May 1st ~ 8th
Queen Guinevere’s Maying by John Mayer Collier
Probably the last sound heard before the Universe folded up like a paper hat would be someone saying, “What happens if I do this?” ~ Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times
The series of retrogrades that began with Pluto on the 25th, and continues thru mid-May, may result in attempts to try and ‘get us back to normal’ in the world. Well, good luck with that! Especially with Venus out of bounds and square Neptune all month. Out of bounds means that the planet is on a bit of a walkabout, veering a little above or below the usual ‘bounds’ of the Sun’s plane. When Venus goes off on her own like this, there is nothing holding her in bounds. Almost anything goes as far as money and love are concerned when Venus is out of bounds. And that goes for trying to get society and the economy back ‘to normal’. Really doesn’t help that Venus is also about to go retrograde on May 13th. And closely square Neptune for a full month.
The ambivalence of Venus stationing retrograde in Gemini (of all signs) and square Neptune spells it all out for us. In Gemini, Venus sees both sides of a situation. And as she comes to station for her retrograde phase (along with Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter) there is a growing realization in the world that we can’t continue to Stay in Place forever: the economy is suffering, and our society is faltering. Or can we? Venus has domain over money, relationships and our social lives. So there you have it. Venus also has domain over those things that we value. And when we look at the argument again, we ask ourselves, which do you value more, people’s lives or the economy? So even as countries gradually begin to open up, they will scramble with untried strategies, and even so, still feel like they are taking a gamble.
Venus is out of bounds and square Neptune and anything goes. Neptune has domain over unseen toxic enemies. And with Venus square Neptune we just don’t know. There is No Knowing. And because of the station of Venus, which makes Venus appear as if it is pausing before it then appears to shift backwards, it will be square Neptune for an extended period of time. From now until the end of May. This will then culminate with a Lunar Eclipse on June 5th which will square Mars and Neptune. Sun, Mars, Moon, Mercury all squaring Neptune. We really just don’t have all the information here, and beside, Neptune is deceptive and will lie to us.
We may think we know everything but we don’t. And we will receive mixed signals: It’s okay to go out; but we still don’t have immunity in the population. We have immunity here, but not there. It’s all right for these people to congregate, but not those people, so don’t congregate together, and stay on your side of the border even though viruses know no bounds. Things may begin to open up, but will people feel confident to congregate? to travel? to go to the theater? Will we get infected? Will we infect others? Will we bring the virus with us when we go to visit Aunt Sue upstate? And then there’s Jupiter and Pluto stationing in tandem, standing in very stern judgment on us no matter what we decide to do. What a quandary we are all facing (at various stages) in the world. Not for nothing, even as we gradually emerge, even despite all the hundreds of studies and trials and journals written, the only conclusion science has found up till now is that this virus “acts like no pathogen humanity has ever seen.”
We have another spectacular Full Moon coming up next week, on May 7th. A Full Moon in Scorpio. Venus will also be on display in all her finery as a gorgeous evening ‘star’ rising just after sunset. She was at her brightest on the 28th, but will continue to illuminate the sky this week as she slows for her station. The skies will entertain us, as we sort through the quandaries of our existences.
The Scorpio Full Moon informs us that where we are is the result of certain causes, choices and actions that were previously set in motion. And the conditions are well nigh for this particular crop to come to fruition. Much like the Solar Festival of Beltane, celebrated in the lusty month of May, the sign of Scorpio is a sign of purification, transition and fruition. The Queen of the May is Flora, the Goddess of the flowers, the fertile young Maiden of the Earth. Spring has come, the land is fertile, the trees and flowers are blossoming with life. And so are our fates blossoming with the ripe and fertile Full Moon in Scorpio. And so, because of this, humanity as a collective have the capacity to ever evolve and grow. And that too is part of the plan.
Venus square Neptune can be deceptive, illusory and insidious. Generally these transits, especially when they are lengthened in this way, can bring disenchantment, disillusionment and avoidance. We have a tendency to see what we want to see; what we fear to see; and whatever else our imaginations can create or stir up. Therefore we can be deceived by ourselves, as much as by others. Not likely to be good for finance, business decisions or major purchases. So what could this Venus/Neptune weather be good for? How can we best use it? The imagination, creative inspiration, dreaming, and harmless fantasies: watch movies, read a good book, paint, daydream, sing, dance. Seek peace, surrender to the moment, find tranquility; and don’t allow your fears to mar your dreams.
Venus will be in its retrograde phase from May 13th thru June 25th. Here are some of the things that we might want to avoid, or will be reevaluating during the upcoming retrograde phase:
commitments: The tendency is to exaggerate or diminish the qualities of people and things. Ceremonies may need to be delayed. Commitments postponed to another time.
partings: This is when we reevaluate the relationships in our lives. We release, let go of, and end situations that we no longer need, or diminish our own self-worth and self-esteem. What are those things undermining your integrity? What are those things that you are through with once and for all?
investing, buying, selling: We either over-value items and pay too much for them, or under-value them and sell for too little. And sometimes, exasperatingly so, se can incur more expenses than anticipated by buying something that needs a bit of work or upkeep.
planning: It will be difficult to make plans when the future is unclear. May find us having to make decisions between what we want and what we need; or what we would prefer, and what we have to do.
And here are some of the things that the retrograde phase of Venus are good for:
priorities: If you find yourself indecisive, you don’t need to decide just yet. But this is a good time to be clear with yourself about what are those people and things that you truly value; and how you can make these more of a priority in your life.
self-worth: What are those things, people and experiences that make your heart sing? This is a time for you to be feeding and cultivating your own self-worth and self-esteem. Not diminishing it in any way.
reunions: Old flames and friends can reemerge out of the woodwork at these times. This could be about settling some unfinished business. It could also be a time to reignite a friendship or flame. Or it could merely be about well-wishers passing through the night, just reminding you of what once was.
old debts: Occasionally old debts can be repaid from the past when Venus is retrograde.
expectations: This is a good time to reevaluate one’s expectations of others, and they of you. Good to know where you stand, and where your boundaries lie.
creativity: As Venus turns within, she also ignites the heart and soul. Time to dust off the old musical instruments tucked behind the wardrobe, dig up the colored chalks and pencils, wonder beneath the breathless sky. Your inner muse awaits as Venus turns within.
connecting: Even without social distancing, we often find it difficult to connect with others during the retrograde phases of Venus. We are all turning within for this important inner work. The distance from others could feel at times as if it is immense and insurmountable. But truly some of our deepest connections can also be made at these times, because never are we so connected with our true heart’s yearnings as when Venus is in its retrograde phase. It’s also a good reminder during this period, that even though we may be separated from one another, we are not alone.
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: