January 24th ~ 31st
“Pheasants” by Warwick Goble
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. ~ George Bernard Shaw
On January 24th, we open the week with the New Moon in the sign of Aquarius (4º22’). The sign of Aquarius is a sign of ideology, intellect and the determination to follow a path based on their own set of ideals and rules. And sometimes that means having to break or change some of the existing rules. With the New Moon in Aquarius square Uranus, this gives us something to think about.
When we think of the sign of Aquarius, many first think of its modern ruling planet, Uranus, with its portents of a New World Order glittering with crystals and New Age humanitarian ideals. But Aquarius is traditionally ruled by stodgy and conservative Saturn, and is also a fixed sign. Aquarians can get very stuck on their own ideas and their own world view. This may seem to be an enigma. But the key to Aquarius happiness lies in being true to who they are, and defending that to the end. They can be idealists, but also hard core. And with Uranus currently in Taurus and square the New Moon, we’re all being asked to identify what is special and unique about each and every one of us. And honoring that. And adapting to that.
This is a Moon of stark realizations, of change and adjustment. And in some way we are all learning to adapt to what is for us, is our new normal. And as we look around us, it can also bring other realizations: such as the understanding that the Emperor has no Clothes. What we refused to acknowledge before, can no longer be denied. And once the truth has been seen you simply can’t unsee it again.
Others may try to conform you to their own brand, their own ideology. But in this weather, anyone trying to force anyone else will be stubbornly resisted. This is because it is so important to know ourselves, our own path, our own aspirations and our own story.
For those who have already made some changes in their lives, this is a Moon of adaptation to their new normal. For you, pause and ask yourself, what does your new normal look like as we head into 2020? And what are the hopes and wishes that you might choose to aspire to?
And since Aquarius is a sign in which we come to recognize our interdependence with one another: What initiatives might you want to cultivate that would also benefit the greater good? What causes lie close to your heart? Who most inspires you to aspire for greater things? In what way, do you see yourself becoming the change that you would like to see in the world?
Some possible intentions or affirmations for this New Moon might be:
I dare to walk my own path, following my own unique vision.
May I be open to new and innovative solutions in order to achieve goals and remove obstacles.
I want all fear of being different or standing out from others, released from me.
I vow to uphold the noble aspiration to defend equality and promote civil rights for each and all.
Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility. ~ Oprah Winfrey
This New Moon in Aquarius ushers in the Chinese New Year the year of the Metal Rat. Rat years are the first in the cycle, so are associated with New Beginnings. And with this brings enthusiasm and determination to fulfill our goals and aspirations. Here’s to a lucky and prosperous year for one and all!
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: