Uranus in Taurus
January 17th ~ 24th
Comet and Earthquake in Istanbul 1556
I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature. ~ Paulo Coelho
In anticipating the Uranus ingress into Taurus in 2018, I imagined all sorts of tectonic calamities in my mind. Taurus is where we least want change; what we rely on to be our very foundation of stability and reliability. Taurus the sign of our Mother the Earth herself being upended by unpredictable Uranus. And then Kilauea erupted. And erupted again. During that ingress Mars in Aquarius was square Uranus, a classic combination for explosive situations. And right on cue. On January 10th of this year, Uranus in Taurus stationed and the poor beleaguered Island nation of Puerto Rico rocked and rolled with its largest earthquake on record within the past century. The good news is that there isn’t necessarily a relationship between Uranus in Taurus and major earthquakes. The bad news is that earthquakes are just about as unpredictable as the planet Uranus itself.
Uranus is unpredictable. There is no doubt. It catches us off guard and has us running for shelter. But it does seem that the more oppressed or under tension we are, the more we ignore or resist much needed changes, the more radical the Uranian transits are likely to be. The pressure builds till it explodes.
Luckily Mars is not square Uranus this coming week, however, the Sun and Mercury are. Mercury only just entered Aquarius on Thursday, and the Sun will ingress into Aquarius on Monday, and both will square Uranus this week. Although the traditional ruling planet of Aquarius is Saturn, many modern astrologers also acknowledge Uranus as a co-ruling planet of Aquarius. So when planets in Aquarius are also square Uranus it has a bit of a double-Aquarius/double-Uranus connotation. Double the excitement. This also bleeds over towards the New Moon on January 24th, also square Uranus.
Earthquakes and Volcanic eruptions can literally shake us to the core. Or at least rattle our nerves. And although Sun and Mercury do not carry the same fiery explosive magnitude that Mars would, they can still dare to shake things up a bit in our everyday lives. Uranus keeps us on our toes.
So, what can we expect from these Uranus squares?
Sun/Mercury square Uranus:
Surprises: Uranus can catch us off guard. It often feels like things come at us from left field unexpectedly.
Shock: This is when you can’t even believe what you are seeing and hearing. Uranus has domain over electricity too. So could even be a literal shock. Uranus is just plain unpredictable… and even shocking.
Unexpected Changes: Be prepared for unexpected changes in plans. It is helpful to be patient and flexible, because there’s no telling what can happen over the course of the day when either Mercury or the Sun is square Uranus. Squares to Uranus can also show us where we need to make changes or adjustments in our lives. Not acknowledging this will make us feel rather restless and impatient.
Impulse: There is an edginess with Uranus squares that can lead people to say or do things that they will later regret. Good to pace ourselves, and not rush to conclusions, or leap into situations without looking first. As a result of this, although Sun and Mercury are not as explosive as Mars, these squares can still be associated with accidents and can be a little treacherous. Especially if we are not alert and cautious.
Revelation: Uranus lays things bare in a way that holds no prisoners. Truths are revealed. The skeletons come crawling out of the closet, and the dirty laundry is aired in public. Nothing is sacred when Uranus comes to call.
Sudden Realizations: As a result of what is revealed during these Uranian periods, we will see things in a different light. It may even be the game changer when we realize the Emperor wears no clothes. Positively, if we are willing to look at a situation from another perspective we are able to see solutions where previously we only saw obstacles or problems. Revelations can be enlightening!
May we all be gifted with enlightening understanding as we nimbly navigate these Uranian squares. Welcome to Aquarius season everyone!
If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance. ~ George Bernard Shaw
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: