April 3rd ~ 10th
Super Full Moon by Dan Collier
Thunder repeated: the image of SHOCK. Thus in fear and trembling the superior man sets his life in order and examines himself. ~ The I Ching
There is just so much going on right now, it is hard to condense everything into a single sound bite. We finally made it through the month of March, and yet still have April looming ahead of us. And then May. And then June. When so much seems to change from day to day it can feel as if each week is the equivalent to months, and each month to years. And as we keep praying for things to return to normal, or to find something reliable to grasp on to, it looks like things could get crazier before they get better. If it’s not enough that Jupiter and Pluto make the first of 3 conjunctions this weekend; or that we have a Super Full Moon on Tuesday; we then we also have an erratic Mars/Uranus square all week, one of the most unpredictable of transits. So strap on your seat belts everyone, we’re probably in for a bit of a ride.
Full Moons are often times of culmination, where things are brought out into the open, people’s emotions are on the surface, and things feel like they are reaching a point of crisis. The Libra Full Moon on Tuesday/Wednesday is the closest and therefore will appear to be the largest Full Moon of 2020. The Moon will be perigee, meaning the closest that it will be all month to the Earth, just hours before the Full Moon. Watch for this magnificent Moon to rise in the east, just after sunset, the night of April 7th, and then set at sunrise in the morning on April 8th. It should be quite impressive!
The New Moon on March 24th, placed the centaur Chiron in the cross-hairs of our lives: the courageous guides; the warrior healers; those who have dedicated their lives to relieving the suffering in the world. This Full Moon aims to spread broadcast their message, but also this message: that these are the ones who will lead us in our time of need to where we need to go, and what we need to do.
The ruling planets of the Sun and Moon on the day of the Full Moon are Venus (Libra) and Mars (Aries). Both in Air signs, they will also both transit Chiron this week. Chiron in Aries is Chiron the unfiltered truth teller. And Chiron in Aries reminds us that self-care and self-protection are key to caring for and protecting everyone. It is important to take heed of the advice and guidance we receive this week, in order to lead us through this treacherous time. This is especially true with the Mars/Uranus square looming over us.
Mars conjunct Saturn last week might have felt pretty foreboding and limiting as the reality of our circumstances were being driven home. When Mars is square Uranus as it will be this coming week, things can change quite quickly and suddenly, catching us off guard. There can be resentment of restrictions, rules and confinement. It can also bring sudden and unexpected changes that surprise us and wreak havoc in the world.
But these times also call for quick action and timely decisions. New challenges require new and innovative solutions. And just as we are being urged to do with Mars in Aquarius, and the Full Moon in Libra: when we collaborate, rather than compete with one another, we are more likely to find those solutions! Full Moons can also be reactive. But in the shadow of the first Jupiter/Pluto conjunction on the 4th, may we all remember how important it is to do the right thing. Following your conscience will bring unprecedented rewards. Acting out of greed, selfishness, or at the expense of others, will shove us over the precipice.
One thing that Jupiter can do is exaggerate things. There will be 3 Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions this year. The first is this weekend. This can present as an opportunity to rebuild that which is being broken down in the ambit of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January. Powerful and sometimes ominous, the last time Saturn was conjunct Pluto was in the early 80’s during the height of the AIDS epidemic. Its legacy concerning fear of annihilation confronts us once again, where all of our worst fears are released with this contagion that’s invading our lives and livelihoods. And it feels as if Jupiter is poised to further unleash this poison, making it larger, making it worse before it can finally get better.
Jupiter/Pluto times are not about being a hero, or receiving great rewards or attention. This is about doing something because it is the right thing to do. Then we can embark on rebuilding what was previously destroyed. Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions compel us to get back to what our core values, and core beliefs truly are. This is the stuff that tests our mettle, shows us what we are made of when under pressure. On the one hand this can be a signature for evil over-lords, for plutocracy and the corruption it spawns. Extreme views can lead to all sorts of rationalizations, conspiracy theories and misconceptions. In these extraordinary times, both political and religious institutions are going to be sorely tested for stability, and honest leadership.
However, if one’s motives are pure, and we work for the sake of the greater good through philanthropic endeavors; then great success can be achieved, even in the face of extraordinary odds. Even in the face of evil. If we lose faith, we need to remind ourselves, again and again, that in the end, the good always wins. Always.
Many have been asking how long this will last. There is the astrology: we see trends and cycles interwoven, vaguely describing scenarios unfolding and receding. And then there is human behavior. Just like the data analysts, there is a trend determined by one set of behaviors, and then a trend determined by another. If we practice social distancing we have one outcome, if we don’t there will be another. It may seem at times that we are subject to our allotted fate. But truth is, we contribute to creating our own destiny with each moment, each day.
Some things will unfold unabated: the seasons, the transits of the planets, the perfect alignment of the Sun and the Moon this week that makes for a glorious Super Full Moon. These things are predictable. But the trends they bring can either be exacerbated or mitigated by our accumulated decisions and actions. So just like the graphs based on data and so many trending models, astrologers grasp at both the hopeful and the dreaded as we look at our own models and data. We have a long and winding road ahead of us with many ramifications yet to unfold. I’ll be talking much about this going forward. There is still much to come. But we really cannot be reminded enough that so much also depends on us doing the right thing at the right time. Stay safe, and be healthy everyone!
How is this going to change us? We’re never going to be quite the same again. When do we get back to normal? We won’t get back to normal, but we will get back to a new normal. Our challenge is to make that change positive and not negative. ~ Gov. Andrew Cuomo
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: