Saturn square Uranus

June 11th ~ 18th

costume design for a bacchante by Leon Bakst

costume design for a bacchante by Leon Bakst

May we grow back, not to what was, but instead towards what we can become. 

Even as many are probably still rocking and reeling from the Eclipses and Mercury is still retrograde, Saturn and Uranus are now going to be perfecting the second of 3 squares on June 14th. Like nails drawn across a chalkboard, or a nagging toothache reaching its crescendo, humanity is standing at a threshold between an old order and a new one, and it could be feeling a little edgy. In some cases the threshold has already been crossed. Rules are being broken, paradigms are changing, and glass ceilings are being shattered. In some cases we will welcome some of these changes with open arms; while others could feel like our lives, our cherished dreams, and all that we were once so familiar with is now feeling threatened or destabilized. 

These transits can often bring conflict, both in society and our lives. People seem poised on either side of the divide, either politically, economically or ideologically. Saturn has to do with control, and at the extreme in this weather can devolve into authoritarianism. Uranus is about freedom, which often does raise issues surrounding civil rights in this weather, but can also devolve into nihilistic populism. But these periods can also have to do with creative solutions major social reforms, and technological advances. The solutions are not always a matter of right or wrong, or this or that. Often the solutions are related to some sort of inevitable evolutionary growth, or a transitional phase of some of this and some of that, or having to create a totally new path all its own. 

If change is well nigh due, but has been resisted, a certain restlessness will arise. This is especially true if you have outgrown your current situation, or it feels oppressively confining. This is when you know that some sort of change needs to occur. Not doing so will make you feel like you are stagnating and unable to evolve or grow. In this case, the Saturn element could feel oppressive, and will feel like some sort of controlling or limiting agent. Sometimes, and this is often true with the squares, those limitations are self-imposed due to certain responsibilities, obligations or promises that must be seen through to their conclusion. 

In other situations you may find yourself trying to adjust to changes as they are being imposed on you or you graduate to a new station in life, you move to a new town, get a new job. The changes were already in the works, and you’re now trying to find your footing, find your place in the world even in the midst of what can feel like chaos and change. In extreme situations you might feel so out of your comfort zone, you find yourself flailing about looking for something to hold on to, and just about ready to have a panic attack. There can even be situations in which you feel that all that you were once so familiar with feels threatened or destabilized. 

It depends on which needs more tending to, the Saturn stabilizing element, or the reactionary Uranus element of change. And it could happen that one is stronger in one area of your life while the other is needing attention in another department of your life. But inevitably, and often despite ourselves, these are usually times of growth and change. And the more we resist these changes, the more likely that the hard stuff comes up. Kind of like a pressure cooker. If it isn’t vented properly, it could explode. 

This is the 2nd of 3 squares that are being made this year. The first was in February. We have this one now and the 3rd will be in December. With Saturn currently retrograde, there could be this feeling of needing to prepare. Perhaps even needing to prepare before you even have a plan. We’re all internally reevaluating our current situations, and with all the uncertainty still blowing in the wind, we may feel a little hard pressed to make any hard decisions right now.

Therefore seek the middle path, and the eye of the storm. We may not entirely know where everything is going to fall, when all is said and done, so this all requires a little patience and circumspection. Taking each day, one day at a time, and focusing on what is right in front of us right now, may be the best way to handle things, while still making time and space to connect with ourselves (our heart center, our core values and priorities). And before you know it, we’ll have made it to the other side. 

For next week’s horoscopes, click below:


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