March 6th ~ 13th
The Crossing Sweeper by Seymour Joseph Guy
When the doors of perception are cleansed, man will see things as they truly are, infinite. ~ William Blake
I’ve always been rather fond of this last Full Moon of the season. If you were impressed with last month’s Full Moon, you will love this month’s Moon more (and even more so next month!) which should be a vision to behold. This month’s Full Moon is a Super Moon, a term coined by astrologer Richard Nolle, meaning that it is incrementally closer to the Earth in its orbit, making the Moon appear to be that much larger and awesomely impressive. And if proximity were to make the Moon that much more powerful in its effects on the denizens of the earth, then perhaps we should be clutching our hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes all the more tightly to our chests. For this Moon is making a tight opposition to Neptune, the lord of the virus.
Much like Neptune, viruses do not respect boundaries. They seep into and through all defenses even despite the most rigorous of precautions. The Full Moon in Virgo opposes Sun/Neptune in Pisces, so you do get this idea of trying to contain that which is uncontainable, morphing and melding, and sneaking into our communities across the globe. The Full Moon can make things larger. Or at the very least bring things to a head. Hopefully, once all is said and done, then the corona virus will eventually fade off into its nebulous viral realm from whence it came. We have enough to do trying to make sense of the insensible, without these invisible critters undermining our well-being. Perhaps this Virgo Moon will sweep in and render the toxins impotent. More likely we will hear more and more about it across the globe.
The last Full Moon before the Vernal Equinox, I think of the Virgo Full Moon as the Spring Cleaning Moon, bringing a surge of energy as we bustle about trying to sweep out the stale Winter remnants of what once was. This would be especially in the areas of our lives where we feel as if we are coming undone. The Full Moon occurs just hours before the direct station of Mercury, now in brilliant Aquarius, helping to restore our perspective along with some sense of normalcy in our lives. The last Full Moon in Winter prepares us for the year to come. Loss, helplessness, surrender, deluges, contagions, mindless despair reside in the sub-basement of Pisces. That’s where Neptune is currently residing. At the tail end of the zodiac, Pisces is also the sign of distillation: letting go and surrendering to the watery depths, while sacrificing the lower self to that which is Divine. So this Moon is also about connecting with that which we perceive to be our highest hopes and aspirations.
This too might feel futile in the light of the Moon. We dream so high, that our hand made wax wings melt and we fall back to earth. But Jupiter in Capricorn is asking as to relish what small victories we are able to achieve. It may not be the ideal, but at least it’s something.
This Full Moon offers us opportunities to escape into our imaginations and to step off into the void for an interlude of stillness. Mercury is stationing and we need to stop as well and get our bearings. There are places in the Pisces realm where we can best do this: sacred spaces, places of refuge. Places where we can honor the sacredness, meaning and power of words and ideas. So whether chanting, writing, reading sacred texts, keeping secrets, or even taking vows of silence: look for ways to make your words sparing but meaningful, sensitive and healing. This is the Virgo Moon cure for what ails us in our hearts and minds, and what we are needing more of right now.
With Mercury stationing the same day as the Full Moon we are being asked to pause and create some stillness in our lives. If we have the privilege and time to do so, we could be well rewarded. Pause in the stillness and wait for the still quiet voice in the silence. Whether it comes through dreams, premonitions, prayer, meditation, or thru divination. We are being poised to connect with ourselves in some meaningful way.
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: