
February 5th ~ 12th

“Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose” by John Singer Sargent

“Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose” by John Singer Sargent

Harmony and understanding; Sympathy and trust abounding; No more falsehoods or derisions; Golden living dreams of visions; Mystic crystal revelation; And the mind’s true liberation… Aquarius. ~ Rado, Ragni & MacDermot

On February 11th, we have a New Moon in Aquarius. And what a New Moon it is. On the day of the New Moon we will have a total of 6 planets in Aquarius including the Sun and the Moon, with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. With the Great Conjunction on December 21st at 0º of Aquarius, we were already being launched into this new Aquarian paradigm. And now, with the New Moon we are being asked to further sow seeds into this new soil, enriched with an inspiring vision for the future, that can and will eventually give birth to a whole new era. Some have even referred to the next few years as being a rebirth, a new Renaissance period filled with the potential for cultural and scientific innovations.

We are just awash in Aquarius this week, for all the glory of it, as well as the not so glorious. The traditional planetary ruler of Aquarius, Saturn, will be square Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, for most of this year. So what we may notice at first are some of the difficulties that can arise with too much Aquarius: nihilism, anarchy, the wanton breaking of laws, extremist right or left-wing movements, divisiveness and a generalized feeling of chaos. And we will speak more on this Saturn/Uranus square next week when it is approaching its first exact square. But with Venus exactly conjunct Jupiter on the day of the New Moon (which also ushers in the Lunar New Year of the Metal Ox) one can’t help but feel wistfully hopeful outlook as we look towards the future. 

We are indeed experiencing growing pains, and will need to deal with the inevitable conflict that it brings. Periods of radical change will always meet resistance. But if we were to lean in to Aquarius, and come to recognize its true potential, there is no telling what we are capable of accomplishing. The Saturn/Uranus square, if anything, is pushing us to find creative solutions, to recognize our interconnectedness, and rejoice in our aspirations for the future. Meanwhile, a less obvious, but still relevant sextile between Saturn and Chiron are trying to guide us along the path, helping us to find our place in the new reality that is gradually coming into being. 

What we are being asked to cultivate through the Aquarius paradigm: 

Interdependence: What we become aware of through the Aquarius paradigm is how we are all so integrally connected. Everyone has something unique and valuable to contribute to society. And when that part is missing, we all feel its loss. It also becomes more apparent that when something happens in one part of the globe, it ultimately and eventually impacts everyone. This also extends to the idea of our interdependence with the environment, nature and the planet that we call home. 

Social Causes: When we work together for positive social movements, reforms and causes, we can achieve so much more collectively with each other, than we possibly can on our own. It also allows us to use our skills and expertise in a way that is collaborative and progressive, so that we can reach our goals faster and more reliably. 

Science and innovation: Things are never quite black and white, and often the best solution is somewhere in between, where we are compelled to look for creative and innovative solutions. In Aquarius we dare to look at things from another perspective, which allows us to see solutions where previously we only saw problems. Ultimately these pave the way for scientific and innovative advances that help to improve society. 

The Greater Good: Focusing on what is best for the group as a whole, not just a chosen few, or just our own chosen group. It becomes evident that what benefits the whole, benefits everyone. This global, universal perspective, is a hallmark of the Aquarius paradigm. 

Evolutionary growth: Aquarius is a sign that both values the past, as well as aiming to improve the future. The highest expression of Aquarius is the capacity to evolve and change society from within the existing systems, by improving those systems in order to serve the greater good. 

We’re seeing the world with plague eyes now. We’re all going through the same experiences. People in Seoul, Milan and New Jersey are connected by a virus that reminds us of the fundamental fact of human interdependence. ~ David Brooks (March 2020, just as Saturn was first entering Aquarius)

Some possible affirmations for the New Moon in Aquarius, on February 11, 2021, might be: 

  • May I be open to new and innovative ideas in order to find the best solutions to achieve my goals.

  • May I have the courage to release any self-limiting doubt, beliefs or behaviors that are standing in the way of my dreams.

  • Today is the first day of the rest of my life. May I choose to live it truly and authentically.

  • I vow to uphold the noble aspirations to defend equality and promote civil rights for each and all.

  • When I surround myself with those who share similar ideals, aspirations and hopes for the future, I find myself motivated and inspired to do good works.

For this week’s horoscopes, click below:


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