations shouldn’t have to feel like work! You shouldn’t have to always be sitting on pins and needles wondering if you are going to say or do the wrong thing. The Uranus station on Friday is even asking you to go even further this week, and seek out those companions who make you feel more vibrant and alive. Who or what sparks your curiosity? What are those experiences that bring a fresh wave of energy and enthusiasm into your life? Who or what fills your life with joy and happiness? That’s where you need to go.