Neptune stations Retrograde 2021

June 25th ~ July 2nd


Hidden by diaphanous clouds of mist and fog floating gracefully over vales of heather and flowing runnels, she began to dance. ~ Lawren Leo

On June 25th, Neptune stations retrograde. It can often feel as if some of the more insidious aspects of Neptune arise first when Neptune stations retrograde: helplessness, loss, surrender, despair and the feeling of just dissolving into the watery, emotional depths. Perhaps this is even more so for some, as Neptune was so entangled in the recent retrograde phase of Mercury and with the Solar Eclipse on June 10th. And then Jupiter only just stationed retrograde as well in Neptune’s watery domain of Pisces. Stationary Neptune is so much the diaphanous clouds of mist and fog floating gracefully over vales. And yes it can bring tears, and so much about uncertainty, deception and that which hides behind the veil. But Neptune is also about that which is sacred.

He wept, and it felt as if the tears were cleansing him, as if his body needed to empty itself. ~ Lois Lowry

With Neptune stations come an increased sensitivity to our feelings, our senses, and our intuition. It dissolves boundaries and blurs edges. We become that much more aware of the suffering in the world and in your own lives. We weep. We can also be in thrall of the Neptunian need to escape and disappear, to find ways to drown our sorrows. We despair. This is especially so if we lose touch with our own inner Neptune, with Spirit, with Soul, that Higher Self, our inner Guides, our Heart, our foremost Ideals. Not having that connection will feel like something very important is missing from our lives.

Therefore whatever road is required of you, whatever means that draws you to pay attention to and connect with that inner divine spark, that sensitive nature within, is calling you now, whether that be a spiritual practice, the arts, a creative experience, compassionate service, prayer, a sacred place, practice or experience.. we are all being called to work on that connection to our inner Neptune. 

Some of the ways we make that connection is through our intuition, our inner psychic senses, that inner voice, conscience, what your heart is telling you, all that which tunes you in to see or sense what is going on around you. Neptune speaks in whispers, through our dreams, and through subtle signs. It is the voice of the poet, the palette of the artist, the birdsong on the breeze, and the laughter of children. It is during the 5 months that Neptune is in its retrograde phase that we are urged to cultivate that connection to Neptune. But it is at its stations, such as now, that we feel its presence so acutely. 

For those who are already sensitive and vulnerable, these periods can feel overwhelming and draining. Therefore do not overload it even further. Minimize intoxicants or mind altering substances; avoid disturbing, depressing, poisonous or draining people and circumstances if it can be helped. The key is to feed your psychic and spiritual nature during this critical time of the year, not poison, drain or avoid it. 

Neptune softens boundaries and increases our senses, which also increases our connections with others, with our kindred souls, with all of humanity and Life. It can bring this vulnerability. But it is also the basis for compassion and understanding our interconnectedness. Neptune rules the oceans and the waters, and Neptune makes it more apparent that we are all swimming in the same vast Ocean of Life together. 

Neptune also has domain over mists and fogs and mirages and the imagination. It can feel as if we are being cast out on to the sea without any of the usual means of steering or navigating our boat. We are taunted by visions and are not quite sure where we are headed, but are being asked to have faith that the vessel will bring us where we need to go. The fog hides the stars and we lack a compass, but what we do have is our connection to our heart center, and it is that which will guide us even in the most confounding times of uncertainty. This is why we are called to make that connection to our own inner Neptune during these critical retrograde periods each year. 

Neptune will be retrograde from June 25th thru December 1st this year. Some ways that we can cultivate Neptune in positive ways over the next 5 months: 

  • ✴Pay attention to your dreams: keep a dream diary or notepad by your bed. Investigate ways to cultivate your dreams and dream world.

  • ✴Spiritual retreats or practices that appeal to you or call you. That includes yoga, or other mind/body practices; or finding inspiring or sacred places of worship, spirituality.

  • ✴Meditation: this is a good time to take your practice even deeper. To commune with self on these very deep levels.

  • ✴Music; Dance; poetry jams, recitals. That which touches your heart and makes it sing. Art museums, any museum, that which inspires you and calls. See good movies, go to the theater if you can. Take photos.

  • ✴Doing Art: you don’t have to do it well, just do it or experience it. Open your imagination. Unlock the right side of your brain. Take a pottery class. Paint by number, paint your house.

  • ✴Divination: finding ways to make that connection to spirit, whether that is thru the tarot, the I Ching, using the pendulum, or some other means that calls you.

  • ✴Compassion in Action: volunteer, donate, pay it forward. Do a favor for a neighbor. Connecting to Neptune is that feeling in your heart that you get when you do a good deed.

  • ✴Getting in touch with your highest ideals and honoring them, even if you cannot fulfill them right away.

  • ✴Swimming, walking near the sea, immersing yourself in the beauty and profundity of nature. Neptune is what you feel when you see the sun rise, or notice the dew on the petal of a flower. That is what we are trying to connect to.

For next week’s horoscopes, click below:


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