For the week of September 18th thru the 25th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Just keep reminding yourself that Mars is retrograde. And when Mars is retrograde, any sign of aggression is liable to ricochet. And when Mars is retro the aggressor loses. The more confident you are, the less likely you will be thrown off course. No matter how much you have to put up with, no matter what challenges or obstacles may be strewn in your path, no matter what anyone else says to try and get you all riled up, you’ve got this. Set your boundaries, man the gates, and focus on what is right in front of you. You have your own fires to put out, and your own personal issues to work on. Let everyone else grumble and groan. You have enough on your plate to take care of right now. And you’re in no mood to be distracted from that.
As we enter the week, we are being asked to center ourselves, reorganize, and focus on priorities. And if you were to find a way to do things more efficiently, what would that look like for you? What do you need to shift, clean, prioritize? As we approach the equinox on the 22nd, also think in terms of creating greater balance and harmony in your daily life and routines. If there is one area of your life that you have been neglecting, see if you can adjust your schedule in order to fit that in. Also pay attention to areas where you need to cut back. It’s about moderation and balance. These are key to cultivating health and wellness in your life. And we all need all the help we can get in these areas these days. Decrease stress, and focus on balance and moderation.
It will be very difficult to keep some things to yourself this week, as your ruling planet is dragging you into the fray. However with an opposition to fiery Mars and Eris, and squares to Saturn and Pluto, you will want to avoid saying anything that could prove to be regrettable later on. This could find you ending the week with your foot in your mouth. Use all the tricks of the trade: Breathe first before speaking; Count to 10; review the T.H.I.N.K. acronym: is it true, helpful, inspiring or necessary? Is it Kind? Another way to help relieve any potential conflict or tension, is to try to see things from another person’s perspective. What brought them to this place? What might their back story be? We really cannot judge another until we have walked a mile in their shoes.
Just because the whole world has gone completely off their rocker, doesn’t mean you need to join them. Think of yourself as an anthropologist landing on this foreign world with all of these archaic customs and strange beliefs. You would probably find them both compelling and deplorable at the same time. As long as you don’t get drawn into taking this side over here as opposed to that bunch over there, you could learn a lot about basic human behavior. You might even learn something interesting about yourself in the process. As long as you don’t break the cardinal rule, that you are here as an observer, which means you can’t change people, even if you think it’s in their best interest; then you can learn perhaps even more than you thought you might.
We begin this week trying to get a handle on things: perhaps reorganize our lives, our files, get the bills paid, take care of business. Once you have all these pieces organized in your life, and everything is in its place, then you can start to explore your immediate environs, maybe make a few connections. Any and all positive energy sent out at this time will help to ameliorate any discordant energy. And what better place to start than in your immediate environment? With Venus still frolicking in your sign, you will find your interest in others peaking. Who is that person who just moved down the block? I’ve been wanting to talk to that woman with the begonia’s. Connecting with others breeds familiarity, kindness and charity. Something we’re all needing a lot more of these days.
You may find yourself questioning the values of others as we make our way through the week. Something that may be completely obvious to you, seems to escape the attention of others, and you wonder where on earth they are coming from? The planet Xenon? And wherever did they get their manners? Rather than getting drawn into any sort of unwinnable argument, you would probably find it wise to step back and observe, rather than jump into the fray. And if you are drawn into a debate, pay attention to the Mercury in Libra keys: moderation, fairness and diplomacy. Even if this means having to make certain compromises that you would rather not have to make. Patience will be required.
It is said that the way that Libra learns how to manage conflict so well, is actually through conflict. And if practice makes perfect, you all are going to be experts by the end of the year. Another reason that Libra is so adept at diplomacy, is that they are always looking for constructive ways to make everyone happy. But we would all be wise not to confuse compromise for weakness. There is a hard edge to Libra that we rarely see unless we push them to the wall. Libra can be very patient and forgiving. Up to a point. That’s when they whip out that amazingly skillful ability to tell people exactly where they need to go, while leading them to believe that it was their idea. People would be wise not to mess with Libra.
The one thing that will probably keep Scorpio out of trouble is by keeping busy. This does not mean that you won’t stealthfully offer up your opinion here and there like a projectile coming out of left field. At least when it is necessary. It will be very difficult to keep your opinions to yourself this week. But there is a certain wisdom to holding your counsel when necessary, especially when nerves are raw. So keep yourself busy instead: clear off your work space; organize your environment; and get to some of those projects that you’ve been wanting to get to. It may take you a while to get started, but once you get on a roll, you’ll be amazed at how much you can get done.
Try to avoid getting into arguments about money, if it can at all be helped. However, if anyone is capable of landing on their feet, it’s Sagittarius. Everyone else is going to be crawling by the end of next week. Sagittarius will be strolling out of the dust of what remains. Lucky for you, your ruling planet, Jupiter, is back in business. So, no matter what else is going on in the world, you’ve got this. You’re ready to put all the pieces together in order to move forward with your plans. You know what you are worth, and you are not likely to stand down. Even if and when you are under extraordinary pressure, your eternal optimism prevails.
If the encampment becomes invaded from without, the natural reaction is to pull up the drawbridge and shut the gates. If that includes letting loose the alligators in the moat, so let it be. It’s a matter of survival. So it doesn’t really matter who agrees, or does not agree, you’re all set to shut out the noise, and man the towers. Lord help anyone who tries to breach that fortification! All the more so, because Capricorn is in the process of redefining their lives in their own image. And you will not want any outside influences to distract you or lead you away from your intended goals. You’ve been working hard to reinvent yourself and your life these past few years. And what that looks like is to be determined by you, and what is right for you. Not someone else. And if you need to turn down the noise and shut the gates for now, so be it.
It can be a little lonely and isolating at times. Especially when it seems that everyone is just plain out of their minds. At times you are tempted to drink the kool-aid, just so that you won’t feel quite so alone. The problem is, once you have seen something, it’s just too hard to unsee it. And you’ve got enough on your plate just trying to figure out who you are and how you fit into the scheme of things these days. No matter how bizarre or exasperating, the best thing to do is to not get distracted by other people’s opinions or beliefs. You don’t need all that contention being tossed about. All it brings is worry lines and bad digestion. Use this time to focus on your own projects. And if you don’t have a project, create one. Clear out those closets once and for all. Organize all those papers. It might be difficult to get started, but once you do, you’ll be amazed at how much you can get accomplished in this weather.
Avoid arguments or discussions over money this week. It will only get on your last nerve, no matter what the outcome is, and could prove to be an area of contention. See if you can wait for a better time to do so. Instead focus on the next leg of your journey. It may be, that all the bits and pieces are finally coming together to allow you to move forward with a cherished dream. Don’t lose sight of that. There may be distractions and detours that could fill you with fear and dread about the future. Don’t let it shake your resolve. If there is a temporary glitch or obstacle in your path, look for a way around it, without having to engage in any confrontations. You’ve got a vision to fulfill.