November 22nd ~ 29th
“Meteora Monastery” by Theophilos Chatzimichail
There are stars whose radiance is visible on Earth though they have long been extinct. There are people whose brilliance continues to light the world though they are no longer among the living. These lights are particularly bright when the night is dark. They light the way for humankind. ~ Hannah Senesh
Where have we gone astray? we may ask. Where have we taken a wrong turn? This week that mysterious and remote planet at the edge of our Solar System, Neptune, will station direct once again. Whenever Neptune stations, its influence seems to wash over us like a cascading wave. It brings all of Neptune: the good along with the dreadful. Ultimately we are being asked to bring our lives more in alignment with our loftier ideals and to fulfill our purpose. But we can also get lost in the murky fogs and fugues of Neptune’s domain: premonitions, feelings and messages we receive can be easily misconstrued. And when trying to translate our ideals into our everyday lives, much can be lost in translation.
Lucky for us, Mercury is now direct, making it easier to discriminate between what we hope or fear might be happening, and what is actually true. We all will need some sort of lighthouse to guide us through the rough shores and foggy mists. And Mercury comes to connect us with our highest aspirations, our conscience, and our ideals, in order to make the best decisions and right choices going forward. .
Neptune dares to dissolve the boundaries that divide us and make us more fully aware of how we are all swimming in this great Ocean of Life together. That awareness brings a deeper commitment and understanding of our interdependence with each other and all of Life. This is the basis for compassion, and helps to define our relationship with that which is divine at the very heart of our being. And we are going to be needing all the help we can get!
Mars in Scorpio is activating Uranus this week, which could easily bring some unforeseen twists and turns. This could be a little treacherous. We may already be feeling this! Things get sped up, edgy and even explosive. People act out of rage, anger and impulse. Whatever has been simmering beneath he surface dares to erupt. Positively Mars/Uranus can bring the courage and willingness to see things in a new light or go in a new direction. But we still need to go with caution with this one.
For the past 5 months that Neptune has been retrograde, we’ve been getting in touch with our own inner Neptune: our spiritual barometer; those things that make our lives meaningful; our own sense of compassion; our conscience; our imagination; our ideals, dreams and fantasies. Now that Neptune is stationing and about to appear to move direct again, this is the part of the year in which we now hope to put those ideals and dreams into application. Watch for vivid dreams and intuitive flashes of insight this week. Neptune’s wisdom comes in whispers, signs and omens. It’s up to us to translate these in order to get back on track.
Unthanked and unperceived by men; with countless other stones which form the “Guardian Wall”, Built by the hands of many Masters of Compassion, it shields mankind, since man is man, protecting it from further and far greater misery and sorrow. ~ The Voice of the Silence
Tuesday, November 26th, the New Moon in Sagittarius comes with a resurgence of hope and promise for a better tomorrow. As we now enter Sagittarius season we are better able to take a higher, more expansive view. Trine the centaur Chiron, we are also being given an opportunity to achieve some sort of collective healing: mend broken bridges and heal the divides. Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, is still strong in the last degrees of this sign. May we all tap into the optimism, wisdom and enthusiasm that this sign can bring us this time of year.
If you wish to make intentions or positive affirmations with this positive New Moon, the time that I prefer to do so is during the New Moon phase: Tuesday, after 10:05 AM (EST) here on the East Coast of the US; 3:05 PM Universal Time. The New Moon phase lasts through Friday, November 29th. Some possible intentions for this particular Moon may be:
Out of the ashes of the past, I have the ability to create a better and more meaningful future.
I am vast and large and I can feel myself opening up to a world of possibility.
May I have the wisdom and discrimination to heed my intuition and inner guides.
May I be led to a clearer understanding of my higher purpose and goals.
I am the pathfinder taking the next step on my road to unexplored adventures, and ever-expanding horizons.
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: