Deep Cleaning: And What is Important

October 26th ~ November 2nd

Fairy Ball.jpeg

I said: what about my eyes?

He said: Keep them on the road.

I said: what about my passion?

He said: Keep it burning.

I said: what about my heart?

He said: Tell me what you hold inside it?

I said: Pain and sorrow.

He said: Stay with it.

The wound is the place where the Light enters you. ~ Rumi

Full Moons can be reactionary. Thing are often brought to a head around this time, things that have been brewing on the back burner. The Full Moon on Wednesday was conjunct unpredictable and explosive Uranus. On the same day we were presented with a barrage of pipe bombs sent out through the post to a number of people in the spotlight who had been critical of President Trump. 

If Uranus were to describe someone, it can be associated with quirky but lovable eccentrics. But at its dark extreme, it is also associated with anarchists and radical extremists who challenge the status quo. These are usually outliers who believe that laws do not apply to them. Generally, the atmosphere in the country has been one of blind divisiveness fueled by irresponsible rhetoric from top leadership. Uranus is also now square (at the bending of) the Nodes, distracting us from what we need to be working on in order to evolve. There can be positive outcomes at these times as well. Surprisingly, none of the bombs (so far) detonated, although they had the capacity to. But this should also be seen as a wake up call. If nothing else, Uranus can be illuminating.  

Terrorism will only work if you let it work. ~ Andrew Cuomo (Governor of New York State)

This clearly is an act of terror, attempting to undermine our free press and leaders of this country through acts of violence. ~ Bill deBlasio (Mayor of New York City)

Meanwhile, lingering in the wings, Chiron the Wounded Healer has returned to Pisces where he weeps deeply. And he has so much to weep over. It is here that he sifts through the remnants of former lives and memories that hurt too deeply. It is also here, where we are being asked to recognize that sometimes the only place we can go with our pain after acceptance, is forward. This week, Jupiter will make an exact trine to Chiron which recognizes suffering, not as some sort of punishment, but as a means to awaken to a more conscious and enlightened way of being. We cannot truly know compassion, until we have known pain; and it is through acceptance, that healing can take place. Mercury will join Jupiter in its whirling dance with Chiron this week which is exact on Monday: what we share, what we learn from each other and what we follow, can can lead to freedom from sorrow. 

This is a magical and mystical time of year, when the fairies dance at twilight, and the dearly departed are said to roam the lands. The veil between the past and future is thinned at this time, making it all the more sensitive to divination, scrying and premonitions. The sign of Scorpio is about being willing to face the demons of our lives with objectivity and equanimity, in order to purge ourselves and our lives from that which is now decadent and/or immoral. 

We begin the week with the Inferior Conjunction of Venus, which is the beginning of the New Venus cycle. This is when Venus dances through the heart of the Sun. Venus is drawn into the throne room, where we come to connect with our true desires, loves, priorities and values, creating the foundation for the next 19 months, for those things ruled by Venus: love, money, values, priorities, the arts and the divine feminine. In Scorpio we consider our shared resources; planning for the future; using our resources for the greater good of the community; or selfishly hoarding what we have for our own welfare. This is where we seed those choices. And as the months unfold ahead, we will see the ramifications of these choices we are making in this impressionable time. 

In the mean time we are officially in Scorpio season now that the Sun is here as well. We’ve already been steeped in the throes of this sign since retrograde Venus, Jupiter and Mercury have already been traveling here. Recent topics of concern now that we are in Scorpio season have involved the use and abuse of taxes and how they impact the economy; lawmakers blaming public insurance programs such as Social Security and Medicare for the deficit; sexuality, transphobia, and civil rights surrounding these; horrific deaths; and who knows what insanity was behind those recent Full Moon pipe bombs!

May the wounds and the pain and the sorrow prove indeed to be the places where the Light enters. Here are some positive expressions of Scorpio. Jupiter in Scorpio trine Chiron in Pisces dares us to ride this extraordinary wave of self-empowerment and understanding:

  • Foreseeing: In addition to divination, scrying and premonitions; Scorpio is a sign that plans for the future. Just like a weather forecaster might suggest an umbrella, Scorpio has the gift of seeing signs and portents, and knowing what needs to be done. So, like the ant gathering foods for the Winter months, pay attention to the signs, not with foreboding, but with the confidence of a well-skilled navigator. 

  • Rebirth: Scorpio is a sign of survival. When all hope appears to have gone up in smoke, and the bottom falls out… Scorpio crawls out of the depths and reinvents their lives. Like the phoenix arising from the ashes, Scorpio understands the mystical cycle of birth, death and rebirth. 

  • Empowerment: The high places are made low, and the valleys are raised up. And the powerless become empowered. Scorpio is about breaking glass ceilings, challenging discrimination, and uncovering and revealing corruption that undermines the effectiveness of society. 

  • Interdependence: We would not be able to survive without the cooperation of others. Scorpio is concerned about other’s values, and how we feel valued in the world. If we humble ourselves enough to offer compassion to others, and recognize ourselves as custodians for: the poor, the sick, the deprived, the lonely, wouldn’t the world be a far, far better place?

For this week’s horoscopes, click below:


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