October 18th ~ 25th
The Day Dream by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow them. ~ Louisa May Alcott
In November Saturn will make its last sextile to Neptune. This transit has weaved its way through the past year, interwoven and overwhelmed by the Jupiter/Neptune square which is finally separating. There is something fortuitous about having the Saturn/Neptune sextile have the final say in the matter. Hovering in the background of our lives, sextiles are often subtle. And not much necessarily comes of them unless we exert some effort in their direction. Overwhelmed by the disenchantment and dishonesty of the Jupiter/Neptune dream we were being handed, we may have not noticed the possibilities inherent in the Saturn/Neptune window.
Where Jupiter/Neptune leads us to believe that all we have to do is believe and it will happen. Saturn/Neptune shows us what is practically and realistically achievable. Jupiter/Neptune leaves us over-extended, broke, depleted and disillusioned. Saturn/Neptune shows us the ways that we can actually make our ideals, or a dream, a closer reality. It may not be dramatic. It may not be a theatrical extravaganza. If anything, often what we are given, or shown, or made aware of, is something that has been in front of us all along. It’s so logical, we didn’t even notice it.
Last week, Mercury made the first of 3 passes to the Saturn/Neptune sextile. It will be engaging the sextile again during much of its retrograde phase in November. This is important, for the Mercury retrograde phase is actually when the 90 day Mercury cycle is seeded, and this planetary picture will be the prevailing trend through much of the 90 day Mercury cycle as a result. This week Venus in Scorpio will engage the Saturn/Neptune cycle, and the Sun will do so in early November. There is a trend here. But it is the Mercury connection that is important to pay attention to.
Due to its retrograde phase, Mercury will be in the sign of Scorpio for a full two months. One of the attributes of Mercury in Scorpio is its ability to hone in on the heart of any matter. Piercing and perceptive, we are given the ability to be able to see through all illusions, and get directly to the truth. With the eagle eye of a detective, no stone is left unturned. Combined with the Saturn/Neptune sextile, Mercury in Scorpio is down right magical. We are being given the profound ability to not only visualize and see in our mind’s eye our ideals and aspirations, but the ways and means to manifest them.
With Venus in the picture this week, listen to your heart, and then ask yourself: In what practical ways in my everyday life, can I make my dreams and aspirations a closer reality? In the words of Louisa May Alcott: “I may not reach my highest aspirations, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow them.” May we all connect with only our highest aspirations and dreams this week.
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: