January 8th ~ 15th
(The Imaginary Foundation)
In the chaos of difficulty at the beginning, order is already implicit. So too the superior person has to arrange the inchoate profusion of such times of beginning, just as one sorts out silk threads from a knotted tangle and binds them into skeins. In order to find one’s place in the infinity of being, one must be able both to separate and to unite. ~ The I Ching
And so it begins. We are in a time of transition, and we stand here in awe on the very brink of a new era, with all of the attending drama and mayhem. Jupiter and Saturn made their grand entrance in the night sky on the Solstice, foreshadowing that future. But change is never easy. There are growing pains. And there will be resistance. The problem is, whenever Uranus gets thrown into the equation, as it is this coming year, it is very hard to determine what sorts of changes are going to occur, and what will be the consequences of those changes. Jupiter and Uranus are going to perfect their square on January 17th, shortly after Uranus makes its direct station on the 14th. Throw in some Mercury and Mars this week, and we are in for an unpredictable wave of volatility and change. And this is all we’re going to be talking about. Hang on to your hats, everyone. We still have a few weeks more to get through this wave.
Whenever Uranus stations we are subject to instability. Planets tend to have a stronger influence as they station. All the more so when we have this confluence of planetary aspects converging on what looks like a potentially explosive situation. All of the energy that has been incubating and marinating during the retrograde phase of Uranus, is now being unleashed. Positively, these are the sorts of transits that allow dynamic and progressive changes to occur. They shake us out of our lethargy, and inspire us to search for innovative solutions. However, with the number of planets involved in this picture, it can also easily devolve into chaos. So we need to navigate this weather very carefully. It can bring progress. It can also bring chaos.
The Astrology: Once Jupiter and Saturn entered Aquarius in December, they applied to squares to Uranus. Squares are contentious. They show us where the tension is. They are uncomfortable, and demand some sort of action. On Wednesday, Mars entered Taurus and applied to a conjunction to Uranus, and squares to Jupiter and Saturn. Mars/Uranus is explosive. Even in staid and laid-back Taurus. Mars/Saturn is angry, and Mars/Jupiter wreaks of righteous indignation. Not a good combo. Even before Mars had entered Taurus, it was gathering all that fire out of the very last degree of Aries when the mob descended on the Capitol Building in Washington DC. And this is only the beginning. These transits will all tighten over the next few weeks, reaching a grand crescendo at the Full Moon on January 28th. There is more to come.
This is like a pressure cooker ready to explode. Mars/Jupiter/Uranus is impatient and impulsive. They can help to get us out of ruts, change outmoded systems, address old habits. It all depends on how we use it. But no matter what, the very definition of Uranian weather is fast, unexpected and unpredictable. Like a wild roller coaster of change, up one minute and down the next, there is no telling where this all will take us. And even though at times it may feel like we are being swept up into a maelstrom, try to stay at the center of the storm, knowing that the end result can bring incredible growth, opportunity and unexpected breakthroughs when we reach the other side.
We are entering an Aquarius era, filled with tremendous opportunity. But there are also pitfalls to watch for with any sign. Some of the pitfalls we need to watch for as we move into Aquarius:
Tribalism: Becoming further polarized and intolerant of other views. There can be the inclination to only want to associate and identify with one’s own group, and those people that hold the same world view.
Mob mentality: We lose our inhibitions when we get drawn into a collective mentality. This can happen in almost any group situation, but it is especially likely in a mob where emotions are heightened, and we are egged on by fear, panic, zealotry and anger. As a result we lose our individual motives are more likely to do things that we would never consider doing on our own. It is up to each of us to hold firm to our own humanity and ideals in order to guide our actions, even when under pressure to conform.
Instead seek to cultivate:
Social Causes: Groups can be dynamic and much good can be accomplished when moderated by cooler, more peaceful heads. For instance we can make positive social reforms when we work together in order to achieve a mutual positive goal.
The Greater Good: When we collaborate, we can more judiciously combine our knowledge and talents for the greater good of society as a whole. One of the highest expressions of Aquarius is having a vision for the future invested with universal and humanitarian ideals.
Even in the midst of all of this chaos and change, we are also being given an opportunity to heal and find grace. The sextile between Jupiter and Chiron that I spoke about last week, will perfect their sextile on the 11th. We’re all scurrying to find meaning and understanding and to make sense of the insensible. Guidance and wisdom is there if we pay attention. It will come in different forms for different people according to what each of us needs most. 2021 is indeed a transition year of change. But through this process we are also coming to adapt and find ourselves in the scheme of things: what we believe to be true; how we can apply our ideals and strive for self-improvement and healing; as well as opportunities for growth.
The day before the Uranus station we also have a New Moon in Capricorn on January 12-13th at 23º of Capricorn conjunct the planet Pluto. For the 13 years that Pluto has been in Capricorn it has exposed the underlying faults and decaying structures in society, and in our own lives. These can be our literal foundations, like the roads and highways, the government, governing parties, or the foundations of a building. These include time-honored traditions or monuments that may no longer represent who we are as a society. We create our own personal foundations upon which we rely and depend on for our sense of identity and security. They may have served a purpose at some time. But when these become outmoded or irrelevant, it’s time to create new and improved structures, systems and foundations, that are more sustainable, and that allow us to continue to grow and evolve.
It takes tremendous effort to change old habits and transform your life. This may even include a little pain and discomfort. But this process of change and transformation within our systems and structures of our lives is nothing less than the alchemical process of transforming lead into gold: rebuilding, rehabilitating and rebirthing. And like a butterfly leaving its cocoon of safety and familiarity, it is time to say goodbye to that which we have outgrown and no longer serves us, in order to build better, more reliable structures that we can depend on far into the future.
Commitments or resolutions made at the New Moon in Capricorn have a greater chance for longevity. It is said that the best way to reform a habit is to replace it with a better habit. If you truly wish to reform a habit, or improve an aspect of your life, rehabilitate, renovate or do a makeover, this would be a good Moon to initiate it. Clarify your goals, and explore what you might need to do to facilitate these. Do the research, and create a plan that you can live with. Tread carefully, and don’t allow your inner fears, demons or self-doubts dissuade you. With the New Moon in Capricorn, we place one foot in front of the other, day after day, until we finally reach our goals.
True transformation occurs only when we look at ourselves squarely and face our attachments and inner demons, free from the buzz of commercial distraction and false social realities. We have to retreat into our own cocoons and come face-to-face with who we are. We have to turn toward our own inner darkness. For only by abandoning its attachments and facing the darkness does the caterpillar’s body begin to spread out and find its light, beautiful wings begin to form. ~ Julia Butterfly Hill
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: