The New Moon in Aries 2021

April 9th ~ 16th

“Aries” by Johfra Bosschart

“Aries” by Johfra Bosschart

I am the one whose praise echoes on high. I adorn all the earth. I am the breeze that nurtures all things green. I encourage blossoms to flourish with ripening fruits. I am led by the spirit to feed the purest streams. I am the rain coming from the dew that causes the grasses to laugh with the joy of life. I am the yearning for good. ~ Hildegard von Bingen

The New Moon in the First sign of the Tropical Zodiac of Aries brings a surge of energy and an enthusiastic zest for life with all the potential that contains. It you’ve been feeling stuck or restrained, the New Moon in Aries aims to get you unstuck and moving again. Since the December Solstice all of the planets have been huddled together, just waiting with bated breath to break out, re-emerge back out of the safety of their cocoon and out into the open air. Mars, wild and unchained and Out of Bounds, has moved beyond the constraints of the huddle, and is daring us all to follow. 

Aries is a Mars sign, courageous, martial, raring to DO something. Out of Bound Mars boldly goes where others dare not, leaps into the fray, takes the initiative, and gets things moving. Mars is being even more emboldened this week by an optimistic, no holds barred, trine to Jupiter. Anything goes in this weather. And it can go very quickly. Even impulsively and naively. One of the dangers here is in rushing into things too quickly, and without thinking. In our impatience to be free of the constraints that bind us, to be unchained, we are in danger of not considering the consequences of our actions and behaviors. 

The planets are normally contained within certain latitudinal boundaries called declination. These extend 23º 27’ North and South of the celestial equator. Occasionally planets will stray beyond these parameters, and go Out of Bounds. When this happens these planets take on unusual characteristics that seem out of or beyond the norm. This can be a good thing, allowing for originality, new perspectives and a sense of adventure. It can also be inclined toward lawlessness, and a disregard for societal expectations and norms. When our warrior planet, the planet of action is out of bounds it can bring a bold and confident sense of adventure, and the courage to take on challenges. But it can also be impulsive, generally obnoxious, overly hasty, and inclined to blow up. It can even be dangerous and violent. Hence the need for caution, even as we are channelling the positive.

In the midst of all of this enthusiasm and hope for the future, are lurking some hidden dangers. These will be all the more so if individuals are feeling particularly oppressed, disempowered, disenfranchised or unseen. This can misdirect the energy, or it could be used in ways that can harm others. Eris, sister to Mars, is also in Aries and conjunct the Moon. And Eris is still within range (as it has been all this past year) to conspire with Pluto, and continue to wreak havoc upon the earth. This is why it is essential to use the energy wisely in order to keep old karmic seeds from ripening and having to face the consequences of actions and decisions being made now, as well as those made in the past. 

That being said this is still one of the most positive and progressive New Moons we’ve had in ages. If you can but channel even a portion of the forward momentum encapsulated in this Moon, you will be able to take hold of your life, launch it off into the vaulted skies, and watch with hope and anticipation as it unfolds. New Moons are times of renewal, new beginnings and affirmation. A New Moon in Aries is just invested with that extra dose of energy and fiery enthusiasm. Falling near the midpoint of a Mars/Jupiter trine it is further energized with hope, courage, and optimism, and interlaced with just enough righteousness and potential. 

Therefore use this New Moon energy, and use it well. Use its courage to step up to the plate and use its enterprising spirit to prove to the world what you have to offer. 

Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it may bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country. ~ Anaîs Nin 

The New Moon at 22º Aries 25’, occurs on Sunday, April 11th, 7:31 pm Pacific Time; 10:31 Eastern Time; and Monday, April 12th in the United Kingdom, at 3:31 AM. The New Moon phase lasts thru the Crescent Moon on April 15th, 10:58 pm Pacific Time; and April 16th 1:58 am Eastern; 6:58 am UK time. 

For next week’s horoscopes click below:


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