August 28th ~ September 4th
Storm on the Sea at Night by Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky
Cold hearted orb that rules the night, Removes the colors from our sight. Red is gray and yellow white. But we decide which one is right. And which is an illusion? ~ Graham Edge (The Moody Blues)
The Full Moon on September 1st-2nd is in mystical and compassionate Pisces. It is exactly sextile illuminating Uranus which is beckoning us to open our eyes. Open our eyes, because as the Full Moon falls at the midpoint of the Mars/Saturn square, we can more acutely feel, see, hear, sense the pain and misery of the world. It also opens a portal that will help us to transcend it.
In time of change and uncertainty the first feeling many may feel is of floundering in a sea, and trying to regain our footing. But ironically when we are willing to let go of the comfort of the shore, that is when we are most likely to realize our greatest potential. Aligning our lives with our highest ideals, and formulating our goals in terms of these will serve as our lodestar going forward. Ultimately it can also allow us to live a life of deeper meaning. In the few days leading up to the Full Moon on September 1st- 2nd, allow yourself to pause. Reorient yourself. Ask yourself: What does it mean for you to live a more spiritually meaningful life and lifestyle? Everyone has their own spiritual journey, and there are different roads to get there. Which is the road that you would choose for yourself? How can you walk the walk as well as talk the talk?
The Full Moon in Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, which are currently sextile one another. Jupiter is in the last few weeks of its retrograde phase, while Neptune, also retrograde, is swimming deeply in the illusive tides of Pisces along with the Full Moon. In the light of the moon we are being asked to make space for our big vision, to allow ourselves to be enchanted, to find deeper meaning. But not to get lost in it. There are other worlds beyond the worlds we see. A place where we can transcend reality and identify with a more ideal, more ethereal reality. This is not just about trying to escape a reality filled with discontent. This is about transcending reality, stepping back and observing, in order to participate in a more caring and compassionate world.
Like the eye in the storm, the sanctuary in the middle of a war torn village, a place of respite in the midst of turmoil, the Full Moon sits at the mid-point of the Mars/Saturn square. Can we find that place of peace and refuge in the middle of strife and discontent? Can we find détente in the midst of tension and stress? Can we transcend divisiveness, anger and conflict?
Full Moons are often emotional and reactive. But if we can use this Moon as an opportunity to connect with our highest ideals, perhaps we can then also have a deeper compassion for the broken-ness of the world. This Full Moon serves as a doorway to that place where we all share space. That place where we recognize that we are all swimming in this same Ocean of Life together. And where we can also come to understand that when one of us is harmed, we are all harmed. Where one soul is lost, we are all lost. We are being asked to look for that place where there is no true division between I and thou. Even, and especially in the eye of the storm.
You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop. ~ Rumi
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: