For this week’s horoscopes be sure to read your Rising sign as well. If you know the house placement in your natal chart for Venus’s retrograde station at 10º Aries 50’, check out that as well:
(1st House) When Venus is in your sign there can be a greater directness about what you do or do not want. There is no beating around the bush when Venus is in Aries. And when Venus in Aries is in its retrograde phase, it’s time to get real with yourself. This is when she declares: What about me? It’s time to think about what your needs are, what your expectations are from others, and what your most important priorities are. Too often we can get distracted by daily activities. So we tend to just go through the motions. Even more so when our circumstances are quickly changing from day to day. With your ruling planet Mars still barely moving, take a page out his book, and take stock of your situation. Use the retrograde phase of Venus, which lasts until April 13th to sort out your most important needs, what you want, and what you need to feel safe, secure and supported. But also what (and who) brings you joy. This is not a time of commitment however. Rather this is a time of assessment and readjustment, as we sort through all of the people and experiences that have been, and currently are, most dear to us. And which of these we are going to commit to going forward.
(12th House) As your ruling planet Venus comes to station in the sign of Aries this weekend, it will remain in its retrograde phase until April 13th. And as it does so it will draw you back into the past, on a roller coaster ride of reveries, dreams once had, passionate adventures reclaimed. Memories may come to the surface, and something may remind you of that old flame from way back when. This is actually when we sort through all those memories, relationships, and old dreams, in order to gather up the essence of what once was, and see how you can reinvest that same passion into your present life and circumstances. But also even as you are reminded of the joys of the past, you are also reminded of why these needed to end. In a way, this retrograde phase of Venus affords you the ability to tie up any loose ends, tend to any unfinished business, and put to rest any unresolved feelings. You may even see the final closure of a situation once and for all. By the time that Venus stations direct again in April, you will have much more clarity about what and who you do want more of in your life, and that which you simply do not.
(11th House) This weekend, your ruling planet Mercury makes an exact conjunction to the North Node as well as to mystical and mystifying Neptune. It can almost feel like the fates are weaving the tapestries of our lives as they sit under the Tree of Life. Serendipitous events occur, and if we pay enough attention we might even notice the something almost magical happening. In some way you are being pushed in a certain direction. It could be easy to miss, however, as these signs and portents can sometimes be quite subtle. Especially in the very last degrees of Pisces. At the same time, Venus stations for its retrograde phase this weekend, which can begin this 6-week long period of assessment and adjustment to what can feel like a whole new order. As a result of any recent changes in your life, you will find yourself also reassessing all of your relationships. In a sense this could feel like a process in which you are separating the chaff from the wheat, figuring out who and what you most want to commit to, and those who are merely fair weather friends. Good friendships and alliances will only become deeper, and stronger in the process, while others may fall by the wayside. Just know that this too, is part of the tapestry that the fates are weaving.
(10th House) As the Moon grows this week, it will become more and more apparent where we have all over-reached our bounds, and my need to cut back. And as Venus stations this weekend for its retrograde phase, we are all attempting to find some sort of middle ground, even in the face of impending change. You may be feeling like some sort of adjustments may need to be made in the mean time. Perhaps even withdrawing from the world for a bit, in order to get a better perspective of just what your hopes and expectations are for the future, and whether or not you are indeed on the right track. The retrograde phase of Venus, which lasts until April 13th, is not the best time to make commitments. Rather this is when we check in with ourselves, determining whether or not our needs are being met. But what you might find, by the time that Venus makes its direct station in April, that you will know what you want to do. And that can mean making an even deeper commitment to a track you are already on. Or to make the decision to say No More, and cut ties once and for all. For by then it will be evident as to what is or is not working out.
(9th House) Generally speaking you should be feeling pretty confident this week. And you can make progress in your endeavors, provided you don’t overstep your boundaries and take on more than you bargained for. Sometimes you have to have the chutzpah to take a few risks in order to grow. However, there can also be something said for balancing risk with a certain amount of wisdom and foresight. Otherwise you might find yourself having to pay for it later on. And as Venus stations for its retrograde phase, it is also a cautionary reminder that things can have a tendency to seem a lot more valuable than they actually are, and/or have the inclination to undervalue the things that might be worth your while. Therefore it might be a good idea to hold off before committing to any major expenditures or investments. At least until Venus makes its direct station in April. So in the mean time, do think big. Do connect with your big vision for the future. Just temper it with some good old fashioned common sense.
(8th House) This weekend, your ruling planet Mercury will make a conjunction to both Neptune and the North Node at the very end of Pisces. In this way, we are all coming to terms with the ways that we have been hopelessly deceived, either by others, or by ourselves, and coming to terms with how to remedy the situation. One way to do this is to connect with yourself. Look within to your own divine center, to your own principles, to your own conscience. And allow that to lead the way. This can also be helpful in leading you through the upcoming retrograde phase of Venus. As Venus makes its retrograde station this weekend, we are all bing cautioned from making major investments or commitments right now. Venus instead is asking us all to reevaluate our own needs, our own desires, and our own expectations. And think in terms of whether or not certain sacrifices are, or are not worth the expense. Until Venus makes its direct station on April 13th, we may not be able to recognize the full value of something. That clarity will come later. But connecting to what your own needs and expectations are, will be key going forward.
(7th House) Relationships can be complicated and tricky. And so it is probably pretty helpful to pause with these occasional retrograde phases of Venus in order to regain our own perspective and bearings. One of the things we may be considering during the retrograde phase which lasts until April 13th, are the ways in which we have been making certain sacrifices for the sake of others, or simply to maintain the peace. Whether or not these sacrifices were worth it, will become more evident as we approach the direct station in April. But in the mean time, we are all being asked to get in touch with our own needs, our own desires, our own expectations of others. And squaring them off with other’s expectations of us. And this would be especially so in light of any recent changes or surprises that may have occurred. We’re all trying to adapt to extraordinary changes in the world, as well as in our own lives. And in some way we are needing to look at things with our eyes wide open. But in order to get there you are going to have to connect with your own heart center first. And in this way, knowing what is not only best for you in your heart of hearts, but would also ultimately benefit others as well.
(6th House) Even as your ruling planet Mars made its direct station last week, the planet Venus is poised to make its retrograde station this weekend. This could feel like a pause, even as we are trying to regain our footing. It will take a while for Mars to pick up speed again. But in the mean time, it is asking you to become reacquainted with what can feel like a new reality in some respects. Things are shifting. And even in your own personal life you are coming to terms with where you might be wanting to rebalance the books. But first it will be necessary to connect with those things that are most important to you. The priorities that you are facing right now, right here. That may concern your work. Or perhaps your own health and well being. But in some way in your everyday life, you are being asked to reassess and recalibrate. This can begin with understanding what your most immediate needs are, and whether or not they are being met. And that can include whether or not your desires are being met. What to do about that will become more evident around April 13th when Venus makes its direct station. But in the mean time really assessing your needs and expectations will be key for now.
(5th House) Now that we are past the New Moon, and the moon begins to wax and grow, allow your own vision for the future to wax as well. Do not think small. But also think in terms of what is feasible and reasonable, in order to avoid overextending yourself, or taking on more than you had anticipated. Meanwhile the planet Venus makes its retrograde station this weekend in the sign of Aries. Use the retrograde phase of Venus to step back and connect with yourself, without getting distracted by all of the commotion, and unexpected surprises in the outer world. Putting the focus on yourself and your own well-being is important for the next 6 weeks, in order to connect to your own joy. In some way you are being asked to be inspired, and the only way you can do this is by connecting to your own heart center. And even if that leads to some sort of unraveling in the process, the end result can prove to be both healing and inspiring. Be warned: lovers can reemerge from the past when Venus is retrograde. This is especially so for previous ties that had not been fully severed, or where things were left unresolved. Tie up those loose ends, resolve what was left dangling, then move on, trusting yourself to live your own best life. And that begins by knowing what you want and ultimately what will bring you the greatest happiness.
(4th House) As Venus stations for its retrograde phase this weekend, we are all going to be drawn back into the past. This may be worth it for the nostalgia alone, but it can also find you getting lost in the earliest recesses of your life. Memories surface as we struggle to make sense of our current circumstance in light of where we come from and where we’ve been. our earliest relationships, our familial bonds, can even have an impact on our current relationships. And this is when we are most likely to see the connections. Use the retrograde phase of Venus which lasts until April 13th to better improve and support the dynamics within the family. In some way you are being asked to reevaluate your priorities. There could be an inclination to one for a past that no longer has any relevance. Use these memories to make sense of the present, and focus on the people who are right here now with you, for these are the ones you are needing to rely on to support your emotional well-being and feed your heart and soul. But the time Venus makes its direct station in April, you will know which are the ones most needing to be invested in.
(3rd House) As Venus makes its retrograde station this weekend it is making a minor aspect to your ruling planet, Uranus. Changes are afoot, and you are being asked to consider your needs and expectations in light of these. One of the things that stationing Venus in Aries will be asking is: What about my needs? What do I want? And who is going to be there for me in the end? There can be an element of nostalgia when Venus is in its retrograde phase. And it is not unlikely that you might find yourself thinking about old ties from the past. And especially after Mercury also stations later in the month, you might even find yourself looking up old classmates, siblings, or friends that you once knew so well. This could be your opportunity to touch base and connect once again with people who have an important place in your heart. Use the retrograde phase of Venus to touch base again, but also use it to ease over old grievances, to offer an olive branch of peace, and perhaps even take a short trip to a place that once made your heart sign. Reacquaint yourself with certain stories, writes, and movie genres Reconnect with your heart center. For that is what is being asked of all of us, as Venus enters this important phase of its cycle.
(2nd House) When Venus makes its retrograde station this weekend, there could be an urge to want to spend impulsively. Just know that retail therapy will not help to resolve any recent changes or mishaps. And also know that when Venus is in its retrograde phase that we are most likely to either exaggerate or diminish the value of things. As a result, by the time that Venus makes its direct station on April 13th, you’ll be wondering what on earth you were thinking. Avoid any sudden makeovers. This is not the time. It is however a time to get in touch with your heart center and explore what you really, really want and/or need. The retrograde phase of Venus is a great time for sorting though and getting in touch with your most important priories. Look within, in your own heart, and then consider those things, people are circumstances that are the most important to you, and upon which you should invest your precious time, money and resources. You may find yourself needing to reassess your finances in the process. Figure out what you have been spending your valuable time and money on, and then reconsider, where you might want to reallocate your precious time and resources.