Astrology By Lauren

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The Taurus Ingress

April 16th ~ 23rd

“Spring” by Elisabeth Sonrel

Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth. ~ Walt Whitman 

Each year we look longingly and with anticipation to the verdant quietude of Taurus season, which currently taunts us by lurking just around the corner. Like an oasis wafted with breezes, and promises of leisurely days and personal indulgences, we have visions of putting our feet up and to relaxing into the decadence of our own making. This could almost even be true, if it were not for the fact that Taurus has had a rather unruly house guest rearranging all the furniture and unceremoniously upending our lives these past so many years. And he’s not planning on leaving any time soon. 

Uranus first entered Taurus in 2019 when Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano erupted, shooting a massive steam and ash cloud into the sky. This past week La Soufriere has been spewing its own plumes of sulfuric ash and gases on the idyllic island of St. Vincent and beyond. Taurus is where we normally don’t like things to change or be destabilized: the economy, our self-worth, our income, our personal stuff, those things that ground and define us, including the very Earth we rely on to support, feed and sustain us. Unpredictable and destabilizing Uranus by contrast is all about change and reformation. The more radical and freeing, the better.

Now this can be a good thing. Like creating a whole new plan to improve and modernize the infrastructure; or to look for new and innovative ways to restructure or revitalize the economy. We’ll be talking more on this over the next few weeks as first Venus, and then the Sun and Mercury shine a light on the prevailing Saturn/Uranus square. Once all 3 of these inner planets move into Taurus, we’re not only having to deal with Uranus, we’re also going to be squaring off with Saturn. The Sun and Mercury will both enter Taurus on Monday the 19th, but not without creating a bit of a kerfuffle before they even get there. 

Mercury, in mutual reception with that Out of Bound and raucous Mars in Gemini, are still stirring up gads of unrest in the world. All the more so as Sun/Mercury work their way through the last degrees of fiery and tempestuous Aries this weekend. It’s in the last degrees of the sign that these planets are giving their last retaliatory battle cries, even before they enter the halls of Taurus on Monday to help Uranus rearrange the furniture. It could feel like we’re needing to get all that Aries out of our system at once. And the more repressed, oppressed, bullied or defiled we feel, the louder will be the rallying cry. This is a defiant, incendiary and passionate cry, from the very depths of our own soul’s despair. Old wounds are being reopened, and will not be ignored. This is important, because it is showing us where the work really needs to be done. 

It will seem therefore that as we enter Taurus this year, it will be less about pairing the best wine with dinner, or languorous walks in the woods and gardens (though hopefully and thankfully some of that may slip in as well), as it will be about where and how we can make constructive and innovative changes in the structures, systems and habits of our lives. Where and how can we make changes that will pave the way for our own healing and evolutionary growth? And it’s not just about the improvement of society which is so sorely needed, but also the improvement of ourselves that we will be asked to focus on, in some of the most fundamental areas of our lives. 

For this week’s horoscopes, click below: