The Nodes are changing signs. See how these may affect you.
Read moreHoroscopes: June 30 thru July 7th
For the station of Neptune for your sign, click below
Read moreHoroscopes: June 23rd thru the 30th
Saturn’s retrograde phase for the signs and houses of your chart.
Read moreHoroscopes: June 16th thru the 23rd
For the week of June 16th thru the 23rd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
The New Moon in Gemini is usually a time for activity, for wonder, for conversations and social engagement. And that will still be true. However, we lose our words in the conversation, we forget our appointments, and time seems to get away from us, with this Moon engulfed within the rays of Neptune’s confusing and confabulating rays. Don’t expect to have all the answers. Or necessarily to know where you are going to end up when all is said and done. We’re just going to have to have faith that some how or other we will land where we are supposed to, and receive the information as it is needed. And rather than fighting uncertainty and distraction, learn to embrace it. Go for mindless walks. Daydream if you must. Use the New Moon to sort out and tie up any loose ends that are lying about, but also make time to do absolutely nothing. The truth is, we are doing so much internal work, that trying to make sense of the external world will only exhaust and deplete us. What this Moon is good for: Healing, releasing, sorting out our minds, and tying up loose ends. Use the prevailing Mars/Chiron trine to address any lingering health issues, deep wounds or angst. Move. Great week for any sort of physical therapy or rehabilitation, physical training, or learning how to assert yourself and your interests in positive and productive ways.
The New Moon in Gemini is when Taurus normally sorts through all of their priorities. This Moon may find you at your wits end trying to do so! Now with Jupiter in your sign there are just so many things that you are focused on right now, and there simply isn’t enough time in the day to do them all. It’s very hard to say No or set limits, when Jupiter is in your sign. But that’s precisely what you are being asked to do. Not just because the New Moon is asking you to manage your time in a more sustainable way, but because on the same day as the New Moon Saturn is stationing for its retrograde phase. And as it does so it is giving you permission to streamline your life. Ask yourself: What needs to be sorted out? What needs to go? and What absolutely needs to stay? And if you don’t do so yourself, you just may find that certain things will be sorted out for you. These are uncertain times, and it is hard to see too far ahead. But if you were to need a guiding lamp through this liminal and uncertain time, why not base it on your most salient and important priorities? The things that truly matter the most? A good intention for the New Moon on June 17th/18th might be: I want to see myself prioritizing those people and things which are most meaningful to me.
The New Moon in Gemini is your annual Moon of New Beginnings. This is when Gemini is tasked with thinking about the sorts of changes or priorities that you might want to make in order to support or promote a more authentic or genuine sense of self and self-expression. Whatever that might be that would make some sort of statement about who you are and how you wish to be perceived by others. But this is a complicated New Moon rife with uncertainty, and unknowable outcomes. And although New Moons are about New Beginnings, it can feel with this Moon as if you are needing to take a few steps back before you can proceed. The time calls for caution, patience and deliberation as you make your way forward through unfamiliar territory. But if anyone can make their way through these liminal and changeable times, it’s Gemini. Mercury, in your sign, is positioning itself in such a way, to best navigate a path through the foggy mists, and treacherous bogs. Mercury in Gemini is quite convinced that if you can make sense of the insensible, and read the illegible maps that you are given, then you can lead all others to salvation as well. But do realize that you have your work cut out for you. A good intention for the New Moon on June 17th/ 18th might be: Today is the first day of the rest of my life, may the first step of today’s journey bring me closer to making my dreams and goals a closer, and more achievable reality.
The New Moon in Gemini, in more ways than one, is a Moon of completion and endings. Tying up loose ends, releasing the past, Cancer understands that in order to make a good beginning, you first have to make an even better ending. Clear out the old ghosts of what once was, and prepare the field for new seeds, and ever greater potential. This New Moon falls just days before the Solstice, the beginning of Cancer season, a time of hope, new beginnings and renewal for the future for your sign. And this New Moon is in preparation for that. With its square to Neptune and Saturn’s station in Pisces you are being asked to release vestiges of the past in order to walk unburdened into your future. And in this process also come to find yourself. These are confusing and liminal times between one order and the next. And in these times we all need something to guide us. Something we can hold on to. In this vein, May Angelou advised us to: Listen to yourself, and in that quietude, you might hear the voice of God. Listen for your own inner voice of God to guide you. A good intention for the New Moon on June 17th/18th might be: May I find myself willing to let go of the old order, in order to be able to make a new beginning.
It is hard to see your way forward through the fog and the fugue of uncertainty when you lack the support and the necessary resources that are required of you. Saturn’s station in the sign of Pisces is asking you to create some sort of plan even in the face of all this uncertainty, and even when the numbers don’t seem to add up. Saturn also gives us permission to say No, and to back out of certain obligations that are proving to be much more costly than they are worth, in order to take care of those responsibilities that you simply cannot back out of. It’s a matter of strict priorities. All the more so, now that Saturn will be retrograde for the next 5 months. So it almost seems inappropriate to wish for a miracle and to wistfully rely on hopes and dreams. But in a way, that is precisely what the New Moon is asking of you. To continue to have hope and faith in the future, no matter how dire the prospects. The New Moon in Gemini is your wishing Moon. Anaîs Nin once advised us to Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it may bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country. A good intention for the New Moon in Gemini on June 17th/18th might be: If this dream is meant to be for me, may the best possible circumstances arise to see it fulfilled.
With Saturn’s station on the day of the New Moon, and the Moon’s square to Neptune, the New Beginnings usually implied by the New Moon in Gemini seem to be predicated this year on the idea of cutting back, narrowing your goals, and simplifying your life. What old dreams need to be let go of in order to be able to see your way forward? What old ideals and lifestyles from the past are no longer serving you? What needs to be released in order to decrease the generalized feeling of anxiety about the future? The truth is that we just don’t know what the future has in store. We are betwixt and between the past and the future. And in order to make your way forward through the fog and the uncertainty, Virgo is being asked to acknowledge their limitations and boundaries in order to see their way through. In the end, although others may see this as having to make certain sacrifices, there’s a certain comfort in knowing exactly what your limitations are, and figuring out how to live within those parameters. For you it’s just practicality and common sense! As a result, even in this time of uncertainty, Virgo aims to create their own plans based on a realistic assessment of what is practically achievable, realizable and sustainable.
Because we feel uncomfortable with uncertainty, there is a natural inclination to want to fill in the spaces with our own theories and ideas. What you want to make sure of, is that these theories are not being distorted by your fears about what could be, or hopes for what you want to be, rather than looking at things the way they actually are. The truth is, none of us know exactly how things are going to work out in the future, so we’re being asked right now to sit with our uncertainty, while focusing on the things that are right in front of us. Truth and clarity will make itself known as it will, in its own time. One way to make your way forward through this veil of uncertainty is to stick to your own leading principles, and do the right thing. Focus on things like fairness, empathy and kindness, and at least you can go to sleep at night with a clear conscience. The New Moon in Gemini is usually an opportunity to gain some sort of higher perspective, but this one is littered with distractions. In order to cut down on some of the mental clutter, use the New Moon period to create greater order in your everyday life. Clear off the desk. Make those appointments. Consult experts if you need advice on a matter. And revisit your routines and schedules. Once all that is in order, then you will be in a better place to achieve that higher perspective you’ve been craving, even if you don’t have all the answers yet.
The New Moon in Gemini is normally a time for insight and understanding for Scorpio. And it still can be! Faced with the unknown, rather than relying on their imagination to fill in all the empty pieces of the puzzle, Scorpio gets down to business, turning over every rock, and investigating every nook and cranny. Uncertainty can bring insecurity. For Scorpio, that means sussing out every fact and unearthing every clue. This will be all the more so for issues closest to the heart, but this will also be true in the work place. So if you are confronted with a confounding issue, seek out a fellow Scorpio co-worker and get them on the case. There’s nothing quite like a mystery needing to be solved to get a Scorpio motivated. Rather than become exasperated like the rest of us, under the rays of a compelling Mars trine Chiron this week, Scorpio finds themselves inspired and motivated. Do realize with Neptune standing in the wings, that even with your superior sleuthing powers and discrimination, some things will continue to remain a mystery. But fear of the unknown can also be a great motivator to help you to refocus on your most pressing priorities. Realizing what your most pressing priorities are, not only gets you back on track, but can also lead to peace and healing.
If nothing else, the New Moon in Gemini is trying to teach us the necessity of having to live with uncertainty. Not having the answers can be vexing. But if you were to focus in on the important things that are standing there right in front of you. This can include the most important people in your life, as well as those things in your daily life that support your health and well-being. If you have a plan for your well-being and stick to it, the rest will probably follow. This may include the necessity for slowing down, and/or cutting back on those things that are distracting you from your goals. When Saturn stations retrograde, as it is on the New Moon this weekend, it is a reminder to set appropriate boundaries, and to know when to say ‘No More’. Setting those boundaries can help you to focus in on those things that really matter. The New Moon in Gemini is often a time for Sagittarius to come to appreciate those people in your life that you rely on for support and guidance. These can be your closest allies, friends and partners. But it can also be those people that you go to for advice, as well as understanding. Don’t be surprised if you find your heart growing a few sizes this week. The New Moon is trying to get you to open up in some way. Use the inspiration of the New Moon to perform random acts of kindness and benevolence. You will be remembered for doing so.
The New Moon in Gemini, although usually associated with one of the more productive times of year, may find you a little more distracted than usual. Due to a square to Neptune, you could find yourself more disorganized, less efficient, and preoccupied with other things. Whenever Neptune is strong, we can feel overwhelmed by uncertainty and can’t seem to see our way forwards. And the truth is, we really don’t know what the future will bring. These are times of transition, between one era and the next, and not everything is in place yet to allow you to see a clear path ahead. In order to navigate this foggy weather, focus in on your Saturn qualities. Saturn stations for its retrograde phase on the same day as the New Moon. And it is during this 5 month retrograde phase that we can best cultivate some of the more positive Capricorn traits, while culling out the negative traits. That means letting go of having to control the outcomes of things, and cultivating things like patience, self-reliance, and self-restraint. If you organize your external environment, you will see your mind responding in kind. Capricorn remains steady and grounded even in the most uncertain of circumstances. And that is what is going to help you through even when things seem so mysterious and unknown.
Since we don’t have all the answers yet about the future, it’s best to focus on the here and now. Things are in a place of flux, where elements of the past are still haunting the back rooms of our lives, while the mysteries of the future are still unformed. Therefore, rather than thinking about what you are going to need for the future, or what you do have vs. what you don’t, focus on what you do have now, and what you are needing right now. Anything beyond that is simply unknown. This doesn’t mean that you can’t wonder and hope for solutions to manifest. But rather than focusing on the how, focus on the what for now, trusting that the planetary gods have their own ways of creating the causes and conditions that will allow those solutions to manifest in their own time, and in their own way. Normally the New Moon in Gemini is a time for New Beginnings in our personal lives, or through some form of personal self-expression. It is when we are being asked to open ourselves to our new-found joy. But with Neptune in the wings, and a retrograde station of Saturn, it could feel like you are needing to be a little more circumspect than usual. And part of that is simply acknowledging what your limits are, and how best to honor them. Saturn is giving you permission to say No when you need to, in order to allow better things to walk into your life.
Although the New Moon this weekend is in Gemini, it is ticking off all the boxes for Pisces. This is because the New Moon is square your modern ruling planet, Neptune (in the last degrees of Pisces), while Saturn in Pisces stations on the New Moon for its retrograde phase which lasts until November. Having both Saturn and Neptune stationing in your sign could feel a bit overwhelming. Neptune tied up with the New Moon and the upcoming Solstice on the 21st can make us all feel as if our worlds are unraveling. Our usual guide posts along the way seem to have been dismantled, and we are not quite sure where we are headed. Meanwhile the station of Saturn is a grim reminder that we have to stay the course no matter what. There are responsibilities to be tended to, and obligations to be fulfilled. And there’s no getting out of them. So how does one navigate this weather where shades of the past linger among the unborn, and the unknown visages of futures yet to be? The New Moon wants you to focus on the foundations of your life: home, digging firmer roots, shoring up your emotional support systems and people, and creating a personal oasis even in the midst of uncertainty and ambiguity. Become attuned to your inner needs and pay heed to them, allowing common sense and natural instincts to guide you in your decisions and plans. It will soon become clear what your primary needs are, and honoring them. Allow these to be your guide going forward.
Horoscopes: June 9th thru the 16th
For the week of June 9th thru the 16th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
For the past 15 years you were being tasked with taking greater control of your life and your destiny. For some, it may have even felt like you were being called in a certain direction. No doubt there were struggles along the way: power struggles, intense interactions with authorities, situations over which you felt you had no control. But within that construct were also those callings. And betwixt and between the push and pull of destiny and fate you were building something: a new life, your career, your reputation. And as Pluto return to Capricorn you will find yourself revisiting all this, and wondering: What am I going to do with all that I have achieved and built and experienced? Where am I going to go from here? Your role in the outer world has long since evolved and grown. And so have your goals and commitments. And it is within this liminal phase between the Pluto and Capricorn era and the Pluto in Aquarius era that you will be focusing in on those goals that are worth further investing in, and where you might want to free yourself up in order to move in a whole new direction.
What with Uranus in your sign for the past 5 years, and now Pluto gradually moving into Aquarius, at some point you may not even recognize the person you are becoming. Now that Pluto is returning to Capricorn this week, you could come to the realization that you are still holding on to certain vestiges of a past, or ideas about yourself, that belonged to a person you once were. What old ideas or commitments that once felt so supportive, now make you feel limited and stuck in the past? It could also happen as you go back over old territory with Pluto that you come to better appreciate the values, beliefs and traditions that you had invested in over the past 15 years. What useful skills have you learned, what lessons and experiences have contributed to who you are today? And which of these do you wish to further commit to going forward? We are all doing an inner inventory of the past 15 years, figuring out what is worth holding on to, while culling out that which we have simply outgrown. There comes a time in everyone’s life, where we find it necessary to break out of the prisons of our own making, in order to emerge out into a world that promises greater possibility.
Mercury entering your sign this week can bring new beginnings, but do not be dismayed if at first it feels as if some delays and obstacles are strewn in your path. Saturn is readying itself for its retrograde phase next week, and this can feel like you are needing to take a few steps back before you can then move forward. At the same time that Mercury is entering Gemini, Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn where it will remain until January 21st. Like ships passing in the night, Mercury and Pluto are asking us to consider what we have learned about ourselves, and perhaps even life itself, for the past 15 years. Pluto has had a tremendous impact on Gemini lives over the past 15 years. And now Pluto is coming back to Capricorn to tie up some loose ends that are still unresolved. Pluto digs deep down into the firmament of your psyche, to ever deeper layers, where all sorts of emotions are buried beneath the surface. Pluto wants them to be brought out into the light of day. To be excised. But in order to do so, you are being asked to confront whatever lingering demons are still balefully lurking in the wings. Pluto wants you to grow. And anything that is holding you back and preventing you from doing so, will now need to be confronted once and for all.
For the past 15 years that Pluto was in Capricorn it was expressing itself through the guise of your closest relationships. Pluto can bring intense encounters with others, it can bring tumultuous brooding personalities into your life, and it can bring life-changing experiences in the company of others. Truths are revealed. Betrayals and fears confound us. All through these Plutonian interactions with others. And sometimes, similar to having Pluto in your own sign, there can be these profound events that dramatically alter the life in some way. The difference being, that when in the opposite sign as it has been with Pluto in Capricorn, these events appear to come from outside of yourself, to happen to you, rather than being initiated by you. Now that Pluto is retrograde and returning to Capricorn this week it is trying to remind you, that when you put the emphasis on yourself, and those things that you do have control over, the whole paradigm will change. And then, as a consequence of you changing, you will find that everyone else, even your relationships will become transformed in the process.
There are two main departments of life that can be affected for Leo when Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn as it has been for the past 15 years: work (the work environment; co-workers; what you ‘do’); and health. When dealing with your health, you find yourself concerned both with those things that undermine your health and well-being, while also discovering those things that support it. In some ways, Pluto can act a bit like a life coach, persuading you to reorganize your daily schedule, and even up-end your life with the intention of taking charge of your health and well-being. One thing that can become apparent are the ways that your mental and emotional health can impact your physical health and vice versa. Now that Pluto is returning to Capricorn for the rest of the year it wants you to go back over old territory, ensuring that you have all of your supports and structures in place. What have you learned about supporting your health and well-being, and is there anything else that you’ve been wanting to incorporate into your daily habits and routines to ensure that well-being? And what skills might you want to further invest in, that would make your work or daily life more meaningful?
At the same time that your ruling planet Mercury enters Gemini this week, Pluto also changes signs. Retrograde and moving back over old territory, Pluto returns to Capricorn. Simultaneously shifting signs, Mercury/Pluto is trying to show us the ways that the 15 year transit of Pluto in Capricorn has transformed certain areas of your life. And as a result of these changes, your life will never be quite the same again. Deeply compelling, Virgo has been finding themselves drawn along by cravings, desires and urges, that could not and would not be resisted. Like destiny calling you, you were being drawn in a certain direction. And through these various experiences, and intense interactions with others, you have grown in ways that you might not have considered. This would be especially true for those people and things that you are or were most passionate about and invested in: those beings you love most, your children, your art, your loved ones, what you create, and the ways in which you give full expression to yourself. The sign Capricorn is where Virgo gives birth to themselves. And as Pluto returns to Capricorn this week, it aims to remind you just what that is.
For the past 15 years that Pluto has been in Capricorn, Libra has been trying to figure out why the heck they have been doing the the things they do. Overturning every rock, investigating the past, has allowed all sorts of things to crawl out of the mists of time. Was it your mother’s fault? Did you fail to fulfill your parent’s expectations? Or do you now find yourself refusing to repeat the recurring themes of the past handed down from generation to generation? Whatever dysfunction was being revealed about you and your family history was not just for the sake of idol curiosity so much as for the purpose of showing you either what needs to be discarded, accepted or forgiven in order for you to evolve and move on. Any emotional weight that you’ve been carrying around with you was being released and unloaded. And now that Pluto is returning to Capricorn, it’s asking you to scour out those last dregs: all those inner dialogues, the should haves, the could haves, the emotional abuse that you impose on yourself. Once released of all that weight that you’ve been carrying with you all these years, just think of what it will finally feel like to walk freely, without all of that extra weight and baggage. Once and for all.
With the sharp sword of your Scorpionic discrimination, your lot has been busily cutting through the lies and the misinformation, and sorting through the subterfuge in their attempts to focus in on the truth. For the 15 years that Pluto has been transiting Capricorn Scorpio has been investigating, digging up, and honing in on not only their own personal truth, but truth itself. With magnifying glass in hand, and donning your deerstalker hats, you’ve all been discovering and revealing these elements of truth, leaving no stone left unturned. And now that Pluto is returning to Capricorn once again, it does so with the intention of revealing some personal truths about yourself, and what you have since learned in the process. And especially for the months that Pluto will still be retrograde your task is to uncover your own personal revelations and mysteries that have been revealed to you over the past 15 years. What are those things and subjects that are truly most meaningful to you? What are those things that are calling you and giving you a sense of deeper purpose? What is your own inner truth and destiny?
Over the past 15 years many a Sagittarius has been exploring and reassessing their own self-worth, and what they have been basing that on. That could have been literal, as in the ways that you have or have not been earning a living, or the ways that you have been investing your resources. Pluto can completely transform the ways and means that you support yourself during the years that it has been in Capricorn. This week, Pluto returns to Capricorn for some final business. This can include things like further prioritizing your needs and expectations. Or adding the final touches on the foundations that you have been working on, and that you know you can rely on far into the future. And if there were one lesson that you have learned over the past 15 years about your own self-worth, what might that be? Is it really about how much you make and earn and have in the bank? Or is it the way that you are valued by others? Or perhaps the ways that you value yourself, and what you have to offer the world? What about things like: strength of character, values, and good works? Once and for all, in what ways do you value yourself, and want to be valued by others?
For the past 15 years that Pluto has been in Capricorn your life was being completely rebuilt. At first it may have seemed as if your life were coming completely undone. Like all that you had previously valued and identified with was being annihilated. But starting all over from scratch, many a Capricorn has been rebuilding and transforming their lives. And in the process of going through this total overhaul, have also been going through a tremendous period of growth. Now that Pluto is returning to Capricorn, it is with the purpose of getting out those last vestiges that continue to linger, but are simply no longer relevant for who you are now, and may in fact be holding you back. Pluto transiting your sign, has been focusing in on this idea of self-improvement, discovering your own truths, self-empowerment and taking a firmer hold on the destiny of your life. And anything that might be undermining your attempts at doing so, will be challenged as Pluto returns to these final degrees of Capricorn. For whatever is still standing in the way of your ability to take control over your own life and progress will need to be addressed once and for all, so that you can proceed on to the next leg of your journey.
Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius was giving you a glimpse of what the next phase of your life might be and could be. But this week, Pluto is returning to Capricorn for some unfinished business, and to tie up some loose ends that are still lying around in the deepest recesses of your mind and psyche. Whatever complexes, habits, tendencies or compulsions that have not yet been fully addressed can no longer be ignored. Aquarius can often present a facade that makes them appear cool calm and well composed. Yet all the while that Pluto has been in Capricorn, a wild tempest has been rumbling and roiling beneath that surface. And with that has been churned up all sorts of stuff from the very depths of your subconscious. Pluto has been churning this up in order to purify and expel and clear out the space junk that had been collecting in our psyche. What is meant to take its place are things like acceptance, understanding and forgiveness. And through this purification process free you up for the next leg of your journey. Whatever inner work you’ve been doing for the past 15 years was to prepare you for what is yet to come in the Pluto in Aquarius era, an era of personal transformation.
For the 15 years that Pluto had been in Capricorn, Pisces has been trying to figure out the ways that they do or do not fit into the greater scheme of things. And the ways that you can use your power, talents and abilities to contribute to a much larger whole. Perhaps you came to the realization that you can accomplish so much more with others than you possibly can on your own. Or that conversely you were coming to terms with recognizing your own true path separate and distinct from others. And in the process you may have been jostling between wanting to fit in, and yet resisting the tendency of the world to try and force you into a mold that you had long since outgrown. And through this process you have hopefully discovered your own true path and destiny. This may have found you rearranging and reassessing your alliances and associations in the process. What you call yourself. What groups you belong to or identify with. However, with the right sort of allies, those people and groups that share your values and ideals and goals, you could have, and can still find greater value, and opportunities to find healing, self-empowerment and opportunities to fulfill your life and destiny in ever more meaningful ways.
Horoscopes: June 2nd thru the 9th
For the week of June 2nd thru the 9th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Like a light turning on in your mind, Full Moons can be illuminating. Things that were previously hidden, or that you had not been fully aware of, could come to your attention. And the Full Moon in Sagittarius this weekend could even bring a few surprises and unexpected detours in its wake. Whatever new information you receive could even change your whole perspective. Be flexible. For there could even be some unforeseen detours. Just know, that if that is the case, it could prove to be fortuitous. Be willing to listen to all, but then process the information first before reacting. Sometimes it is necessary to step back and reassess a situation before making any judgments. Look for signs and omens in your everyday life, that will confirm whether or not you are on the right path. If you’re going off course, you may need to make a few adjustments, but in the end it will bring you precisely where you need to be, even if it isn’t originally what you had planned.
Your ruling planet Venus enters Leo on Monday, where it will remain until October 8th. This is a really long time for Venus to be in a single sign. This is due to its retrograde phase coming up in July, but if Venus were to linger anywhere for an extended period of time, this is a fine place for her to do so. For Taurus, Leo is a sign that you associate with home, family, and domestic pursuits. We will talk more in the weeks to come, but in the mean time, there’s a glorious Full Moon in Sagittarius this weekend. The Full Moon in Sagittarius each year can offer you an opportunity to reassess how well you have been handling your finances. Have you been successfully paying down any debt? Is that marketing campaign finally paying off in the way that you had hoped? Are people coming through for you in ways that you had not anticipated? Full Moons can be illuminating. And this Moon can show you what is required of you to invest your valuable time and resources in only the most productive ways.
Way back in April when your planetary ruler, Mercury, stationed for its retrograde phase it did so within the bounds of Uranus. However the conjunction was not yet completed. At least until now. Things that got delayed or waylaid during the retrograde phase of Mercury is now being given the green light. And like a sudden jolt, Mercury/Uranus can also bring the gift of insight and clarity. This could even help to reveal solutions where previously you only saw problems. This will be further highlighted by the expansive Full Moon in Sagittarius on Saturday. If your birthday falls on or around the Full Moon on June 3rd/4th, or you have 10-16º of Gemini Rising, you will be especially sensitive to this Full Moon that can bring things to an unexpected conclusion. Astrologically birthdays are like new beginnings. But when a Full Moon falls on or near your birthday the new beginning requires you to tie up some loose ends first, or bring an old order to a final completion before you can proceed. This can include things like ending a dry spell in your life, which can then open up all sorts of doors and opportunities that you did not even know were there.
There is something wistfully compelling about this week’s Full Moon in Sagittarius. In the days leading up to the Full Moon, Venus in its last degrees of your sign is trine Neptune, dreamy, beguiling, and romantic, Venus/Neptune allows you to see more, hear more, feel more and sense more. It is trying to lure you away from the busyness of your everyday life that is being conjured up by the expansive Full Moon. Things could get amped up in work, or you might find yourself needing to jump through hoops over the weekend. But that might be because you are running around tying up some loose ends. For this is a Moon that Cancer associates with a bit of clearing out. Clearing out that can then allow you to see things from a whole new perspective. It’s like cleaning out that closet so that you can finally see what you have. So it can be with our lives. Clearing out the old stuff that’s preventing you from appreciating what you’ve got. Full Moons can also be revealing. If you are made aware of a health condition, or a situation at work, pay attention. This is a good Moon to make adjustments as needed.
The planet Venus enters Leo on Monday, where it will remain until October 8th. This is a really long time for Venus to be in a single sign. This will be due to its retrograde phase coming up in July, but if Venus were to linger anywhere for an extended period of time, this is a fine place for her to do so. Venus is our ‘lesser’ benefic planet who aims to leave trails of happiness in her wake. This week she enters your sign with a bit of drama and intensity but not without your best interests at heart. What is being revealed and/or culled out, is making room for better things to come in. Full Moons can amp up the intensity. And the Full Moon in Sagittarius this weekend, will do its best. But it can also allow you to see things from a higher perspective. Venus and the Full Moon are trying to shine a light on those people and things that truly bring you joy and happiness, and to illuminate back to you your true feelings in the matter. Nothing is likely to be hidden for long in the light of the Full Moon where truths are revealed, and events brought to their final conclusion.
Way back in April when your planetary ruler, Mercury, stationed for its retrograde phase it did so within the bounds of Uranus. However, because of the retrograde, it does not complete the conjunction until this weekend. Right after the Full Moon! Things that had been put on hold due to Mercury’s retrograde can now finally move forward. In fact things could appear to be moving pretty quickly now that Mercury is completing this conjunction. Plans change. Things get turned around when Mercury meets Uranus. But what it can also bring is the gift of clarity. Things come to light. And where you previously only saw problems you can now see solutions. All the more so with the Full Moon shining a light on the proceedings. Expect a lot of busyness at home where the Full Moon is likely to be stirring up all sorts of stuff. Full Moons are not just illuminating, however, they can also bring things to a final culmination. So that whatever had been marinating on the back burner can finally come to some sort of successful conclusion.
Your ruling planet Venus enters Leo on Monday, where it will remain until October 8th. This is a really long time for Venus to be in a single sign. This will be due to its retrograde phase coming up in July, but if Venus were to linger anywhere for an extended period of time, this is a fine place for her to do so. For Libra, Leo is a very social sign. It brings the inclination to want to emerge into the world, want to expand your footprint, be more seen. Venus does enter Leo with a bit of drama this weekend, so be prepared. However, the long term portent should reap benefits, even if it does attempt to rearrange your alliances. Especially those closest to home. The Full Moon in Sagittarius just isn’t having it with the neighbors and the fuss, and the commutes on the train. What the Full Moon in Sagittarius is good for is reevaluating your opinion about a subject, or ridding yourself of old values and judgments that are getting in the way. Full Moons can sometimes be fraught with distractions and detours. But they can also bring a whole new perspective that allows you to see things in a way that you would not have previously considered.
If you are going to have the planet Venus in a sign for an extended period of time, it may as well be in Leo. Venus enters Leo on Monday, where it will remain until October 8th. For Scorpio, Leo is a sign that has to do with things like career, reputation and status. And as the ‘lesser’ benefic, Venus can bring its own sorts of rewards and recognition while here. Meanwhile the Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius is shining a light on things like your resources, your priorities, and anything you value or posses this weekend. As a result you could find yourself stepping back and taking an overview on what you are spending your valuable time, money and resources on. This Full Moon can also incline towards emotional buying or retail therapy. Rather, try transforming that impulse into an abundance ritual. Pick one small item that you really, really want, thinking of it as a symbol of all of the abundance that you wish to embrace moving forward. Then with heart-felt gratitude, send that same wish out to others, that they may also benefit from the abundant potential contained within the Sagittarius Moon.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius falls at 13º of Sagittarius, and will most affect those who have their Sun, Moon or Ascendant at or around this degree (or are born between the 2nd and 8th of December). However, all Sagittarians will feel themselves affected by the Full Moon falling in their sign this weekend. All the more so with your ruling planet Jupiter so closely aligned with the North Node of destiny. Through the portal of the Full Moon you could receive confirmation or sign posts along the way, letting you know whether or not you are truly on the path where you were meant to be. The Full Moon is shining a light on you right now, which can help you learn something about yourself that you might not have previously realized. This is also your opportunity to look at the results and ramifications of choices you have made in the past. This can bring you rewards confirming that you are on the right path. Or it can also reveal issues that still need to be worked on. Like reaching a crossroad at the top of a tall mountain, the Full Moon is giving you this vantage point, so that you will know which are the best choices moving forward.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius is about adjusting to a whole new order in your life. You have come full circle, and some things are being brought to completion as a result. And as a result of the experiences of the past year you now find yourself a year older and a year wiser. And there still may be some remnants from the past year that need to be tied up before you can proceed. Like ghosts and wraiths from the past, things that you have long since outgrown, no longer need or no longer identify with, still insinuate themselves into your daily life. If that is the case, the Full Moon this weekend is here to remind you that it is time to do some house cleaning, letting go of that which you no longer need. Use the Full Moon in Sagittarius to free yourself up from old obligations, old clutter, and wasteful habits that are no longer relevant for who you are now, and the life you now have. It’s time to clear out the remnants of what once was, in order to more fully embrace, and look forward to what will be in the future.
On Monday, as Venus enters Leo, it will oppose retrograde Pluto still in the first degree of your sign. This could bring into sharp relief those things that you are going to be needing going forward. Perhaps even something that you feel like you would not be able to survive without. In a way, Venus in Leo will help you sort out some of your most important priorities over the Summer months. But in the mean time the abundant Full Moon in Sagittarius is asking us all to sow an abundance of gratitude out into the world at large. But this can also be a moon of receiving for Aquarius, and can even bring the fulfillment of a cherished dream or a hope fulfilled. Something may come to a conclusion in order for that to happen. Full Moons are like that. They bring things to completion, in order to move on to the next leg of our journeys. They can also make you aware of things that you weren’t before, that allows you to reassess your hopes and aspirations for the future. As a result many an Aquarius will be reconfiguring their gps systems before taking the next step forward.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius, the glorious Strawberry Full Moon this weekend is a time for Pisces to shine and receive accolades. It can also bring you the consequences and ramifications for previous choices and decisions. Full Moons are like culminations. And as you stand here, you are being asked to make an assessment of all of the outcomes of your life. Some things may not necessarily be what you had expected. Others may be even more gratifying than you had hoped. But the Full Moon affords you this opportunity to see all the winding roads that have brought you to this place and time, while also giving you a glimpse into the future of what may still be. Something could come to light about your work, an authority, an elder, a boss or a parent. Sagittarius is a sign of abundance. Therefore with an abundance of heart-felt gratitude for all of the things that have been brought to fruition over the past year, cast them out to the universe so that they may find fertile ground in which to grow. And for whatever changes you see yourself making in the future, may those too find solid purchase in which to take root and flourish within the radiant light of the Full Strawberry Moon.
Horoscopes: May 26th thru June 2nd
For Jupiter conjunct North Node for you sign (or natal house if you know it), click below.
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