September 7th ~ 14th
relativity by M. C. Escher
The mind cannot support moral chaos for long. Men are under as strong a compulsion to invent an ethical setting for their behavior as spiders are to weave themselves webs. ~ John Dos Passos
Hoo boy. We are approaching the New Moon in Virgo, and it’s none too soon. Saturn only just stationed on Thursday, and the Earth seemed to stand still for a few days. Saturn has domain over governments and leadership, and last night former Secretary of State John Kerry referring to a recent op ed in the New York Times, announced that “.. we don’t really have a president. We have a president who is there, but he’s not capable of doing the job or living up to the responsibilities.” Nothing really new there… but the recent op ed just proved it to everyone. The upper echelons of the US government are in a state of chaos, and people who are not elected are orchestrating their own agendas in the vacuum that remains. This is where we have to ask ourselves, “Please, run that by me again?”
One of Virgo’s jobs is to make sense of the insensible. And Virgo has their work cut out for them these days. This is further evidenced by the opposition to slithering and shifting Neptune for the New Moon: a state of affairs where you feel as if you are shoveling snow in a blizzard: will it really make any difference? This is the back drop leading up to the New Moon. But there are a few other stories accompanying the New Moon this month. These are stories that have been wending their ways through our lives for months now, and they’re being recharged this week. When Saturn stationed on Thursday, it was also trine Uranus in Taurus, and trine Mercury in Virgo, creating a Grand Trine in the Earth signs, which extends through the weekend. The New Moon on Sunday, is not only opposing Neptune, but is also activating the Jupiter/Pluto sextile which is exact on September 11th/12th. And that, perhaps, is the real story of the week.
The Mercury Grand Trine could bring insights and information that allows us to create a plan for the future. Now, with Mercury strong in its own sign of Virgo, and the New Moon on Sunday, it’s time for us to get back to business. Whatever we learn over the next several days could prove to be enlightening and helpful in determining where we are headed, and what the course of action is going to be. But now with Mercury, Mars and Saturn Direct, obstacles will begin to fall away, and we can proceed with any new order of business.
We adore chaos because we love to produce order. ~ M. C. Escher
The New Moon in Virgo is applying to a sextile to Jupiter and a trine to Pluto. The Sun will perfect these aspects less than a day before the perfection of the Jupiter/Pluto sextile on the 11th/12th. Despite any confusion or masking of the facts due to the Neptune opposition, Jupiter/Pluto wills out, leading to successful conclusions, and powerful influences. This sextile speaks to the power of truth and justice, and can literally transform our perspectives and our lives. This is a transit about growth, rebuilding, and the power of moral and ethical decisions. We can use our power, our knowledge, our resources and wisdom for our own personal development and agenda; or we can use it for the greater good of society. Which do you think is going to have the greater power? When Jupiter meets Pluto, the Greater Good always wins.
New Moons are about new beginnings, and setting new initiatives. With the force of the Jupiter/Pluto sextile behind this Moon success and the opportunity to fulfill a larger vision are enforced. New Moons are always a good time to set intentions, or make affirmations. All the more so with this powerful duo supporting us. What this New Moon is auspicious for:
- Placing oneself in service to the greater good of humanity.
- Thinking globally, acting locally.
- Using one’s resources, knowledge and influence for the benefit of others.
- Opportunities for growth and the fulfillment of a larger vision.
- Holding those in power accountable for their moral and ethical decisions.
- Seeking and receiving knowledge and guidance along our path.
- Learning how to serve a Higher Power through service to all that lives, including each and every sentient being, whether or not they have their own voice and power.
For next week’s horoscopes click below: