Getting Real: Jupiter enters Capricorn
November 29 ~ December 6th
“As if an Angel Dropped down from Heaven” by William Blake
Try not to become a man of success, but rather to become a man of value. ~ Albert Einstein
The big news for this coming week is Jupiter entering the sign of Capricorn on December 2nd. No more rose-colored glasses, false narratives, propaganda, and risky ventures. No more foolishness. We’ve been led down that garden path one too many times, and in order to avoid an inevitable catastrophe, we need to get serious. It’s time to get real when Jupiter enters Capricorn. We’ve got our reputations on the line, and we want to be respected. There is a sense of gravity to the sign of Capricorn, which leads us all to think in terms of wanting to be taken much more seriously. Jupiter will remain in Capricorn through December 18, 2020. Jupiter in his guise as wise and trusted teacher, is here to the rescue.
Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion spends a full year in each sign. As a result, the things (and people) of the particular sign he is traveling in stand to benefit from his presence here. This could come as something of a welcome relief after having both Pluto and Saturn plough through this now beleaguered but stoic sign. Capricorn has domain over the infrastructures of our lives: Leaders, Authorities, Governments, Landmarks, Boundaries, Elders, Mountains, Traditions, Laws, Rules and things that are time-tested ancient and long-lived.
The old laws and structures have been breaking down under the strain of the recent Saturn/Pluto conjunction which becomes exact in January. Jupiter now aims to restore these time-honored institutions and structures of our lives and within our society. It’s time to come clean, make responsible adult decisions and do the right thing. This includes getting back to our own core values and beliefs, and recognizing where we need to draw the line. Laws and rules exist for a reason, and Jupiter is going to show us how and why.
Capricorn is also an Earth sign. And one of the first transits that Jupiter makes as it first enters the sign of Capricorn is a square to Chiron, the wounded healer. We are being compelled to pay attention to what we need to do to heal ourselves, our society and our planet. This transit along with an innovative trine to Uranus, culminate with the Solar Eclipse on December 26th. Jupiter/Chiron makes us a little uncomfortable at first. But that discomfort is a signal that something needs fixing. The aim here is for greater healing and wholeness, without judgment, and without rejection. This is about resolving our differences, crossing divides, and paying attention to the real crises in society and how they impact our planet Earth.
We are already seeing the culmination and results of choices and decisions made in the past. With Jupiter entering Capricorn this month we need to ask ourselves: what is working, and how can we improve on those things that are? What is not working, and needs to be remodeled or rebuilt? What are those things that you would like to improve in your life? And are you willing to put in the hard work to bring your life and your goals up to your own expectations? The clearer your goals, the more likely they are to be achieved.
There is a certain humility that is learned when Jupiter is in Capricorn. Jupiter is traditionally said to be in its “fall” in Capricorn. But success is had in these years when we come to realize that fulfillment is to be found in honoring small achievable successes. But thanks to the transits to Pluto in 2020, within these simple and humble achievements are found an incredible potential for power and accomplishment.
Wherever Capricorn is in our natal and solar charts is where we prefer to maintain the status quo. Capricorn clings to its traditions, and the way things should be. But for the past few years, both Saturn and Pluto have been putting a considerable amount of strain in this area. With Jupiter now entering Capricorn, it’s going to change the general tenor of that area of our lives. It’s the same as if someone else just moved in with you and your horrible roommates. Jupiter may help to ease the tension, or make things even worse than they already are. I’m banking on the former. This week’s horoscopes are going to be focusing on what that shift may look like in either your Solar or (whole sign house) Natal charts.
My mother drew a distinction between achievement and success. She said that ‘achievement is the knowledge that you have studied and worked hard and done the best that is in you. Success is being praised by others, and that’s nice too, but not as important or as satisfying. Always aim for achievement and forget about success.’ ~ Helen Hayes
For next week’s horoscopes click below: