Mercury stations Retrograde in Eclipse Season

May 28th ~ June 4th

Hermes by W.B. Richmond

Hermes by W.B. Richmond

Just so. Opening your eyes is all that is needing. The heart lies and the head plays tricks with us, but the eye sees true. Look with your eyes. Hear with your ears. Taste with your mouth. Smell with your nose. Feel with your skin. Then comes the thinking afterward, and in that way knowing the truth. ~ George R. R. Martin

And so we stand here in this space between the Lunar and Solar Eclipse. And within this time of inevitability, where the tables turn, time seems to stand still, and our karma unfolds, Mercury is stationing retrograde in Gemini. Mercury stations at 24º Gemini 43’, only a few degrees from the Gemini Solar Eclipse on June 10th, at 19º Gemini 42’. Mercury is here to declare that what must be, must be.

As Mercury has slowed for its station, over these past few weeks, it has also been closing in on a (90º) square aspect to Neptune which was and will be exact on May 22nd and June 5th. All these: the Eclipses, the station of Mercury, its retrograde phase, and the squares to Neptune are all casting a shadow of confusion, uncertainty, doubt; and yet also a compelling yearning to explore the unknown, the mysterious and the sublime. Neptune speaks to a realm far beyond the reaches of this earthly plane. Eclipse seasons also can feel as if they are outside the usual boundaries of space and time. And as Mercury now stations in Gemini, it too, is trying to show us that the only real time we ever really have, is Now. 

Mercury will continue to be within close range of its square to Neptune until the New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10th. Anyone who has sensitive points in their natal charts between 19 and 25º of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) will feel the profound uncertainty of these weeks with a deeper intensity. This is when we ask: Who am I? What am I? What is my purpose? Where is this Path taking me? However, we will all be aware of it in some way in our lives. Know that as Mercury stations this week, we will also be feeling a bit like things are getting lost in translation. That the answers to our questions are dissolving and receding from view. In this weather it is easy for the truth to be clouded by our own inaccurate perceptions. Even the very things that we believe to be true can be preventing us from seeing what is actually true! 

Therefore it is most important to not make assumptions or any major decisions based on those assumptions. Truth and information, Facts and communications, will all get twisted and turned on their heads in this weather. Clarity may not even begin to resume until (at the very least) the Solar Eclipse on June 10th, or not even until Mercury stations direct again on June 22nd. This could prove to be confounding and bewildering as we try to get on with our everyday lives. But it can also be deeply compelling.

These periodic Mercury retrograde phases are essential for our own mental and psychological well-being and understanding. These are periods of assimilation and inner reflection, where we sift through the experiences of our lives. This is how we learn, and grow, and evolve. Therefore it always behooves us to allow more time for inner reflection during any Mercury retrograde period. 

There is another reason for us to go within right now. And that is to seek our own heart center. This is because before we can make any important decisions, before we can decide the path we should take at the fork in the road, we first need to know ourselves. And once we come to know ourselves, then we will know what will bring us our greatest fulfillment. It’s like connecting to your own inner navigational system, your own inner guides, your own inner lodestar. And once you make that connection then you will better know which path to take going forward. 

We are being shown right now, that the answers are not to be found outside in the turmoil and contradiction of the outside world. The answers will be found within. It is typical to feel as if we are being overwhelmed with too many answers, too much information, but not what we actually need to know. 

Our homework for this week and next, is to take a few minutes (or more) each day to facilitate a deeper connection with your own heart center. The way to do so could be quite different for each of us. 

For Fire Signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) that might mean going for a walk, or some other solitary activity, at your own pace, undistracted by your environment, people and things, in order to be able to hear your own heart and your own thoughts. Allow the everyday thoughts and to-do lists to drift away, until you are left with what is most essential to you now. Observe these without judgment, and without narrative. 

For Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) you might want to find your own special place, perhaps where you can immerse your senses in nature, surrounded and supported by the natural elements. Feel the earth beneath your feet supporting you, the breath of the air on your skin soothing and quieting you, and simply be in the present moment. 

For Air Signs (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) that may mean turning off all distractions and voices of others in order to hear the voice within. What is your Higher Self trying to tell you? This is a still small voice that cannot normally be heard in the busyness of our normal lives. Look for it in the Silence, in your Dreams and in your own heart.

For Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) you are being asked to listen to and trust your gut, your instincts your feelings and your intuition. Don’t try to question, to fear, to negate or criticize, or even make sense of these feelings. Just Be with yourself in quietude. The making sense part will come later. 

Don’t expect instant understanding. In this weather, we are more likely to not be able to make sense of what we hear, and think we know. Clarity will probably come later. 

Mercury will be in its retrograde phase from May 29th, thru June 22nd. Mercury will continue to be square Neptune within close range thru June 10th. 

What to watch for in this weather: 

  • Confusion and misconception are likely to be rampant. Communications can be easily misinterpreted especially if taken out of context. Don’t take things personally or mis-read them.

  • Beware of saying things that could prove to be regrettable. Nor should you necessarily believe everything you hear. Facts and information can more easily get lost in translation.

  • Self-doubt and worry can arise. Don’t believe it. Avoid negativity, trolls and vipers who deliberately push your buttons.

  • If at all possible, wait until clarity resumes before making important decisions.

What this weather is good for: 

  • Taking time out from the busyness of our lives for personal reflection, and connecting with your own heart center.

  • Any activities that you find enhances a connection with intuition, higher self, the unconscious mind: that can include things like reflection, meditation, dream work, the I Ching, the Tarot, or other modalities.

  • Looking for activities and techniques that will decrease stress and increase inspiration, connection, and a state of inner peace: Yoga or other mind-body activities, Meditation, Quiet Walks, Mindfulness and Being Present.

  • Allowing yourself to dream, to wonder, to imagine. Read a good book. See a great movie. Be inspired.

  • Seek inspirational venues and activities and inspire others: music, song, poetry, art, museums, sacred spaces and out of the way places. Sing, dance, paint, play music, pray, chant, invent, create.

  • Take a trip to nowhere: Wander, Hike, day trip. Sometimes it helps to allow ourselves to get a little lost in order to find ourselves again.

In the end it would be better to surrender before you begin. Be lost and then you will not care if you are ever found. ~ Victoria Schwab

In the News: 

We are in Gemini season after all, and who better to deliver the news than our own newshound and messenger, Mercury in Gemini: In 2011, when Neptune first entered Pisces this time around, I posted a blog about Neptune in its previous run of Pisces (1848-1862). This was when I first wrote about the unintentional saving of the whales. Neptune has domain over the oceans, the waters, as well as the creatures of the sea. It also has domain over oil. In the middle of the 19th century, due to the increased use of ‘kerosene’ and the ability to ‘fractionate’ oil, oil and kerosene would soon replace our reliance on whale oil as an energy source. This was a godsend for the whales who had been hunted nearly to extinction. But it then would lead to another environmental conundrum as we have become increasingly dependent on fossil fuels. I pondered at the time, whether with this next transit of Neptune in Pisces, we would finally see the end of our reliance on oil and the other fossil fuels, preferably replaced with more sustainable solutions. 

On Wednesday, in a first of its kind ruling, a Dutch court decided that Shell Oil is partially responsible for climate change. With that ruling the company was ordered to sharply reduce its carbon emissions and change its whole energy plan. Only hours later in the US, after an activist investor won a few seats on Exxon’s board, and then a similar story for Chevron, these companies are now going to be pressured, by their own investors, to also change their fossil-fuel focused strategy. Thank you Mercury stationing in Gemini (in the News!) square Neptune in Pisces (Oil), for this interesting, and ‘game changing’ (Eclipse Season) update. 

For next week’s horoscopes, click below:


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